7-teiliges Set und eine Gratis-Kosmetiktasche für einen eleganten, wunderschönen Make-up-Look!

220,00 €
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Erhalte 220 TreuetalerMehr erfahren
  • A fair-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and coral lipstick with gloss on top.
  • A fair-tone model with blue eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and coral lipstick with gloss on top.
  • A medium-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and coral lipstick with gloss on top.
  • A deep-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and nude pink lipstick.


  • Artikel 1 von 5

    A light-tone model with green eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and coral lipstick with gloss on top.
  • Artikel 2 von 5

    A medium-light-tone model with green eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and coral lipstick with gloss on top.
  • Artikel 3 von 5

    A medium-tone model with brown eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and coral lipstick with gloss on top.
  • Artikel 4 von 5

    The Uptown Girl Asia model11 R1
  • Artikel 5 von 5

    A light-tone model with blue eyes wearing shimmery lilac and champagne eye makeup with nude pink blush and coral lipstick with gloss on top.