Discover Your Horoscope for April 2024
Read your horoscope for April 2024 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
- 12th April 2024
- By Kimberly Peta Dewhirst
18 minute read
Read your horoscope for April 2024 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.
18 minute read
Darling, your horoscope for April 2024 awaits!
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With an eclipse in your sign on the 8th, there’s a major focus and attention on you, your body, presence and identity Aries, which you could be feeling! It’s a potentially epic time to enjoy yourself, with a creative rethink of how you express yourself on the 12th.
Take time for a personal appraisal of sorts on this day, when conversational Mercury meets the Sun, backtracking retrograde through our skies. Notice positive character traits, and be willing to look at the more uncomfortable side of your nature, too. Be ready to move forwards, even if you’re re-branding or re-evaluating who you think you are.
Know that throughout April 2024 your planetary guide, red hot Mars is subdued in Pisces, which adds an elusive layer. You could be introspective, on hiatus, or find you’re directed towards plans that are less about you and more in service to others.
Charity work or being a parent are two examples of how we set aside our ego to genuinely help another, but you may also find you’re working tirelessly on a project or goals behind the scenes. Note frustrations may arise around the 10th, as Mars teams up with Saturn, potentially presenting an inner conflict that calls for maximum patience. Remind yourself what it is you’re striving for.
A shift on the 20th can lead you to address your role, income and financial position, with great awareness of an important post you uphold, either paid or without obvious reward.
Here, you might continue to show up as an important, significant figure, yet it’s more about what you do, your wisdom and ideas. Balance how much is on you and the part others play.
Be sure to take the pressure off between the 24th and 30th, close out the month gently.
This time of year always provides room for introspection and unravelling, Taurus. The weeks before your birthday are ideal for rest and recuperation, wellness retreats and excursions that allow you to face what’s usually hidden.
With an eclipse on the 8th your capacity for healing is unparalleled, so follow your intuition towards the people, places and things that offer the right kind of respite. Bravely face up to any uncomfortable agendas that are hidden, unbeknownst to you, even if this is a painful, arduous task – come to terms with your shadow, or explore how you support other people’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
You may need to stop for generous pauses on your path, seeking solace among peers who can provide you with a way to course correct or make sense of your inner work. Look for structure on the 10th, and teammates with knowledge or an opinion you respect.
Community circles and your social scene likely hold the key, with the stars now leading you to be a part of a group – and the greater good. Certain figures from your network could present wisdom, a way to deal with global issues, or a platform to reach friends and cheerleaders all around the world. Your peers are no doubt rooting for you, encouraging you as you cocoon in a safe space.
Take your time transitioning, hibernating or prepping, knowing others are rallying your progress, even if they don’t know the extent of the work you’re undertaking behind closed doors.
A shift arrives when the Sun moves into your sign on the 20th, here you’re able to regain your senses in an epic fashion. This incredibly important day urges you to acknowledge how far you’ve come, so celebrate and don’t succumb to jealousy or external pressures.
It’s not an April Fool’s joke – on the evening of the 1st Mercury appears retrograde, so you could find yourself having the same or similar conversations entering the month that have recently been addressed in March.
Allow the weeks ahead to open up talks with friends and associates, and be receptive to a fresh take on existing issues, too. A new way of broaching matters is possible on the 8th, with an eclipse that’s not necessarily comfortable. Between the 11th and 13th clarity could arrive, or more may be revealed about a situation in play. Engage honestly with people in your community circle, noting there are helpful individuals available to discuss hot topics.
Generally, you may be forging ahead with great responsibilities on your shoulders, aware of your position and direction in life. Disciplinarian Saturn is helping all Gemini establish themselves with greater authority, perhaps as a person of note or one who’s stepping up into the role of parent, professional or elder (regardless of age).
Find yourself with a reputation to uphold, perhaps a legacy or commitment to continue, yet also situations to navigate as a team player, aware of the desires and needs of others.
Throughout the month (and increasingly towards the end of April) you may be confronted with a profound process of closure. An important moment arrives on the 20th in this regard: a meet up of Jupiter and Uranus that only happens every 13-14 years.
This could mark an important ending, with a significant other involved in your transition.
Here, you’re encouraged to recognise the end of an era, on the precipice of a shift for you and your relationships, which could be incredibly exciting! Close out April with plenty of rest, tending to health and wellness.
Friends, social interests, your reputation and how you’re seen or come across are the main themes for April 2024, Cancer.
You could be getting extra attention, finding you’re advancing in your career, or seeming extra notable for personal reasons. Welcome a fresh start and the chance to review where you’re headed on the 8th. A New Moon brings focus to your direction and plans, with lots to think about your future. You need not settle on definitive answers, simply create space and awareness around ways you’re known, visible and perceived as a success.
Formal studies, special projects you’re involved with, international relations, travel or a journey of education could be apparent too. There may be motivation to develop and broaden your scope, but also a serious tone around the path you’re on, with work to be done that involves others.
If you sense challenges or frustrations arising, appreciate how far you’ve come navigating all kinds of relationships. A heightened mood could be felt until the 13th, with your own responsibilities highlighted, so take it easy.
Lean into plans with your community throughout the month, knowing an incredibly important moment arrives on the 20th: a meet up of Jupiter and Uranus that only happens every 13-14 years.
Here, you’re encouraged to recognise teammates that make up the fabric of your world.
There’s a moment for major gratitude and realisations to occur around who your people are. However, be sure to remember how you intend to present yourself to the world, as power dynamics are stirring. There could be a build-up of pressure that asks to be released!
A Full Moon peaks in the early hours of the 24th, and nudges you to put yourself first. This isn’t guaranteed to be easy, so be balanced in the ways you’re available to others.
It’s a month of seeking to understand – for learning, taking on board another perspective, for your own growth and development, Leo. April 2024 encourages you to set your sights further afield and broaden your outlook on life, focussed on travel, higher education, new horizons and standpoints.
There may be wisdom to share with the world, a journey you’re on, or an important message to broadcast to friends, audiences, and those in your team, network or circle.
However, don’t be surprised if you’re receptive, considering all beliefs and opinions. Take a good look at the many ways of seeing headline issues, open to another point of view early in the month. From the afternoon of the 7th you could find you’re engrossed with a philosophy, place or person, avidly publishing your own angle or hearing the other side of the story.
Ask yourself, who are your teachers, guides and advisors on the 11th, or what important sentiment you’re now able to accept having overcome certain challenges.
The motivation driving you to explore and go the distance could be deeply personal, private or intimate. Sense a reverence for your commitments, your legacy, even your mortality, health and vulnerabilities. You could find you’ve lived through experiences that have forced you to appreciate the part others play, and what they have to offer.
April 20th introduces a change of pace. Slow down and take stock of public perception, how you come across, and the direction of your career aspirations or personal goals. We’ve an incredibly important moment that happens once every 13-14 years, with the meet-up of Jupiter and Uranus, which could be cause for celebration!
There may be something to showcase that you’ve achieved, yet navigate any feedback loosely. Have faith that the support you need is unwavering!
April invites you to examine partnerships, marriage vows, business agreements or pledges.
Personal relations could possess maturity, commitment and longevity, or, you might sense resistance when you get closer. Saturn now traverses your opposite sign (Pisces), imparting formality and experience in one-to-ones. Try to develop boundaries that work for you, Virgo, sensing what your heart truly desires from your other half.
The evening of the 1st sees Mercury appear retrograde in the corner of your horoscope dedicated to your legacy and what you’re set to leave behind. This could complicate strong bonds, secrets and shared resources, with contracts renegotiated, revised or retracted. Nevertheless, it’s an excellent time to review how you feel about a promise made.
The eclipse on the 8th may lead you into confronting territory, with this private area of life (and relationships in general) activated. Rely on someone trustworthy, be open to addressing fears, vulnerabilities and ideas about the future, your goals, and mortality.
There may be a challenging conversation on the 11th, however know it’s worth facing those potentially painful or uncomfortable interactions. Deal with co-habitation, co-parenting, loans, insurance policies and inheritance. What’s taboo may come up: sex, death and taxes. Pay-outs, passive income or a lump sum may be heading your way, so prepare to claim what’s yours.
The 20th likely brings relief, with a chance to acknowledge personal growth and new ways of working or seeing the world, though you’ll be dealing with intimacy issues for some time yet. This could be an incredibly important day that allows you to gain perspective, broaden the scope of projects or plans, with a hopeful, visionary quality and heaps of potential.
There’s tension later in the month, so go easy on yourself. You might have some major breakthroughs or insights into your beliefs, a quest for purpose or meaning.
This time of year always has the potential to highlight important characters in your world, Libra. Aries Season invites you to spotlight key relationships, as the Sun tours the partnership area of your horoscope, giving you greater awareness of intimate unions and one-to-ones of all kinds.
However, this year could seem to amplify these themes, thanks to an eclipse on the 8th, and Mercury Retrograde in the corner of the skies, too.
Faces from the past may make a re-appearance, new engagements may be formed, or you may find you’re ready to acknowledge the significant part someone plays in your day-to-day. You’re encouraged to consider another person’s perspective, replaying conversations or having the same discussions to learn more.
Make a concerted effort to listen, working together to understand where you’re both coming from. This should be easier from the 5th, as you turn a corner in your job, routine or schedule.
Health, wellness, and taking care of yourself or others may be a prominent theme throughout the month, with potential frustrations arising on the 10th.
Keeping on top of appointments, habits and errands may seem essential, and by the end of the month you may be well aware of the people in your corner, showing up without question when you need. Expect to be busy with domestic life and general tasks!
The 20th is incredibly important as giant Jupiter teams up with Uranus in your commitment zone, bringing awareness to pacts, agreements or binding ties. From co-habiting or co-parenting, to a mortgage, loan, insurance policy, marriage vows or taxes, there may be profound realisations around what’s shared.
Note where you’ve pledged yourself for keeps and the legacy you’re building, sense where you’re deeply involved. Again, those around you are able to help so be honest in what you want!
Health, work and daily undertakings are a potential theme of April 2024, Scorpio. You may be extra busy, finding you’re forced to delegate, seek help or support.
A system upgrade or complete overhaul may be on your mind, with an eclipse on the 8th touching the routine side of life and how you stay on top of things.
Improving general upkeep or maintenance could be inspired by your kids, a pregnancy or loved one, or could be necessary because of a special project, hobby, sport or craft you’re dedicated to. Show enthusiasm for your happiness, and the creative prompt that has you reviewing the way you operate.
It may be worth revisiting the most effective methods you have for staying well, managing yourself and others in order to avoid sickness, unemployment, or simply feeling ineffective.
Ask yourself what you do in order to do your duties. Don’t hesitate to call on a trusted pair of hands to lift and carry what you can’t. Remember who has been there for you in the past.
Significant relationships stand out, particularly on the 20th, when one-to-ones are spotlighted. You could be aware of sweeping changes that have affected your approach to marriage unions or any kind of engagements, including platonic or business partnerships.
Sense what’s been a productive collaboration, and what you’ve learnt from valuable time together. It’s likely you have a big role in the lives of others, and the idea of companionship may be radically different than in days gone by. Acknowledge adjustments made thanks to a more considered, disciplined approach.
Late on the 23rd – the early hours of the 24th UK time – we have a Full Moon in your sign. Honour yourself in a deeply personal way, yet know it could be impossible finding space to do so.
Focus on health, daily routines, work duties and habits this month, the way you live in the rhythms of your day-to-day, with emphasis on discoveries about your optimum wellbeing.
Lean into all that’s been positive in terms of physical maintenance, and major system upgrades that keep you productive and on track.
Your job, personal fitness, or the role you find yourself in might be connected to innovation, technology or advancements that are significantly different. Attune to all that’s unique and even unconventional about you, propelling yourself in the direction of progress this April!
The 20th is a peak moment but you can consider the entire month auspicious for wellness and employment matters.
There’s also attention around home life, family, domesticity, and potential excitement in and around your environment. Establishing roots and creating space to enjoy life could seem essential around the 8th, when an eclipse signals a new beginning for personal gratification, and solo inspiration. Devote attention to your desires, needs and what you want, no matter how uncomfortable it may be putting yourself first. Note a cause for celebration, such as a wedding, holiday, party or plans that are truly joyful, or consider what might be! Sense the people, places and things that support your happiness, including artistic projects, pregnancy, your children, love life or activities undertaken with enthusiasm.
Frustrations will likely occur but patience, discipline and consistency can help you overcome inevitable challenges. Be mindful too that conversations, discussions and general exchanges may bear repeating, with Mercury Retrograde spinning circles until the 25th. Statements might need to be reiterated, or important points explored more thoroughly.
You’re encouraged to get honest about your beliefs, principles and outlook on life. Take your time understanding what you think between the 11th and 13th, knowing you have time to share and relate your views.
Consider April 2024 a strong month for your sense of connection, navigation and communication skills, Capricorn. How you make your way conversationally or in local areas may be a theme, coupled with a playful, creative, passionate tone that peppers your month.
Being in touch with neighbours and kindred spirits is favoured, so acknowledge strong ties to your surrounding environment (and the people you meet). With your ruler Saturn in the sector of siblings, contact, writing and relating, a sisterhood, teaching, news and social media outlets could be significant. There may be ideas or a personal outlook you’re taking seriously, or, a formal approach to family members. Your mindset or a point of view could be key to your interactions.
Note a determination to express yourself, an eagerness to share with those likeminded. Yet note this isn’t without frustrations, as there’s a lot going on under the surface.
Your private life and inner world is also in focus now, with an eclipse on the 8th that asks you to hone in on domesticity, property and parenting issues. It may be time to reassess your approach to stability, security and your roots, with attention on home, how and where you choose to settle. Be sure to devote attention to sacred spaces and your lineage, able to prioritise life behind closed doors, even creating new traditions.
The 20th is an incredibly important moment, as giant Jupiter teams up with Uranus in your fun, fertile house of children, creativity, inspiration, heart and enjoyment. While we’ve a celebratory quality and potential opportunities for festivities, good times and utmost pleasure, there may also be a financial component that’s confronting. Surround yourself with bosom buddies who set you at ease, with the Full Moon on the 24th revealing important friends on your team.
Relationships with close friends, your brotherhood, sisterhood, neighbourhood, or people in your local area could be in focus now. April 2024 is all about your surroundings, your immediate environment, how you navigate and make your way Aquarius. Communication skills, learning, teaching, listening and really hearing others is key – perhaps you’ll lock eyes on writing projects, news items, or enjoy a back and forth on social media.
Conversations, exchanges and dealings are likely somehow directed by your role, or, money and rewards may be a pressing consideration. Your financial position or certain transactions might be a constant source of interest throughout the month. Possessions, earnings or your personal contribution could be highly motivating – but not without stress or challenges.
The weekend of the 6th and 7th allows you to organise what you have, equally Sunday the 14th could be a productive, promising day.
Between these dates lands an eclipse that reiterates an important message or presents information worth paying attention to. Connect to siblings or those you find yourself around regularly, and don’t be surprised if you run into people from the past.
The 20th is an incredibly important moment in the astrological calendar, an event that only happens once every 13-14 years. Giant Jupiter meets your special planetary guide, ‘changemaker Uranus’, both teaming up in your zone of home, security, parenting and domesticity. This could literally translate as a change of residence, or a realisation that life behind closed doors seems different.
Be ready to acknowledge what’s pivoted: address where you live, notice what’s unorthodox about your family set-up or property. Recognise what’s unique in the way you settle or find stability. Sense where other people might benefit your arrangement, even if it’s not immediately obvious how a partner fits.
The way you contribute is spotlighted in April, Pisces. Money making, your purpose and personal values could be on your mind, with a rethink around what you do, how much you take on, what you give and what you get.
Stability and security issues may play into your financial position, so that you’re considering what cash-flow means for home life, family or your domestic situation.
Be prepared to re-evaluate the ways you’re rewarded or compensated for the jobs you do, and the repercussions of your workload across health and wellbeing. Be mindful of your personal or physical limits, with the potential for frustration to build.
Allow the eclipse on the 8th to bring you into alignment with your role, realistic about all you’re capable of building, earning or doing. Whether you’re an independent contractor, or are used to going it alone in another sense, you may be conscious you’re driving things now.
With red hot Mars in your sign throughout the month you could be motivated and raring to go and yet it’s not all smooth sailing, particularly on the 10th. Don’t try to force things on this day, rather take on board the bigger picture and where it’s appropriate to draw a line.
You may be enthusiastic about opportunities, however, responsibilities could also be on your shoulders that force you to slow down. There’s no need to do more than your fair share when it’s too much.
Note the 20th is an incredibly moment, as lucky Jupiter meets innovator Uranus on our astrological wheel. Friendly neighbours, sibling relationships or those as close as a sister may be highlighted with a positive outcome. Welcome introspection on this day yet balance important connections and relationships that help reveal something important. Being with a tight circle could set you on your rightful path…
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*The details above have been created for promotional and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on it.
Kimberly studied at the London School of Astrology and The Faculty of Astrological Studies. Kimberly is the founder of Star Sign Style which is dedicated to exploring the twelve archetypes of the zodiac and lifting the veil on the style of star signs.
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