Intenzioni dichiarate: coerenza e responsabilità per vivere l'anno migliore di sempre

Scopri come dichiarare intenzioni positive con Margareta Serfozo, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach presso The Endearing Project.

All'inizio del nuovo anno, dichiarare le proprie intenzioni diventa una bussola che guiderà le nostre decisioni nel corso del 2024. Il rituale quotidiano con cui dichiarare le proprie intenzioni fornisce una direzione e uno scopo all'insegna della concentrazione, della consapevolezza e della profonda connessione con se stessi. Non hai ancora dichiarato le tue intenzioni? Nessun problema! Ecco alcuni consigli per iniziare.

Accendere le candele per dichiarare le intenzioni

Benefits of setting intentions

Science says intention and goal setting act as catalysts for success. Deciding on an intention is not the same as choosing a goal. It's like crafting a roadmap for your life. It helps you stay focused, make better choices and feel more purposeful every day. It's a simple practice that brings direction and clarity, empowering you to navigate life with a positive mindset. On the other hand, a goal targets a desired outcome - such as training for a marathon (goal) to live a healthier life (intention). Imagining and saying your intentions out loud have a big impact, making you more determined to turn your dreams into reality. Evidence suggests that engaging the mind, whether through mindfulness practices or setting intentions, has the potential to alter our biology.

The art of setting powerful intentions

Learning to set intentions takes practice. Find a quiet space, perhaps light a candle and grab a piece of paper. Set an intention and try my simple “Triple A method”: Accuracy, Authenticity, Achievability. First, check if your intention is accurate. Ask yourself why it's important to you and what your underlying reason is for your motivation. Then, focus on authenticity—how aligned is it with your personal values and life purpose? Finally, assess its achievability. Are you aiming too high or setting the bar too low? Rewrite the intention until it truly resonates with you. Setting intentions demands an honest conversation with yourself, offering insight into what truly matters, revealing blind spots and showcasing your sense of purpose.

Staying on track

Create a morning ritual around setting and journaling intentions, a serene moment focusing on what truly matters. This daily practice sets a positive tone, shaping your mindset for a more purposeful living throughout the day.

Additionally, choose a mantra that aligns with your intention, repeating it throughout the day. For example if your intention is to feel more confident - your mantra could be “ I can achieve anything I set my mind to”.

In the evenings, reflect on intentions and mantras and what differences you've observed over time, both in your mindset and in terms of the shifts that have unfolded in your life.

Finally, having someone to hold you accountable is really important. Research shows that when people commit to their goals with a partner, they're 65% more likely to succeed. So, ask a family member, colleague, or friend to be your partner on this journey. Regular chats about your intentions and friendly reminders will keep both of you on track, making it more likely to achieve your goals.

Il rituale quotidiano della dichiarazione di intenzioni fornisce una direzione e uno scopo, e aiuta ad affrontare la vita con concentrazione e consapevolezza. La scienza evidenzia l'effetto trasformativo della dichiarazione di intenzioni, quindi la chiave risiede nella costanza e nella responsabilità. Questi elementi sono essenziali per affrontare con successo il viaggio della vita affinché abbia uno scopo più incentrato.

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Margareta Serfozo

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach e Corporate Mental Health Facilitator

Specializzata in salute e fertilità femminile, Margareta ha creato The Endearing Project per supportare le clienti in un percorso di benessere con una guida allo stile di vita e ai comportamenti, oltre al coaching relativo a benessere, salute e fertilità.

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