Read your horoscope for July 2024 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
- 1st July 2024
- By Kimberly Peta Dewhirst
17 minute read
Read your horoscope for July 2024 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
17 minute read
Darling, your horoscope for July 2024 awaits!
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Family, home life, your property and dwelling spaces are in focus this month, Aries, including the body you occupy! Look to your surroundings, learn from your immediate environment and most importantly, have fun.
Creative interests and passion projects may pique your interest. Turn to hobbies, children and your innate talents, expressing yourself among close friends, siblings or playmates.
Consider a new beginning for how and where you settle on the 5th and 6th. Gain clarity around what you desire from a place of rest, your nest and interior décor. Dream of your corridors and kitchen table, taking time to reflect on nurturing tendencies, gaining a foothold within. Cooking, feeding and fuelling yourself is worthwhile, so too is showing sensitivity to your homeland or elders.
Note money and your personal contribution could be a hot topic throughout the month.
While we might consider our salary or sources of income to be obvious markers of success, there are many ways to prove valuable. In fact, with prominence around parents, parenting and household matters you could be called upon in domestic settings to help out. Retreat, yet be available for those that inspire you.
Change comes as your ruler Mars moves into Gemini just before the Full Moon on Sunday the 21st. Expect an exciting weekend that puts you in the spotlight, and, be ready to put greater emphasis on social connection.
On the 22nd, Leo Season begins and you can officially devote yourself to a vacation or artistic pursuits. Your own enjoyment could be infectious, so show enthusiasm with others involved in your plans!
From the 26th July, an organised, strategic approach could be called for. Channel your brightest ideas in a practical fashion.
Close friends, siblings, school mates, co-workers or a tight-knit team are in focus entering July, Taurus. Find yourself at the centre of your inner circle and goings on, with the energy and drive to show up in social settings. You may have to lead, direct or motivate those around you, taking the initiative, even if this is not your usual style.
Reflect on the community, society and world you inhabit, willing to be deeply acquainted with networks you’re involved with – and perhaps your take on global affairs.
Attune your focus toward communication skills, local areas and your connection to those around you, as well as broader groups. A fresh start is indicated on the 5th with the New Moon that touches you personally. By the 11th you could be secure among peers. Embrace friendships, and serendipity around those you’ve been introduced to.
During the evening of the 11th your ruling planet Venus switches signs, transitioning into fiery Leo. From this point you could find you’re keen to nest at home or among family.
Generally, there may be a position you’re upholding in July that prompts you to reflect on personal stability and your role. Address issues connecting you to your surrounding environment, asking how you might develop a sense of place, your purpose and value.
Leo Season begins on the 22nd, signalling a time to embrace some down time or rest.
Consider what’s important in terms of home life, parenting or your property, and how this affects finances, ways you spend, earn or contribute to your household or security.
Simply being present in your space may be worth its weight in gold!
As we enter the month attune to the tangible and intangible nature of your worth as an individual, Gemini. The money you earn or what you make of (and from) yourself could be topical! However, your input needn’t be solely financially driven. Motherhood, a caretaking or supportive role may be a rewarding contribution to consider too.
Take stock of assets, personal investments and what you own or plan on developing with the New Moon on the 5th and 6th. It’s a wonderful time to cultivate your position, tending your transition into a fresh start or chapter.
Life will be easier from the 22nd, until then you’re ideally feeling appreciated. Enjoy working toward your dreams, sensing you’re aligned with your ambitions or long-term goals. Be open to changes around your reputation, your career or how you’re perceived in the public eye.
It could be time to review or reconsider the direction you’re sailing in, with more to learn about the notion of worldly success, achievements and accomplishments. Responsibilities and commitments you’ve made could be apparent, and what you have to give or provide.
Because Mercury moves into a sociable position on the 2nd, July 2024 could present a call to connect and communicate with close ties. Get together with siblings, or those as near to you as a brother, neighbour or school mates. You’ve the potential for sparkling rapport, and can showcase your interests and skills to friends and your broader community.
Sense people around you paying attention, looking your way – find yourself prominent and part of goings on. Be open to conversations that allow you to express yourself and your plans, particularly on the 8th, 9th and 22nd, when people can’t help but listen.
Be prepared to play a starring role this month.
All eyes could be on you and what you do, how you show up and present yourself, Cancer.
Find the right balance between your ambitions and social activity. Your involvement within a community, group or team could be felt entering July, with momentum among friends, your peers or networks. Connect to people who share a philosophy, global outlook or specialism you’re agreed on.
A path of knowledge, wisdom or your travels may have cemented certain beliefs you’re taking seriously. Allow flexibility around how you broach worldly experiences, a course of education or understanding of different perspectives.
Be willing to question what you think you know, your faith or what you publish online. Work to negotiate, aware of the spaces, assets or interests you share.
A fresh start arrives with the New Moon on the 5th. Consider your journey, reset, and be motivated by the greater good! If open to spiritual experiences note the 11th is rich in potential. Anticipate relationships to be in the spotlight on the Full Moon Sunday the 21st.
Career and finances are also important, with the stars encouraging you to pause.
It may be necessary to strategize your earnings, what you do to contribute and make a living. Be open to alternative rewards and revenue, as you work towards your goals.
Private plans get your attention from the 21st, with motivation to get ahead by operating quietly, secretly, or behind the scenes. Leo Season begins on the 22nd, bringing a more dedicated focus toward money or job issues that have been playing on your mind. By the 31st, you could be clear on the recognition, status or compensation you seek.
The weeks before Leo Season are always your window to bring things full circle.
Note with the Sun moving through Cancer until the 22nd, it’s your time to rest, recoup and do some soul searching. This window of reflection could see you showing up for others, striving to be selfless. You may be forced to make sacrifices or could be willingly undertaking a thankless task.
Hunker down on the 5th and 6th, content with life’s mysteries and a quieter pace. Within this process, you may be inclined to review personal investments, how you pledge time, energy or money. Reflect on financial agreements or promises made in your private life.
The 10th and 11th can highlight what you’ve come to expect from others, what you stand to gain or lose. Surrender expectations and let go of the past, knowing you’ve put in plenty of work in relationships.
Rather than allowing trust to fade or faith to falter, see how far you’ve come, with great accomplishments or goals reached. There may be profound awareness of what’s shared, a debt owed and yet success around your profile. Keep making ambitious strides publicly, having gained experience and knowledge.
It’s likely you’ll be social this month, paying attention to your community throughout July, despite somewhat taking a back seat. In fact, you’ll be heard by friends or your network, attracting attention from the 12th.
Expect to be back in your vitality and stride from the 22nd, as Leo begins to be celebrated. Present your resplendent character and identity with full force, having been in limbo. Play a significant role in a group or team, sensing you’re turning heads. The 26th is the best day of the month for you!
Your approach to relationships is significant in July, Virgo.
Your social network, community, audience or a group stands out, with great focus on your circle. Consider people you operate among and who you’re keen to be affiliated with. New bonds can be formed that are out in the open, with friendships most significant on the 5th and 6th. Sense who’s on your team and those potentially asking for more from you.
An appraisal of significant partnerships could be poignant, as both Neptune and Saturn appear retrograde in your house of one-to-ones, encouraging a kind of review.
Your approach to romance, collaborations and key people could be upgraded, particularly if you’re willing to accept other perspectives. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st could highlight what you really desire, so pay attention to your heart.
As your special guide Mercury makes a move into your private, reclusive twelfth house on July 2nd, there may be hidden, secretive matters you’re drawn into this month. Welcome a retreat, take time out or switch off. On the 7th, pay attention to situations tied to your most intimate unions, pacts and commitments.
You could be visible, known publicly, seen developing your career, reputation or reaching toward your goals. However, your peers and others’ preferences are also important.
A shift on the 21st signals a time to be more resolutely dedicated to your own success and ambitions, so find a balance. Anticipate exposure, yet also plenty taking place behind the scenes that’s not for show.
You may be operating without all the answers or dealing with unknown outcomes. From the 25th find your voice, ready to embrace issues that require patience and an inner resolve.
As we enter July consider how you’re perceived as a success and what your goals and accomplishments mean to you, Libra. Your career, your role as a parent or another feat may be significant, so affirm the reputation and title you uphold in the public eye.
Allow your ambitions and how you come across to guide you on the 5th and 6th. Set sail in the right direction, renewing the way you’re seen in community circles.
Announcements can be made on the 7th and 8th, when you’ll be heard among friends and teammates. The 11th is also important, as Venus aligns with Neptune in your house of health, employment, wellbeing and daily life.
You could find you’re seen and praised for a job well done, that your lifestyle or positive habits are applauded. There may be profound awareness of what you represent, and little things you do that allow you to come off well.
Reflect on systems in place helping you maintain your status and image, while remaining open to further improvements.
Power dynamics, trust, collaboration and shared ownership continue to be important this month, too.
You might have explored intimate relationships, how you’re beholden to a commitment, agreement, or tied in personally and financially.
Acknowledge what others provide or do for you (as well as your obligations in turn). Sense you’re capable of receiving, giving, profiting and unifying thanks to arrangements in place with a significant other.
From the 21st you’re encouraged to team up to learn and gain perspective.
Be open to ideas, philosophies, or another approach. There’s growth among friends thanks to special projects, so broaden your world view and spotlight teachers from your social network.
Find the balance between the past and future, home (and hidden spaces) and prominence in public, Scorpio.
There’s mounting visibility and emphasis around your goals, accomplishments and how you’re seen as a success outwardly. A commitment made – perhaps toward your family life or at home – could be significant, yet challenging too.
Be aware of financial entanglements, what you owe or has been promised. On Sunday the 21st (and Monday the 22nd) a joint effort is favoured. Sense an opportunity to learn more about what’s on offer, expectations, debts, repayments and the part others play.
Your employment and health issues could highlight certain vulnerabilities.
Know that you can face up to what life sends your way, talking through difficulties with loyal friends you trust.
In July, the stars call you to explore the world and discover its people, with long-distance travel or experiences that take you outside yourself. Intimate relationships and negotiating is indicated – seeking to understand those you’re involved with, and their outlook on life.
This might be your mate, a person you work beside or employ, or a foreign perspective may cross your path highlighting your mindset, culture and orientation. Global issues could lead you to comprehend your beliefs, exposing where differences lie.
Try to keep the peace – even if there’s a disagreement or natural temptation to spar! Mars moves through your house of intimate relations, hotting up one-to-ones. Frustration could naturally occur in platonic or romantic partnerships with passions ablaze. However, personal development and growth is also suggested, so use a gentle touch.
Your desires, what and who you cherish and adore likely plays into your philosophy and the way you see the big picture. Embrace education and be delighted by new knowledge!
It may be necessary to develop deeper levels of trust in your relationships, Sagittarius, with Cancer Season lighting up intimacy issues, commitments and even your vulnerable areas.
Shared finances and agreements, pacts, contracts, debts or dependencies could see you in league or entangled, particularly around the New Moon on the 5th and 6th. See this as an opportunity for a fresh start – and a potentially unified approach.
Your family legacy, home life, property or personal stability could play into this, with security, safety issues and your environment touched upon. Allow yourself to review or reflect on progress you’ve made, understanding, showing awareness or reverence towards household matters, your ancestry and where you’re from.
Know that hard work and investments made in your domestic set-up are worthwhile, yet welcome further insights that arrive. You could find you’re naturally geared up across health, employment, daily habits and routines, with motivation thanks to helping hands and support systems. The Full Moon on the 21st brings your role and personal contribution into prominence.
Relationships could seem all encompassing, with significant collaborations underway garnering a lot of attention. Look to prominent figures and begin to open up to other ways of thinking about the world, or seeing things.
There may be a philosophy to embrace, knowledge and a process of education that comes into focus from the 22nd.
Devote yourself to understanding the way a partner sees life, or find that a teacher, legal proceedings, long-distance travel or foreigners deliver words of wisdom.
Welcome experiences and opportunities to go the distance in mind, body and spirit, embracing the journey that’s calling throughout the month!
As we enter July, take time out to reflect on your connection to others, Capricorn. Approach your closest relationships with interest, and the subject of communications in general.
Key unions are always spotlighted during Cancer Season, however planets in your house of local ties, neighbours and engagement suggests the way you express yourself or the skills you use to navigate are significant. Writing, teaching, siblings or rapport you’ve developed with those in your area could be prominent too.
Look to those around you with curiosity, questioning your own mindset, news sources and circle of friends. There may be a commonality you share with people that calls your attention and makes for easy company. Consider another perspective on the 10th, have fun and share your passions!
This really is a month to make yourself happy. Your desires may stem from home, family or your private life. Get creative with this wonderful window that sees Mars poised to amplify dating, your artistic inspiration, fertility and enjoyment.
The Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st could illuminate your presence or identity, with an opportunity to acknowledge how far you’ve come over the long-term. Be around those that excite you and speak your language.
Health, employment, wellness and lifestyle could be a big topic to consider too. Lean on others, seeking out figures to trust when support is needed, particularly on the 7th. Be willing to delegate, or find spaces that are safe to unpack wellbeing or work issues. Talk about what you want from others, discussing organisational methods.
From the 22nd it may be more apparent you have vulnerabilities, or a chink in your armour.
Spotlight strong bonds, commitments, investments and financial ties, your obligations and legacy!
Entering July your health, wellbeing, work, general routines and functioning could be in focus.
For you, Cancer Season brings the potential to nurture day-to-day rhythms, with your own maintenance, employment and systems prioritised. A brand-new beginning is available for you to consider on the 5th and 6th.
Look to a positive a fresh start in your approach to domestic life, general habits, jobs, upkeep and a practice that’s in your best interests. Cooking, rest, nourishment, household interests, general admin and the support you receive from others could be key. If in doubt, delegate!
Harness the motivation you have at home, in your surrounding spaces or family environment, taking action toward task management, wellness or a fitness regime.
Your finances, role and earnings play a part too, with some subtle adjustments available around your position that can now come on your radar.
Spending, investing, what you make or contribute could shift, so be open to changes occurring, thanks to awareness of what you value and your priorities. The 11th and 21st could make this issue very apparent.
Identify partnerships that are a help, rather than a hindrance. Engage people who understand what it is you want and are working towards, Aquarius. There’s a signature in the stars encouraging you to honour your desires, with plans underway connecting you to inspiration, your playful side, hobbies and creativity. Express yourself and be sure to team up with those who appreciate your interests.
From the 22nd it could be incredibly easy having fun with a mate in a romantic or platonic sense. Come together with familiar faces, for good times on the 26th and 27th. By the end of the month you could be exploring the next steps together.
July invites you into a process of self-reflection and could even give you a way to personally strategize. With both Saturn and Neptune backtracking retrograde in your sign, it’s a good time to take the pressure off. How you see yourself and approach your role within your community (including online) could warrant a pause, or, perhaps you’ll consider some slight adjustments to your look and style. Take your time and use your imagination!
Artistic sentiments can flow freely, as Cancer Season is your month to have fun! Get creative, allowing your passions, children, playdates or love life to inspire you. Indulge yourself with days off to please yourself or dedicate to a hobby, cherished relationship or project.
You could sense self-expression comes easy, taking action in your local area or among those closest. There may be an inclination to prove yourself and your value to immediate ties.
Mars now appears in your zone of neighbours, encouraging you to drive ahead with purpose and dedication in your surroundings. See that what you’re doing is worthwhile, bouncing ideas off a kindred spirit who understands what you’re striving for.
Be aware of the potential to blend two important signatures: enjoyment, celebrations and pleasure, and interests in – or a connection to – your environment. Friends around you, your communication skills and engagement can fuel good times! See this theme come into prominence on the 5th and appreciate what’s transpired on the 11th. The 21st is another stellar moment, with the Full Moon highlighting friendship.
Domesticity and home life feature strongly, particularly later in the month.
Address household issues, familiar environments, parents and even the past. Identify ways to introduce better systems, finding yourself organised, industrious and even house proud from the 22nd!
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*The details above have been created for promotional and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on it.
Kimberly studied at the London School of Astrology and The Faculty of Astrological Studies. Kimberly is the founder of Star Sign Style which is dedicated to exploring the twelve archetypes of the zodiac and lifting the veil on the style of star signs.
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