Read your horoscope for November 2024 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
- 1st November 2024
- By Kimberly Peta Dewhirst
19 minute read
Read your horoscope for November 2024 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
19 minute read
Darling, your horoscope for November 2024 awaits!
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The New Moon on the 1st invites you to take stock of important contracts, commitments or emotional ties.
Acknowledge what you need from people, honing in on spaces and secrets shared, and what you’ve accomplished. Sense intimate involvements at work, at home, in your romantic or private life. Consider a fresh start that also encompasses feelings of completion.
Family, a property or domestic environments may be significant, with tension on the 3rd between who you’ve established yourself to be (outwardly), and what you’re striving for personally. Avoid struggling to prove your status, reputation or clout. You’ve likely done plenty that others recognise, with your value impossible to ignore on the 22nd.
This month has the potential to be confronting, as you look to the future, coming together with those well-placed for long-term plans. Lean into artistic outlets or spiritual practices that have proven to work well for you.
The stars highlight your playful, passionate side in November too. Have fun, expressing your creativity, amplifying projects that inspire you. Explore the bigger picture, seize upon growth opportunities, listening to other perspectives; connect to a global education and romance yourself, Aries! Touch on bright ideas on the 17th and 18th, open to rethinking your outlook from the 26th. Be aware that complications could arise around travel plans from this time.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the evening of the 21st, signalling relief, enjoyment, and a broadening of your horizons. Cultures and philosophies that are not your own are likely to move you, with the 26th and 27th enlivening!
The Taurus Full Moon on the evening of the 15th illuminates your financial contribution, your self-worth and the professional or public role you uphold. This is an incredible moment to reflect on how far you’ve come, advancing in a practical fashion.
Relationships are important in November, Taurus. Bring awareness to significant others, partners and importantly to investments made in key unions. An agreement, pact or promise may stand out, so reflect on what’s shared, what you stand to gain or lose, and obligations to others over the longer-term.
There may be soul-searching underway that’s been an important theme this year. A secret project, personal reflections or transitions could have prompted you to draw back into solitude. Perhaps you’ll find it’s appropriate to explore certain commitments in your private life.
Family, a property or the notion of home may provide you with the stimulus or motivation to address who and what you trust. Connect to what’s hidden, unconscious, or, to activity unfolding behind the scenes. By the end of the month you could be securely attached or confident where you stand with important figures.
On the 15th, a Full Moon in your sign illuminates’ changes made at a personal level.
Grapple with all you do differently, how shifts in your identity are paying off, or what still needs some adjustment.
Your perspective on the world and its people has likely transformed, and the second half of the month invites you to appreciate and improve your outlook on life. Global settings and opportunities you’ve embraced may see you knowledgeable! Perhaps you’ve explored ways to publish, understand other philosophies and schools of wisdom. Identify your beliefs, with friends internationally cheering you on.
The 22nd is a particularly favourable day to step into your community with something wonderful to share, announce or put forward. Note the 9th is more challenging in a social setting, given sensitive subjects you’re engrossed with. By the end of the month you could be keen to connect to loyal confidants that empathise and can work with you.
As the month begins, your health, work life, systems of upkeep and wellness may be topical, Gemini. Think about personal maintenance, your diet and bodily constitution, think about your employment, routines and how you manage day-to-day.
Connect to long-term goals and aspirations, ways you’ve advanced along your path as a parent, professional or gaining notoriety. Your reputation and the impression you make may be prominent, with a sense of renewal and awareness of great progress.
Find ways to delegate, attuned to finances, your commitments and your position at large, notice your perception of your public profile or career. Dream big about what you might accomplish, and notice who and what you really trust, or can rely on.
Be aware of habits that require consistency on the 4th, and be realistic about your successes and a private oath on the 22nd. Notice who has been instrumental in helping you get this far – succumb to others input, accept their part!
Relationships are prominent in November, with engagement high. Find you’re open to a partner’s thoughts, involved with their ideas and conversation starters. Listen, ready to participate in important talks or discussions.
Social activity is likely a hot topic, with increasing closeness to members of your team or community. Being part of a group or devoting attention to friends (and even strangers) in your network has been a year-long theme.
You can now embrace the most important figures from your wider circle, connected to a neighbourhood, club or hangout. Note from the 26th complexity arises in one-to-ones, so anticipate retracing your steps in key debates, discourse or exchanges.
The 15th warrants a pause. Take time out, with a Full Moon in your house of subconscious healing and closure. This may be a moment to grapple with changes you’ve made in private.
Scorpio Season spices up your sense of creativity, not to mention matters of love, sex, fertility, artistry, performance and play dates! As the month begins, set your sights on all that inspires you – aspirations that are authentic and resonate with your true identity.
You may be motivated to have fun, enjoy pet projects and pursue your destiny with a partner.
However, note what you’re striving for might not land perfectly with a significant other on the 3rd. Be sure to discuss important points on the 1st and 2nd, aware that conversations go deep. There’s the propensity to uncover secrets, hidden agendas or your fantasies. Show your natural sensitivity and you’ll easily get on the same page as your mate, both enjoying a common goal.
Your dreams may require discipline, commitment and consistency, and importantly might insist you collaborate to really go the distance.
The Full Moon on the 15th illuminate’s community, particularly your place within a group dynamic or social sphere, and how you’ve changed or altered your understanding of friendship. It’s likely key people stand out, making introductions or facilitating team spirit.
Relationships are likely to improve from mid-month, with greater mutual understanding and rapport, particularly on the 22nd. Savour important unions and what you’re experiencing together!
Finances and the position you’re in are also worthy of your attention in November. You could be motivated to advance personally or professionally, with a great focus on your job from the 21st. Spotlight how you manage your income and the day-to-day.
A challenge could be felt in the way you operate. You’re likely moving ahead with ambition, yet find yourself somewhat unable to be truly productive. The 9th, 17th, 18th, 27th and 30th highlight lifestyle issues that may need a rethink.
Home and your private life is likely spotlighted entering November. You could be engrossed in a fresh start where you reside, rest or work, and in your approach to domesticity.
Find clarity early in the month regards your lifestyle, health journey, general upkeep or routines. Balance how you take the pressure off and when it’s necessary to get busy.
Family may be touched on too – commitments, emotional ties or dependencies. Pay attention to those you rely on, with important conversations taking place.
Highlight contracts, pacts or intimate agreements on the 4th, 11th and 12th, and anticipate progress after the 15th, a turning point that brings you recognition. This mid-month point sees a Full Moon that illuminates your path in the public eye, your vocation and important changes or adjustments around your reputation, status or career. It’s not all smooth sailing, as the 17th could see you conflicted in terms of household matters and what you’re trying to accomplish.
From the evening of the 21st your talents or sources of joy are important. A playful sense of fun, liberated pleasure and hobbies, the arts, vacations or children are prominent. Be sure to romance yourself and others!
Let your passions take hold on the 22nd, and by the 30th you could find your happiness feels foremost. Yet be open to rethinking who or what makes you smile. Travel, personal growth and your own development plays into personal gratification. A journey or quest for meaning from the past year could now make sense, affirming risks you’ve taken or a course of understanding that inspires you.
It could be complex balancing friendships, community and ‘team spirit’ with what you want, particularly on the 17th, 18th and generally later in the month. Recognise individuals that endorse your desires on the 21st.
Communications, writing projects, your skillset and the way you relate to important figures is foremost entering November, Virgo.
Articulate what you want early in the month. Verbalise your desires, what inspires you and all you’re passionate about. Relationships play into these outlets for self-expression, be it artistic projects, hobbies, even a vacation, sport or opportunity to play. Note what you’re craving, your sexuality, fertility or what you want to make, conceive or produce.
Embrace a transformation around your happiness, love life and avenues that lead to gratification. A community, your peers or network could be important, with discussions or interactions that involve a much wider circle.
Yet you’ll want to balance your social activity, publicity, and your private, personal life (which isn’t easy on the 3rd).
The Full Moon on the 15th touches on travel, global relations and experiences with people who are different to you. Something (or someone that’s) loved, cherished or adored is included in the picture, so acknowledge your worldly outlook and what you’ve come to know and understand about your affections.
From this point unions can move forwards. If you’ve been patiently waiting or working hard around one-to-ones, expect progress in partnerships from this point, and positivity on the 22nd.
Safety and stability is also an important topic in November: home, family or domestic environments. Find yourself connecting to a parent, landlord or contemplating the past.
There may be a sense of closure, acceptance and reason to step back into solitude, healing or isolating. A secret, confidential matter could be apparent, with something kept under wraps. Look to trust that’s been forged this year, private agreements initiated and agreements reached. Broach intimacy issues and financial obligations, bravely facing your vulnerabilities head on. It’ll take time to figure out the details of household matters, so practice patience!
November could be incredibly social, Libra. You’re encouraged to connect to those with a shared or similar mindset, be it siblings, neighbours, close contacts or friends in your local area. Your skillset, writing projects, teaching, learning, and even responding to people digitally could be a prominent theme.
Get active in a team, group, community or among your peers from the 5th, allowing significant relationships to widen your circle.
However, pause on the 3rd and 18th, reflecting on the bigger picture. Communication is now key, with major growth experienced since summer thanks to situations (or people) opening up your outlook on life. These dates could have you questioning what you know, understand or believe to be true.
Be willing to revise or review what’s be discussed from the 26th. Month-end puts human relations in the spotlight, with those in your network prompting you to acknowledging your own happiness. Pay attention to individuals that stand out!
Security, stability, personal resources and family settings are also important in November.
With your ruler Venus moving into Capricorn on the evening of the 11th, you’re invited to connect to domestic environments, home and your private life. Be ultimately confident in changes made to your foundations, and of your role within your household or office spaces.
The Full Moon on the 15th illuminates’ what you’ve committed to and who you can trust, while on the 22nd it could be apparent there’s support available. This could make it easier to pledge your loyalties to a job, healthy habits or place of employment.
Anticipate frustrations toward the 9th, when you could be in demand and overwhelmed.
This could be a challenging day, reminding you of your lifestyle, wellness practices or routine maintenance that must be upheld for your sake.
Early November we’ve a new beginning – a New Moon in your sign resets the dial on the 1st, inspiring you to focus on personal intentions, your dreams and happiness.
Find clarity around what you think and believe about the world and its people, with relationship significant. There may be incredibly poignant realisations, deep insights, revelations and conversations taking place. Consider what you’ve come to know!
From the 4th you may be inclined to focus on the path ahead, with awareness around your job, habits, duties and carving out the right reputation for you. How you get things done and manage life day-to-day could bring you prominence or success.
Everyday tasks, routines, health issues and workloads might ache to be addressed – be aware of the inclination to tackle your public profile and direction head on.
Step up, focused on what you’re keen to accomplish! Tend to your own interests, what you have, and yet don’t forget about the ways you profit or gain through partnering.
Finances and what you possess or make could be pertinent, what you own and earn might be a talking point. This is in contrast to all you’ve been learning about togetherness. Perhaps you’ve been exploring trust, dependencies and what’s shared. Consider your solo contribution, your own income or input, not forgetting joint plans, commitments and agreements on the 17th and 18th. This could be challenging from the 26th!
The Full Moon on the 15th touches relationships and changes experienced one-on-one.
Look to your rapport in love, business, with best friends or significant others, aware of what’s different. Your connection and communication is foremost! Affections, desires and what you want makes sense from this point, so move ahead with those in your local area supporting your passion projects, artistic talents, your fertility, children or sense of joy.
Take a pause early in November, Sagittarius.
You could be profoundly aware of commitments, obligations, promises made, and of home or family life. You may have been motivated to invest time, energy or money, coming together to gain security, a foothold or place to settle.
Agreements, contracts or a pact may now have an element of secrecy, confidentiality or sensitivity. Note the potential for hidden agendas, covert discussions, unspoken expectations, or ideas that are private. However, know there’s reason to be optimistic and hopeful about a new beginning, given all that’s been established.
Lean into intimacy, sacred spaces and trust. Let go of what’s beyond your control, be it jointly held resources, another person’s spending or projections of the future.
The Full Moon on the 15th illuminates alternative habits, innovative health practices, a changed employment set-up or radically different duties now undertaken. Allow this mid-month lunation to move you forward in your day-to-day and domestic life.
Complications could arise in one-to-ones on the 17th, 18th and from the 26th, with a partner reacting to what you’re expressing and articulating, or there may be miscommunications responding to a significant other.
Be aware of how you get on the same page as others – creatively inspired, through passion projects, fun hobbies or by putting children first. Romance, sexuality or honesty may provide the sweet spot!
There’s opportunity for heart fuelled adventures, either an individual experience or in tandem with a significant other. Enjoy educational journeys, fall head over heels for someone different, embark on a quest for knowledge or travel!
Exposure yourself to cultures and philosophies, waking up to other perspectives.
Broadcast your talents, show off what makes you happy and greet the world with a playful, childlike wonder. Find your way in relationships, reflecting on how much more there is to discover. Take a pause early in November, Sagittarius.
You could be profoundly aware of commitments, obligations, promises made, and of home or family life. You may have been motivated to invest time, energy or money, coming together to gain security, a foothold or place to settle.
Agreements, contracts or a pact may now have an element of secrecy, confidentiality or sensitivity. Note the potential for hidden agendas, covert discussions, unspoken expectations, or ideas that are private. However, know there’s reason to be optimistic and hopeful about a new beginning, given all that’s been established.
Lean into intimacy, sacred spaces and trust. Let go of what’s beyond your control, be it jointly held resources, another person’s spending or projections of the future.
The Full Moon on the 15th illuminates alternative habits, innovative health practices, a changed employment set-up or radically different duties now undertaken. Allow this mid-month lunation to move you forward in your day-to-day and domestic life.
Complications could arise in one-to-ones on the 17th, 18th and from the 26th, with a partner reacting to what you’re expressing and articulating, or there may be miscommunications responding to a significant other.
Be aware of how you get on the same page as others – creatively inspired, through passion projects, fun hobbies or by putting children first. Romance, sexuality or honesty may provide the sweet spot!
There’s opportunity for heart fuelled adventures, either an individual experience or in tandem with a significant other. Enjoy educational journeys, fall head over heels for someone different, embark on a quest for knowledge or travel!
Exposure yourself to cultures and philosophies, waking up to other perspectives.
Broadcast your talents, show off what makes you happy and greet the world with a playful, childlike wonder. Find your way in relationships, reflecting on how much more there is to discover.
Consider a new approach to friends, groups and communities on the 1st, Capricorn. You may feel personally connected to your network or social scene (including online). Seize your chance to share a message among those likeminded!
Words of wisdom are pronounced early in the month, with, your influence among kindred spirits underscored on the 4th. This could be a fortifying day to affirm ideas, thoughts, a skillset or neighbourly connections.
Commit to participating in broader circles, able to express yourself, teach or communicate.
Anticipate excitement in one-to-ones and your private life, with passions stirring in the weeks ahead. Conversations, meet-ups and intimate engagements could seem important, however, you could also crave time out to enjoy yourself, particularly on the 9th. It isn’t easy to disconnect on this day, so find ways to be present while honouring a process that’s yours alone.
The 15th is a turning point that breeds awareness of your own joy and happiness. Attune to radical changes made around pleasure, personal gratification, the arts, fertility and celebrations. There may be clarity pertaining to what and who you love, how to indulge and all that makes you smile. Your desires may also be apparent on the 22nd – treat yourself to something special!
November touches on trust, sacred bonds and important family or household interests.
Think of ways you’ve pivoted toward home or settled into self-care. Tend to a project out of sight, healing, escaping or unravelling, and yet balance your retreat and recovery with systems in place. You might have developed health or employment practices that are now questioned – don’t disregard what works!
Secret or confidential issues may warrant attention, important commitments can be broached that require revisions from the 26th. Address your expectations, what’s shared and try to let go of outcomes.
Forge ahead with newness around your career goals, status or reputation, Aquarius.
As we enter November you may be prominent at work or seen publicly – focus on long-term ambitions and how you want to be perceived! Conversation could revolve around compensation, your assets and financial position, as you pivot toward success…
Demonstrate efforts that see you rewarded in your day-to-day. You may have shown consistency regarding your health, wellness and routines. Connect to what makes sense for you personally, so that you might go the distance on your path, sustaining yourself.
Know you’re visible, and show awareness of what it takes to rise to prominence. Other people may be involved as you advance – appreciate how you might collaborate with a shared sense of authority.
You can turn a corner where your income and personal stability is concerned on the 15th, when the Full Moon illuminates household interests, a property or domestic settings. Touch on a changed or altered perception around how and where you live. Parents, the past or even your homeland could factor. This mid-month point (and the 22nd) could breed awareness of ways to live differently. Pull back in solitude, reflecting on private dreams and the more hidden parts of yourself.
Your relationship to peers, people in your network and community circles is also touched on this month. It’s a potentially dynamic in your most intimate unions. Select a worthy opponent or sparring partner!
Plenty may have transpired around communications in your environment, with your rapport and interpersonal skills a hot topic. Explore ways to broach close knit ties and sibling figures, open to a more personal connection. Later in the month your mate, best friend or a significant other could become more involved with your group. Expect complications as you explore the happiness of all parties.
Set your sights further afield early this month, Pisces, affirming passion projects, your creativity and work in the world. You’ve an adventurous fresh start thanks to the New Moon on the 1st, which could feel inspiring.
Sense where your actions are aligned with your dreams and vision. Turn towards people that support you in going the distance, and pursue your own happiness. Ideas that broaden your horizons can flourish, so announce, reveal or publish what you love and enjoy…
Notice interesting perspectives, sources of wisdom or educational paths that resonate with your philosophy, outlook and beliefs. Conversations with community members, peers or your network are worth paying attention to around the 4th.
Sense projects encouraging you to explore and grow!
From the 15th personal progress is indicated, with a changed mindset, connection or way of thinking apparent. Pay attention to news, communications, local environments, neighbours or close contacts. Recognise breakthroughs in your message, on social media, or thanks to rapport with friends.
After this point you could show greater resolve and consistency – boundaries may seem easier to uphold, responsibilities more manageable. Enjoy alliances, affiliations, and working or participating on a team.
Finances, your role and contribution have likely been a hot topic this year, and November amplifies the work you do.
Note a motivation to perform your duties, maintain positive habits or fulfil a position that raises your profile. Your career, professional life or public face could be important on the 26th and 27th. Get ahead by getting on top of health issues, systems and acquiring help.
Show up and show off, proudly demonstrating your efforts and success story. Just note you may have to rethink certain plans and moving parts as you direct attention towards your ambitions. Balance home and vocation, family and fame, your property and aspirations!
*Disclaimer: The details above have been created for promotional and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on it. *
Kimberly studied at the London School of Astrology and The Faculty of Astrological Studies. Kimberly is the founder of Star Sign Style which is dedicated to exploring the twelve archetypes of the zodiac and lifting the veil on the style of star signs.
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