Discover Your Horoscope for October 2024

Read your horoscope for October 2024 from Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst.

Darling, your horoscope for September 2024 awaits!

Horoscopes October 2024

  1. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Aries star sign October 2024


    October is a time for intimate relationships to take hold, Aries.

    Libra Season highlights marriage unions and partnerships, with a solar eclipse on the evening of the 2nd prompting a fresh start. Embrace new beginnings, aware of communication, consummation and security. Let go of past expectations and begin again.

    Set aside all you think you know about your mate or opponent. Consider sacred bonds, sex, passion, power and trust. Note when you depend on a friend, lover, client, coach or how you go it alone. Reflect on ways you pledge yourself, personally, financially or both.

    Ideas around home and family play into this: developing roots, safety, or finding your way in your surroundings. Show enthusiasm for domestic settings and a determination to meet your own needs. As Mars moves through the base of your chart, issues connected to nesting, nurture, parents, a property or your environment could be important.

    Find yourself invested in household interests, anticipating there’ll be some back and forth ahead. We won’t be completely finished with this transit until April 2025, so settle down but expect adjustments and a re-orientation in Spring. Acknowledge what suits you in your private life, yet be open, flexible, willing to negotiate. You might have unwavering inner stability, leading you to be comfortable where you find yourself, literally and emotionally.

    The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th (at 12:26 pm BST) sees you noticed, prominent or standing out, however you might not be entirely at ease with appearances on this day. Your identity or the way you come off may be discombobulated. Take it easy and find assurance in your other half.

    Halloween reveals profound information about the future, in an exchange between you and your main squeeze. Sense a deepening commitment that forges trust.

  2. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Taurus star sign October 2024


    As the month begins, we’ve a solar eclipse in your house of daily work, health, habits and routine acts of service. This signals a fresh start and enthusiasm for systems and being usefully employed.

    What’s more, Venus (your guiding star and planetary ruler) is in your opposite sign. There may be the inclination to partner, lavish attention on a best friend, your spouse or a key person at work. Look to help and support others in an intimate setting. Identify those you’re involved with, and think how to lighten their load – and your own. Come up with ideas or identify techniques that make sense, with efficiencies cultivated around domestic life, chores and tasks.

    The 5th is geared towards mutual understanding, while the 14th connects you to a team, group or community, which in turn benefits a relationship. While there’s lots you can busy yourself with in the running of your day-to-day, there are also moments to pause in the weeks ahead.

    The Full Moon on the 17th is such a time, however you’re likely unable to take a break and gain respite, with heightened activity indicated in your surroundings. Find the sweet spot between surrendering to win (i.e. resting and accepting you’re not in control), and directing your energy wisely and efficiently. Delegate and communicate!

    October is generally socially active, calling you to get involved with people in your environment. Sense allies that want to see you do well, and recognise you might need to get vulnerable and honest with a sisterhood, or those closest. Be the one to initiate telephone calls and conversations!

    From the 18th, you could be drawn into sacred unions, contractual obligations and find you’re devoted to your private life. Be open to reconfiguring your role, contribution or financial position, with opportunities to improve what’s shared.

  3. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Gemini star sign October 2024


    This month can begin brilliantly, Gemini.

    With your ruling planet Mercury in your element, air, highlight your expressive tendencies, your talents and capabilities. Deliver a special message to those around you, connected to what you want, those you love, and all you find personally gratifying!

    Your happiness, creative ideas and inspiration counts the most entering October.

    An eclipse on the 2nd touches your sense of playfulness, your tastes and affections, with awareness of what you’ve produced, or made happen. Let fun friends, siblings or close mates bolster you, noticing what brings joy to your heart – and what’s most appreciated from your perspective!

    If romance has been lacking, or if you’ve not been truly satisfied sexually shift gears.

    Perhaps you’ve been putting other people first, facilitating their desires without realising it’s you who’s in the driver’s seat. Know the ball’s in your court, and will continue to be as far as relationships go. Evaluate how you want a partner to show up as your plus one, balancing what you both want out of life.
    Realisation may arise with the Aries Full Moon on the 17th, which is set to be confronting. A social situation or plans in a group could be uncomfortable, with the added component of your role or financial position that stands out. Your assets, income or values generally warrants attention in the months ahead, so acknowledge what you’re sensing about spending, your possessions or job.

    Mercury spends the second half of October in your work-a-day sector of health, employment, systems and routines. Tackle admin, get general support in place, and approach trusted parties. Halloween brings intimate conversations and can even set out an agreement, with discussions of long-term plans, future goals, dreams and possibilities.

    Open up to a collaborator, avoiding power struggles and money talks.

  4. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Cancer star sign October 2024


    Early October sees a solar eclipse breeze through your home zone, Cancer. Welcome a fresh start in a new property, around family, or lay claim to stability in your environment.

    You may have been working a little differently these past few months, waiting to get back to your usual routine. Perhaps it’s been necessary to deal with mental health, addictions, a private issue or a secret scandal. A significant person may have been keeping you busy.

    Consider yourself a butterfly cocooned, not yet ready to emerge, and appreciate pockets of isolation that allow you to develop skills behind the scenes.

    Invest in your space, and acknowledge your outlook on parenting and the past. Connect to your innermost feelings, devoted to domesticity, nesting, nurturing and accepting where you find yourself.

    Despite solitary plans you could be incredibly energised, raring to go as you’re playing host to motivated Mars. There may be an eagerness that sees you present, showing up for life, reaching toward goals and aspirations. This might not serve you on the Full Moon October 17th, which could have you doubting your direction and approach.

    On a positive note, friends are inspired by your creativity, so showcase talents to your circle. You have something wonderful to share with the world, and ways to publish or broadcast your wisdom and expertise. Keep exploring and working on your specialism!

    Team up with a key collaborator and go the distance together. You might even profit from hobbies, passions and performances, or, find fulfilment in the arts, your kids or fun projects.

    Halloween is your chance to indulge, so look forward to the witching hour and slow down a little if you find you’re hot under the collar on fright night. As tensions mount between you and your mate choose your words carefully.

  5. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Leo star sign October 2024


    Team up with close connections, learn from those in your local area or teach! Turn over a new leaf addressing neighbours, workmates or a brotherhood around you, Leo.

    Focus on getting acquainted with members of your group, with something in common to discuss. A solar eclipse breezes through your sector of communications and personal relations on the evening of the 2nd, bringing news, ideas or information to your door. Make note of what’s delivered, and where you’re open to engagement and conversation.

    Ask yourself what’s been lacking, what you’ve been missing, and step toward solutions.

    Embrace language or a skillset, gaining equipment or a logistical puzzle piece that makes it easier to be part of your community. Find yourself talking to lose acquaintances on the 8th.

    It’s an important year for having fun as a team mate or member of an organisation, showcasing your talents among friends. You might have found yourself participating, enjoying exposure to a broader circle.

    The Full Moon on the 17th illuminates higher education, long-distance travel and journeys that expand your horizons. However, this isn’t a soft, inspiring lunation but rather confronting and even uncomfortable in its revelations. You may touch on hidden parts of your private life or dreams that are ready to be explored more deeply. This will happen naturally in the months ahead, so be prepared for healing, as unconscious wisdom is yours to discover and embrace.

    You could find you’re helping, supporting or assisting your elders, or figures from the past, taking short trips or running errands. Find yourself in service to family or household issues from the 23rd. Light up domestic spaces, disconnecting to tend to your inner world and people in sacred spaces. You could be more introspective for the remainder of October, focusing your attention on home.

  6. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Virgo star sign October 2024


    Finances are a hot topic this month, Virgo. Your role, earning potential, input and capabilities are spotlighted entering October, with a solar eclipse bringing a fresh start around the part you play, and what you contribute.

    Acknowledge what you have and what you make, take inventory of your assets and attributes. Consider how you make a living, how you feel about money and your worth. A solar eclipse on the 2nd touches on these themes, while the Full Moon on the 17th prompts you to illuminate where you’re dependent on others for stability.

    This might not be comfortable, so try to be objective as you move ahead with a new approach to work, your assets and what makes sense for you.

    Think about what’s lucrative, and where unifying your interests – coming together to partner – is profitable. It may be time to face the relationships that don’t produce a good return on investment. There may be debts, obligations or trust issues that must be addressed, with a social dimension that adds complication. Broaching a contract or intimate entanglement among friends may be necessary yet painful.

    Your ambitions, the person you appear to be in public, your professional profile or career trajectory may be significant. You may have visibility and appear successful, with family, a property or home life prominent. From the 9th be willing to review or restrategise the direction you’re moving in, with plans for long-term security discussed on the 8th.

    It’s a strong time for team spirit and all your relationships, with Mars moving through your friendship sector until April 2025. Your approach to society and its people, your peers and networks gives you plenty to explore. Find motivation around a group or community project, mindful of when you put others needs and desires ahead of your own.

  7. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Libra star sign October 2024


    It’s a great time to focus on your identity, who you are aside from family, your spouse or key figures, Libra. Find you’ve clarity entering October, and awareness of where or when you’ve lost a part of yourself. A solar eclipse on the 2nd brings you the fresh start you might have been craving. You might like to invest in something just for you – consider treating yourself before the 16th!

    Use the weeks ahead to affirm your identity, brainstorming ideas about your special attributes, and your place among friends, a group or social network. Be present and confident in who you are, and available for new experiences!

    Enjoy lively exchanges, speaking about a journey you’ve taken, or ways you’ve expanded your world view – particularly on the 8th!

    Your career profile, reputation or ambitions could be hot topic, as you stride ahead on your path towards certain life goals or accomplishments. You may be encouraged by someone special or motivated by a competitor to get ahead, claiming a title or your rightful position as an authority, leader, parent or person of influence.

    The Aries Full Moon on the 17th illuminates’ unions, both platonic and romantic. If you’ve been dealing with a pertinent individual at work, at home, or in a significant relationship it can be acknowledged at this time, with a public display of emotion. Mark this (and the 22nd) in your diary as a potential time for dramatic outbursts.

    From the 18th there might be greater ease in your relationships, especially if you’re able to assimilate wisdom, or knowledge developed over the summer. Close friends might validate what you’ve been through with a partner, yet try to differentiate between those around you that you can trust, and those that needn’t be privy to your private life.

  8. Horoscope zodiac symbol for October star sign October 2024


    You may have been missing out on solitary moments, alone time or quiet pockets of isolation, Scorpio. However, entering October you could be forced to take a breath, escaping your usual workload or day-to-day routine.

    A solar eclipse on the 2nd reminds you to utilise recovery and healing techniques, and could even introduce new modalities for respite and peace of mind. Think about how you might treat mental health or life’s greatest challenges moving forward. You might have moved into a space of commitment over the past few months, more deeply invested in relationships.

    Trust you’re on the right path with next steps planned but be open to adjustments. Don’t rush the process of unifying or entering into a contract, find ways to accept yourself and others where you are.

    You might have a supreme handle on communications from the 12th. Pluto appears direct in your house of news, writing, teaching and personal relations, suggesting you’re in the final stages of a long transformation dealing with (and delivering_ information. Expect progress, having formed an impressive skill-set and way to operate in your local environment, among neighbours.

    Another strong theme in the weeks and months ahead revolves around travel, publishing, higher education and a broadening of your horizons. There may be something to experience, understand or share – global projects, wisdom or a journey to embrace.

    Duties call on the 17th, with a Full Moon illuminating wellness, maintenance issues, employment and support systems. There may be an uncomfortable truth to face about your lifestyle or the way you’ve been operating. Try not to overwhelm yourself with outside opinions – keep it simple and low key where health processes or admin’s concerned.

    Scorpio season starts in the evening of the 22nd, so from the 23rd really focus on yourself, your goals and birthday wishes.

  9. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Sagittarius star sign October 2024


    As the new month begins, consider your network, Sagittarius.

    Highlight where you’re a part of society, with friends to call on. Embrace key relationships, aware of how those primary partnerships might evolve. Make space to reflect on the evening of the 2nd, when a solar eclipse encourages a fresh approach to your team or community. Ask “What chapter is ending? Which unions are deepening?” as a potentially profound cycle of introspection is underway…

    There may be a private issue you’re busy with – perhaps you’re working behind the scenes on a secret project, your health, or quiet, healing modalities warrant a step back. Balance your availability in public spaces with a devotion to undercover operations.

    Certain agreements, promises and enduring loyalties are likely important. You could be keen to follow through on a pact, passionate about a contract, binding ties and a sense of mutual understanding. You might be inspired to negotiate your commitments, advocating for your own happiness, or fertility choices. There may be motivation to take action around your children, hobbies or solo plans, yet confronting emotional entanglements and dependencies.

    Settle in, determining who you can lean on and trust. Your desires may be compelling, yet you’re encouraged to acknowledge sources of security, your responsibilities and even family ties.

    Intimate encounters are generally significant, with Jupiter in your house of one-to-ones. You might be experiencing growth in a marriage, learning much more about romantic unions, or exploring platonic collaborations. From October 9th (until February 4th 2025) develop greater awareness and knowledge, navigating the idea of togetherness.

    The Full Moon on the 17th (at 12.26 pm BST) sets your heart on your sleeve, yet there might be vulnerabilities that aren’t necessarily comfortable. Anticipate intensity! By Halloween night you’ll want quiet respite, enmeshed with recuperation behind closed doors.

  10. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Capricorn star sign October 2024


    We’ve a solar eclipse the evening of the 2nd that touches your public image, reputation, goals and ambitions. You might be aware of a shift around the impression you make, the title you hold and visibility you’re afforded in professional spaces.

    Your ambitions and what you’re setting out to achieve may be on your mind, so get clear on all you aspire to personally or professionally. Let go of outdated expectations attached to your status or name that aren’t sincere, or even your own. You may be learning a lot about daily maintenance, health and workloads, with experiences these past few months bringing developments around what you can manage. Sense a new path opening up, new aspirations to move towards.

    October inspires your social life, too Capricorn.

    Step closer to friends, networks and clubs, leveraging your talents for a good cause. Take what you love and use this as a reason to circulate. For example, team up with mothers in your district, find you’re among fans with similar tastes, gather with hobbyists or show interest in a loved one’s passion project. Meet community members near and far, sensing certain people stand out in a crowd.

    Mars activates partnerships, encouraging you to pay attention to key relationships, particularly those determined to catch your eye.

    The Full Moon on the 17th could reveal truths about family, your household or property. There may be something uncomfortable about the past, parenting or even your home that’s painful, with one person adding tension on this day. Navigate mothering themes, safety, nurture and your domestic life mindfully.

    Halloween is a chance to get-together in a group, knowing familiar faces in your environment that get along. Talk about projects on the go or support you’re seeking – you may meet a collaborator ready to help!

  11. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Aquarius star sign October 2024


    Set your sights on far flung destinations, opportunities for wisdom, learning and growth as October begins. A solar eclipse breezes into your house of foreigners, philosophy and global viewpoints, offering maximum inspiration on the 1st, 2nd and 8th. Accept the direction you’re moving in, and places or dreams left behind as you change gears.

    Announce the journey you’re embarking upon, or what you’re discovering. Shift into fresh spaces, literally or mentally, seize a new beginning, embracing projects that see your outlook harmonised with others. You may be on the same page as a partner, understanding another perspective. Broadcasting, teaching, mentoring or development could be on your mind, with a message or idea to share with the world…

    Experiences and adventures compliment your own creativity and pleasurable pursuits.

    Indulge your playful side, hobbies, games, vacations and enjoy life. Date, romance yourself and others, exploring what you’re keen to produce, make or express. There may be plans formulating that are important to you. Sense how far you’ve already come but be prepared to double down your efforts. Anything worth doing will likely take time, so be patient.

    The Full Moon on the 17th may deliver uncomfortable news or revelations, exacerbated by a health issue, your employment or routine. The way you manage your day-to-day lifestyle and work may be topical, including ways you instruct or direct those around you.

    Sense momentum around systems, diet, wellness and jobs, as energizer Mars boots motivation to implement positive habits. This trajectory will not be fully complete until April 2025, so find the rhythm of your body, taking care of business.

    Be willing to delegate on the 23rd, as helping hands are available to take the pressure off. By the end of the month you’ll be prominent in your career or noticed as a public figure.

  12. Horoscope zodiac symbol for Pisces star sign October 2024


    Your private affairs are spotlighted entering October, Pisces. The solar eclipse on the 2nd affords you space to examine your commitments, outgoings and joint expenditures, and encourages you to level up any debts…

    Address promises made that perhaps aren’t feasible, and acknowledge a shift around what you’re willing to borrow, pledge or sign-off on.

    There may be clarity thanks to a new loan or trusted relationship, awareness of your dependencies and those you’re wedded to, financially or emotionally. Sense the people, organisations and ways of working you can really rely on. Some agreements may be fading, while other obligations require a fresh approach.

    Home, family or your domestic side may have been prominent these past few months. There may have been growth, an inclination to feed, nurture, mother those around you, or develop your career according to life under your roof. A contract or proposal may make it easier to gain stability on the 8th, so answer the call.

    The Full Moon on the 17th illuminates your income, earning potential, assets and prized possessions. Find yourself capable of great honesty around your role and contribution, face-to-face with what you have, how you spend and save.

    It might not be comfortable dealing with your position, thanks to momentum around all that you love, cherish and adore. You may now be motivated by your kids, passion projects, creative interests or your own happiness. There may be a need to devote energy and attention to having fun, with a vacation or theme of advocating for your own desires or fertility. Turn toward your inspiration and joy, while still being aware of costs and resources that are available.

    Plan for adventure on Halloween – anticipate being noticed by friends and admirers! This is a great evening to get out of your comfort zone.

The details above have been created for promotional and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on it.

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Author Details

Kimberly Peta Dewhirst

Fashion Astrologer & Star Sign Style Founder

Kimberly studied at the London School of Astrology and The Faculty of Astrological Studies. Kimberly is the founder of Star Sign Style which is dedicated to exploring the twelve archetypes of the zodiac and lifting the veil on the style of star signs.

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