Read your horoscope for January 2025 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
- 3rd January 2025
- By Kimberly Peta Dewhirst
18 minute read
Read your horoscope for January 2025 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
18 minute read
Darling, your horoscope for November 2024 awaits!
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Embrace your ambitions entering 2025, Aries, as a New Moon marks a fresh start in your goal-oriented sector of accomplishments, recognition and notoriety. Aim high and visualise what you’d like to achieve next given your successes to date.
However, with Mars Retrograde it’s worth taking it easy, particularly on the 2nd, which is a day of tension. You could find flexibility is key to getting what you want.
On the 6th, the red planet backtracks into watery Cancer, closely followed by the Aries First Quarter Moon. Here, it may be necessary to balance your true essence within domestic settings, your family or home life. It might be useful to acknowledge both your individuality and caretaking tendencies, finding a balance.
An emotionally charged Cancer Full Moon follows on January 13th, again illuminating your private life, who you are behind closed doors. You’re encouraged to lean into your empathic, sensitive side in the weeks and months ahead, so develop your intuition and techniques for finding inner peace.
If you partake in a spiritual practice or have healing methods that serve you, nurture this side of yourself, honouring the feelings that surface. Try to accommodate external and internal plan in turn, as your career or public profile may be a big talking point, as well as household demands.
On the 19th the Sun enters Aquarius, signalling a month to have fun in group settings, with team spirit and your friendship circle providing an inspiring space to play. The 27th to the 29th are key days to network and meet-up, connecting to neighbours, siblings and people in your orbit, both IRL or online.
Be open to get togethers – learning, teaching, talking and sharing great ideas! Your writing, social commentary or knowledge may gain a wider audience, so consider what’s newsworthy in your community.
As we enter a New Year, bring the spotlight to your adventurous side, and the people, places or things you’ve come to know and understand. You’ve likely come a long way, broadening your horizons literally or figuratively, Taurus. Now, affirm your wisdom and worldly outlook, taking what works for you into the future.
On January 2nd your ruling planet Venus moves into Pisces and your community sector, aligning you with helpful friends and teammates. Look to social networks, a group or your allies, sensing a collaborative dream you share. It may be apparent that you’re a part of a group or among crew-mates that are moving in a similar direction.
Your local area and environment, sibling type figures, and those encountered around you are also likely key this month. Notice activity in your surroundings, revisiting hot topics ready to be addressed from the 6th.
The 13th sees a Full Moon rising in your sector of immediate ties and local connections, encouraging you to reach out to those as close to you as a sister. There may be conversations that bring unconscious ideas, secrets or undisclosed information to light.
Around the 18th you might be aware of how important your presence is to your associates, with Venus landing in the arms of Saturn. Notice responsibilities you’re called to uphold in society, expertise now embraced by your circle or industry.
The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th, encouraging you to nurture your career, public image and sense of accomplishment or even fame. There may be a personal or professional feat that sees you visible, stepping up with a partner by your side.
By months end a radically different version of you could be emerging, calling for authenticity and a fresh look! Treat yourself to key items or indulge in a makeover.
As we move into the New Year, sharing your space, energy, time and resources could be an important theme, Gemini. There may be awareness of what other people give, do, or afford you. Acknowledge the security a partner brings, helping you advance, or, what you gain because of a mate. It may be time to face debts, loans or inheritance issues, coming to terms with the future!
Your ambitions, accomplishments and successes could be a talking point between the 4th and the 6th, yet it might not be straightforward connecting to a position of prominence, leadership or authority. Conversations may touch on your status as a parent, responsible adult or professional, yet don’t get caught up with what others say; Neptune adds confusion around your goals and aspirations on this day.
Your income, finances, possessions and assets are important this month too, as you re-visit how you’re compensated, or reassess your value – perhaps comparatively, against your peers and teammates.
On January 8th, your ruling planet Mercury moves into Capricorn, which could prompt serious conversations around agreements, contracts and dependencies. This might be a good time to consider how you collaborate, unified with partners, or find yourself tied in with a pact, promise or obligation to meet. Balance working with others (and leveraging what they have) and going it alone, particularly on the Full Moon (Monday the 13th), and the 23rd, a tricky day for broaching cashflow.
The Sun moves into air sign Aquarius on the 19th, potentially putting you in touch with a world that’s foreign, unknown or unfamiliar, leading you to explore striking differences in outlook. From the 27th this becomes more pronounced, so pay attention to those you encounter from a background or culture that’s not your own. Be open to a global education or eye-opening experiences!
There’s a major focus on relationships entering the New Year, Cancer, with a fresh approach to partnering to harness. You might sense you’re getting on beautifully with friends in a group or community settings, broadening your world view and learning what makes other tick. Find you’re open and receptive to enlightenment, sharing your own knowledge in turn.
Your professional direction or personal mission might also be important, with developments around your goals, public image and how you’re seen. Touch on your reputation or gain recognition around the 6th and 7th, yet note it’s not necessarily easy devoting attention toward ambitious plans – your dreams feature strongly too. It could be useful to find a balance between what’s practical and what’s inspiring.
On Monday the 13th a Full Moon in your sign demands you follow your own instincts, particularly around notions of success, your career path or ways you’re validated. A solution may be to seek approval inwardly, cheered on by allies in your circle that boost your confidence.
The weeks ahead are generally favourable for socialising and networking, although the 23rd is more challenging for intimate exchanges. Aquarius Season commences on the 19th, spotlighting Pluto, newly arrived in this air sign, and your sector of contracts, commitments, sacred bonds and trust. An Aquarius New Moon on January 29th intensifies investments, a pact, agreement or promises made.
Plans to transition, work on mental health or inner healing are made easier at this time, and you could be made aware of support and resources that enable an important private process.
Before then, the Last Quarter Moon on the 21st lends itself to a breakthrough around your own pleasure, happiness and enjoyment. You could feel encouraged to follow your heart while also meeting important obligations.
Seize the opportunity to set your best New Year’s resolutions ever, Leo! You’re entering 2025 with a New Moon and fresh start oriented around systems, health, work and wellness regimes, so recognise how far you’ve come practicing positive daily habits.
Sense those that have a stake in your success and upkeep, as you maintain your position and continue on with what works for you day-to-day. There may be trusted parties involved with your wellbeing routine, job or regular duties, people you’re committed to, which can be acknowledged on the 4th.
Contracts or agreements in place are likely to gain much more significance in the weeks and months ahead, so highlight mutually beneficial interests, and where they lead you, long-term. Consider how you share space or collaborate, financially invested, wedded or enmeshed with others, and sense it’s possible to succeed in public – reaching your goals – thanks to sacred bonds or arrangements.
There’s also the potential for great passion to stir in early January, with Mars retrograde in your sign facing off with Pluto, indicating a potential power struggle or frustration in getting your point across. A solution may be to pause, entering a more reflective state from the 6th. It might benefit you to pull back a little, finding inner peace and your own path within.
Your escapist zone of dreams and catharsis plays host to the Full Moon on the 13th, illuminating this mysterious, clandestine sector. Unconscious, hidden matter may be exhumed from the past, or a deeper process may see you confront your own vulnerabilities and tender parts.
As Aquarius Season commences on the 19th, prepare to focus on important figures – romantic or platonic. The weeks that follow circle around your network of peers but also centre on relationships and the presence of others in your world.
We enter 2025 enjoying the window of a Capricorn New Moon, which lands in your fun fifth house of creative plans, inspiration, fertility, pregnancy, love life and sexuality, Virgo. Here you might embrace your own happiness, taking what you’ve learned about your desires, passions and talents into the future.
Relationships are also key – now and increasingly in the weeks and months ahead. Venus teams up with Saturn and Neptune in your opposite sign on the 2nd, signalling a time to explore unions and discover more about a mate, spouse or partner. Find yourself willing to develop knowledge of a significant other, their experiences and start in life. This isn’t necessarily easy on the 6th, when a domestic or family matter adds tension.
On the 8th Mercury lands in Capricorn, facilitating conversations about the arts, your kids, creativity, solo interests and personal gratification. However, there’s also social activity to consider, with community members, your friends or teammates demanding attention. The Full Moon on January 13th illuminates your circle, and also touches your private life, and the more committed relationships you hold dear. You might want to balance your audience, entourage and network with the more special, intimate collaborations you’ve invested in.
From the 19th your health, wellness and general employment is spotlighted, with potential considerations about upkeep and lifestyle coming onto your radar. Think deeply about the way you want to live between the 27th and 29th, open to new beginnings around day-to-day operations. You could find you’re open to working with people that share useful insights, tools or techniques, and that you’re able to save time with innovative solutions that allow you to delegate! Keep your eyes on the major goals and avenues to success, as toward the end of the month your career and public image turns a corner.
Family, home, domestic life and security could feature as the year begins, Libra, with new beginnings that leverage what you’ve come to understand about your private life and stability. The matter of parenting (or a parent), safety, nurture, and property could be a theme to embrace, having worked out what’s practical and suits you in your familiar environment.
There’s also great emphasis on your own wellbeing and the running of your day-to-day. Venus enters Pisces and your sector of systems, schedules, employment, duties, health and habits on the 2nd, and spends the month bringing attention to routine lifestyle choices. Keeping up with admin, general maintenance or improving basic habits could be immensely grounding, particularly on the 18th and the weekend of the 25th.
Before then, a Full Moon rises in your sector of notoriety, prominence and visibility, arm-in-arm with your relationship planet, Mars. Diarise the 13th as a day to illuminate accomplishments, or identify the ways you’re reaching your goals, personally or professionally. You could be seen as a success, particularly in relation to a partnership or considering a key individual that’s been given a lot of your attention. Step up as a leader or be seen on a mission, carving out a reputation that feels on brand.
Aquarius Season begins on the 19th, with the Sun’s entry to your fun fifth house of pleasure, joy, sexuality and creativity. Artistic inspiration, creative outlets, your fertility, children or love life could come above all else, with a strong inclination to invest in your desires. Notice what you’re protective of, and focus deeply on your own happiness without reservation.
Between the 27th and 29th there may be a remarkably profound interest in passion projects, which in turn boosts your own growth, education and a path of personal development.
Your connection to close friends and key people may be strong entering 2025, with awareness of your mindset and who or what’s important to you, Scorpio. Turn the page surrounded by neighbours, kindred spirits and those as near to you as a cherished sibling. Your writing and communication skills may be affirmed, with creative plans, celebrations or loved ones in your orbit.
Planets assembled in Pisces and your water element encourage you to have fun this month, with increasing attention bought to the good times. You might be inspired by a vacation, wedding nuptials or children, hobbies, crafts, music, dating and a sense of play. Be inspired to express yourself and romance others, nurturing your own happiness, while taking all of the above seriously. Fertility may flourish, so that you’re considering pregnancy or following your heart!
There may be a path of personal development, education, growth and knowledge you’re keen to revisit, too. From the 6th, sense a motivation perhaps prompted by your work or employer, your health or some facet of your wellbeing, which moves you to explore. Acknowledge expertise, a specialism, global projects or a general keenness to understand the unknown. The Full Moon illuminates this quest for experience on the 13th, however be mindful of your role, joint spending and security – what’s shared or accounted for.
Perhaps the most important day of the month is the shift made by the Sun into air sign Aquarius on the 19th, where it encounters your modern ruler: Pluto. Here you could underscore the way you parent or were parented, addressing self-care, home and your homeland, or where you now reside. Look towards family and the past with fresh eyes between the 27th and 29th, committed to the future and investments that develop unity and a bond with others.
We enter 2025 in the window of a New Moon, which positions us all for fresh starts and new beginnings. For you, resolutions can be inspired by your financial position, earned income and self-worth.
Look to the ways you’re compensated in your role or rewarded for all you do, addressing your assets and how you add value, Sagittarius. Being aware of what you contribute can feed into a more resolute sense of place, so that you’re operating seamlessly (and securely) in your surroundings.
The 6th is a tricky day of tension in the stars, when it might be best to avoid discussing tender topics, your own happiness or childcare issues. It might not be easy expressing what you mean to say, so give yourself and others plenty of leeway, with generous pauses as you engage (or navigate conversations).
Then, on the 13th the Full Moon rises in your intimacy sector, potentially touching on pacts, promises made, commitments and long-term investments. Here you might become aware of ways you’re vulnerable, even dependent on others – or bonded for keeps. Thankfully you’ve likely found ways to work together, sharing the load, domestic spaces, and the cost of things. Still, it could be an ongoing matter that must continue to be broached.
By the 25th, enduring contracts, vows and pledges may seem more manageable, with positive experiences around home and family life, or your ability to nurture and caretake.
Aquarius Season commences on the 19th, followed by a New Moon in this sign on the 29th – another fresh start that’s social and deeply reflective. Think about your inner circle, best friends and sibling-figures, and how you communicate about ideas now on your mind. Relationships are due to shift and turn a corner, and liberating yourself with an open dialogue could be key to progress.
The ultimate fresh ushers in your 2025, with a New Moon in your own zodiac sign percolating as the year begins, Capricorn. Set down your intentions and dream about the possibilities, involving those closest to you in your reflections. There’s special significance to your inner circle, sibling types or those in your immediate surroundings, so open up – and have fun with close ties.
Your social skills, writing, language or local dealings could be increasingly important, with steps taken among those like-minded to be included. Bring attention to the way you relate, consciously connecting and building seamless rapport. There are likely key people that stand out as collaborators that call you to develop your communication style, so be willing to focus on fortifying a message, delivering what’s most meaningful to you to your loved ones.
A union, partnership or significant other is illuminated at mid-month by the Full Moon in your opposite sign, which could involve family, your home, property or domestic life, too. A parent or parenting issues may be touched upon, nurture and self-care. Try not to overbook yourself, giving space to those that need it around this time.
The 18th could signal fun – or a positive day to navigate and indulge in playful moments, then, on the 19th Aquarius Season begins. Here you could become increasingly interested in your financial position, income or personal investments. Look to address your role or sense of purpose, with the Aquarius New Moon on the 29th a catalyst for change.
Confidence can be bolstered as the month draws to a close, when you recognise your assets, capabilities and contribution. Health, wellness and daily routines are part of this shift, so think deeply about doing things differently, taking what’s working for you into the future.
January encourages profound transitions, a path of inner healing, or time out in recovery mode, Aquarius. Start the year slow, with a retreat, and perhaps a surrendering process underway. Let go of all you don’t want to carry with you into 2025, dropping relationships or habits that no longer serve you at the threshold.
Your own security, stability and financial situation is paramount this month too, with increasing attention on your role, assets, savings and the valuable contribution you make. Sense important responsibilities where money’s concerned, and your approach to cashflow. From the 6th, be willing to revisit methods, systems or lifestyle choices that help you stay on top of all aspects of making a living.
On the 13th, the Full Moon illuminate’s your health, employment, admin, routines, and the way you organize day-to-day life. Acknowledge the necessary upkeep around your position. While you might be eager to delegate, there may be a heated response from those around you – managing workloads could result in tension. It could benefit you to have fun with those closest, getting creative around tasks, chores or necessary duties. This isn’t necessarily easy, given the practicalities and what’s realistic.
Family, home life and parenting issues turn a corner at the end of the month, and throughout the weeks ahead it could be apparent how far you’ve come adjusting to changes or unsettling circumstances within your household or dealing with the past.
Aquarius Season hits different this year, with Pluto placed prominently in your own sign. Grapple with your own power, and a potentially intense call to step into a fresh version of you between the 27th and 29th. Your identity could emerge in a striking fashion, visible for all to see, or you could find your own happiness is the catalyst for major changes stirring.
Turn toward friendly allies and good company, participating both with those close and in broader networks, Pisces. As we enter 2025 a New Moon percolates in Capricorn and your sector of social life, societal concerns and collective aspirations. Here, you could find you’re personally involved with a team, organisation or charitable cause, at the centre of your entourage or crewmates. Connect with your community or peer group!
Venus moves into your sign on the 2nd, and there’s a considerable focus on you, which could be experienced physically, or because of your philosophy, responsibilities and influence. Perhaps you’re instrumental to a meet-up, class or get-togethers, teaching, learning, or are an important source of information.
It may benefit you to embrace attention coming your way, potentially emphasising your appearance, body or persona. You might find yourself brimming with enthusiasm between the 12th and 14th, when the Full Moon illuminates your house of self-expression, inspiration, creative outlets, fertility, children and passion projects. Look for opportunities to showcase what you love, or affirm what’s in your heart.
There may be financial considerations to work with in January, too, and a question you might ask is
“What cost is associated with my desires, hobbies, kids or fun moments celebrating?” Reflect on the ways you’re rewarded or compensated, and sense what’s truly gratifying and important to you. There may be tension as you deal with your role, income and happiness.
Aquarius Season kicks off on the 19th, which could prompt you to escape into a transitionary state, backing off little by little into a more solitary space. This compliments family and home life, domestic settings, and the theme of parents or parenting.
By the end of the month you could be engrossed with your private life, renewing your enthusiasm for caretaking and nurturing.
Disclaimer: The details above have been created for promotional and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on it.
Kimberly studied at the London School of Astrology and The Faculty of Astrological Studies. Kimberly is the founder of Star Sign Style which is dedicated to exploring the twelve archetypes of the zodiac and lifting the veil on the style of star signs.
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