Your Bag
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Once you have added items to your bag, they will appear here
Once you have added items to your bag, they will appear here
$6.95 or FREE on orders over $50. Ground shipping is FREE for Loyalty members on all orders.
Please allow a minimum of 3-5 business days to receive your order. Order before 2pm EST for same day dispatch.
For Click and Collect to your nearest UPS pick-up point, please allow 3-5 working days. You will receive an email when your order is ready for collection.
All orders ship Monday - Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States (Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year's Day).
To find out more, visit our help page.
$10.95 or FREE on orders over $250. Express delivery is FREE for Level 3 and above Loyalty Members on all orders
Please allow a minimum of 1-2 business days.
We will accept returns on unused or gently used items for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
For all bundle purchases, individual components may not be returned separately.
You will be notified by email once your returns have been received and processed.
Read our full returns policy.
To speak to a member of Team Tilbury about your order, call +1-855-528-8495 (Monday-Friday, 9.30am-6pm EST)
To find out more, visit our help page.