termini e condizioni per promozioni e concorsi
Promozione con prodotto in regalo con acquisto
I presenti termini e condizioni (i “Termini") si applicano al Prodotto in regalo con promozioni di acquisto disponibili di volta in volta su http://www.charlottetilbury.com(il “Sito web”)
2. Il PromotoreIslestarr Holdings Limited, una società registrata in Inghilterra e Galles nel registro delle imprese con il numero 07712458, con ufficio registrato in 8 Surrey Street, Londra, WC2R 2ND (il “Promotore”).
3. La PromozioneSpendi l’Importo qualificante come indicato nella Promozione su qualsiasi prodotto o merce di Charlotte Tilbury (“Prodotti”) sul Sito web pertinente e ricevi prodotti in regalo con il tuo acquisto (la “Promozione”).
**Attenzione: l’acquisto di carte regalo elettroniche non viene considerato come un acquisto di Prodotti e di conseguenza, non contribuisce all’Importo qualificante necessario per ricevere il Regalo. Sono esclusi anche gli abbonamenti acquistati.**
4. Il Regalo4.1. Il Regalo è come indicato nella pubblicità promozionale.
4.2. Il Regalo è al netto delle spese di spedizione.
4.3. Il Regalo è soggetto a disponibilità. Non è prevista un’alternativa in denaro al Regalo e il Promotore si riserva il diritto di sostituire il Regalo con un articolo di valore pari o superiore.
4.4 Il regalo non può essere scambiato. Ad esempio, il Regalo non può essere scambiato se viene selezionata una tonalità errata per il Regalo in omaggio.
4.5 In caso di restituzione di qualsiasi Prodotto acquistato come parte di una transazione ammissibile, rendendo quest'ultima inferiore all'Importo Limite, il cliente dovrà restituire il Regalo.
4.6. Il Promotore non è responsabile per eventuali costi e/o spese aggiuntivi in relazione al Regalo inclusi (senza limitazione) i costi di viaggio, diversi da quelli specificatamente elencati sopra come parte del Regalo e per i periodi di tempo specificati (ove applicabile).
4.7 L'Importo Limite è l'importo al netto degli sconti applicati.
4.8. Il Partecipante non potrà, durante l'utilizzo del Regalo, mostrare o pubblicizzare slogan politici o linguaggio omofobo, immagini di natura oscena o esplicitamente sessuale, immagini contenenti loghi di competitori e sponsorizzazioni esplicite di un marchio o qualsiasi altro atto considerato di "ambush marketing", o contenuto diffamatorio, osceno, illegale, volgare, offensivo o altrimenti inadatto o che viola i diritti altrui (compresi i diritti di proprietà intellettuale).
5. Come partecipare alla Promozione5.1. Per partecipare alla Promozione, i partecipanti dovranno effettuare un ordine sul Sito web, durante i tempi stabiliti dalla pubblicità promozionale (Periodo di promozione), acquistando uno o più Prodotti. L'importo speso dal partecipante per i Prodotti deve essere pari o superiore all’Importo qualificante pertinente.
5.2. I partecipanti che effettuano acquisti al di fuori del Periodo di promozione non riceveranno il Regalo con il loro acquisto.5.3. A condizione che i partecipanti acquistino uno o più dei Prodotti e spendano il relativo Importo qualificante, essi non dovranno ordinare alcun altro prodotto sul Sito Web per ricevere il Regalo. Tuttavia, oltre al costo dei Prodotti potrebbero essere applicati determinati costi di spedizione.5.4. I partecipanti potranno partecipare alla Promozione più volte durante il Periodo di promozione, a condizione che acquistino, in ogni occasione, Prodotti per un valore totale pari o superiore all’Importo qualificante su uno dei Siti web.5.5. Il Promotore esclude ogni responsabilità per ordini smarriti, indipendentemente dalla causa, compresi, ad esempio, ritardi postali, guasti alle apparecchiature, malfunzionamenti tecnici, guasti di qualsiasi genere a sistemi, satellite, rete, server, hardware o software.5.6. Con l'atto di partecipazione alla Promozione, si ritiene che tutti i partecipanti abbiano letto, accettato e si considerino vincolati ai presenti Termini, ad altri requisiti stabiliti nel materiale della Promozione (laddove si verifichi un conflitto, i requisiti fissati nel materiale promozionale avranno la precedenza) e alle leggi e ai regolamenti applicabili, inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, quelli in materia di copyright, contenuti, calunnia, privacy, pubblicità e accesso o utilizzo di computer o sistemi di comunicazione altrui.5.7. Il Promotore esclude ogni responsabilità per lo smarrimento o il ritardo postale nella consegna dei Prodotti ordinati e del Regalo.5.8. Per ricevere assistenza riguardo la partecipazione alla Promozione, contattare l'assistenza clienti all’indirizzo customercare@charlottetilbury.com.6. Idoneità6.1. 6. La promozione è disponibile esclusivamente per i clienti che acquistano dalle pagine del Regno Unito, degli Stati Uniti, del Canada, dell'Australia e dell'Unione Europea (che include Francia, Germania, Italia, Paesi Bassi e Spagna) del sito www.charlottetilbury.com.
(a) dipendenti del Promotore, delle sue aziende associate o delle società del gruppo;(b) chiunque sia associato professionalmente alla Promozione;(c) membri delle famiglie o famiglie immediate di cui alle precedenti lettere (a) e (b); o(d) chiunque acquisti il/i Prodotto/i con uno sconto, diversi dai membri di Charlotte Tilbury Pro.6.2. Il Promotore si riserva il diritto, a propria esclusiva discrezione, di squalificare da ulteriore partecipazione alla Promozione chiunque ritenga alteri la Promozione o agisca in maniera ritenuta dal Promotore tale da violare i presenti Termini, le leggi e/o i regolamenti pertinenti e/o i diritti di terze parti.7. Limitazione di responsabilità7.1. Il Promotore non è responsabile per eventuali danni o perdite subiti da qualsiasi partecipante, laddove tali danni o perdite non fossero, al momento dell'iscrizione alla Promozione, una conseguenza ragionevolmente prevedibile della violazione dei presenti Termini o qualora la Promozione non si svolgesse come previsto.
7.2. Il Promotore non potrà essere ritenuto responsabile del mancato adempimento agli obblighi di terze parti coinvolte nella Promozione, anche se il Promotore cercherà sempre di minimizzare gli effetti di tale mancato adempimento sui partecipanti.7.3. Nessun elemento dei presenti Termini potrà essere usato per escludere la responsabilità del Promotore:(a) in caso di decesso o danni fisici come conseguenza di negligenza;(b) in caso di frode; o(c) in casi che esulino da quanto consentito dalla legge.8. Protezione dei dati e PubblicitàPer informazioni relative all’Informativa sulla privacy del Promotore e alla Politica di direct marketing, contattare direttamente il Promotore o visitare il Sito web all’indirizzo www.charlottetilbury.com.
9. Generale9.1. Il Promotore si riserva il diritto di abrogare, sospendere, annullare o modificare la Promozione laddove necessario e senza preavviso.
9.2. Il Promotore si riserva il diritto di cancellare o modificare i presenti Termini in qualunque momento e senza preavviso.9.3. I presenti Termini saranno governati dalle norme legali dell'Inghilterra e le parti si sottopongono alla giurisdizione non esclusiva dei tribunali di Inghilterra e Galles.15% OFF FOR NEW CUSTOMERS
1. The Promoter Islestarr Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458, whose office is at 8 Surrey Street, London, United Kingdom WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
2. The Promotion & Entry All new customers that create an account on the Charlotte Tilbury Beauty app (the “Mobile App”) will receive 15% off eligible Charlotte Tilbury products by way of a one-time use per customer discount code – see Mobile App Discount Code below. All new customers that create an account on www.charlottetilbury.com (the “Website”) will receive 15% off eligible Charlotte Tilbury products, and free standard/ground shipping, by way of a one-time use per customer discount code – see Website Discount Code below. Customers will be able to redeem both codes for the Website and the Mobile App upon their first-time purchases made on each. In order to avail of the Promotion, customers must remain logged in to their account on the Website and/or the Mobile App when making their first-time purchase on each.
3. Eligibility & Restrictions 3.1. The Website Discount Code: DARLING15 3.2 The Mobile App Discount Code: CTAPP15
3.3 The following restrictions will apply to both the Website Discount Code and the Mobile App Discount Code:
i. hampers, bundles, virtual services, subscription, packaging, samples, eGift cards, Immediate Skin Revival Routine Skincare Discovery Set, and other products as advised from time to time, will not be part of the Promotion; ii. each code may only be used once; iii. cannot use the codes in conjunction with other discounts or offers; iv. each code can only be used by a new customer that is making their first purchase on either the Website or the Mobile App and is logged into their created account; v. each code should not be shared with anyone else; vi. each code cannot be redeemed via the ‘Guest Checkout’ option; and vii. the codes cannot be redeemed in the excluded regions as set out below. 3.2. The following regions are excluded from participating in this Promotion: i. Hong Kong; ii. Cayman Islands; iii. Chile; iv. South Africa; v. Taiwan; vi. Thailand; vii. Vietnam; and viii. any other region not listed on the Website or Mobile App as being one of the countries that the Promotor ships to.
4. Limitation of Liability 4.1. The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any participant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Promotion made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these terms and conditions or if the Promotion does not run as planned. 4.2. The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Promotion, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the participants of any such failure. 4.3. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability: (a) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence; (b) for fraud; or (c) further than is permitted by law.
5. Data Protection and Publicity 5.1. By entering the Promotion, participants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) participants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws: a. to enable it to administer a participant’s entry including deciding whether it accords with these terms and conditions; b. to fulfil the Promotion; c. to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct and fulfilment of the Promotion; or e. for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes. 5.2. For the purposes of the Promotion, the Promoter will only disclose participants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph 5.1 above. 5.3. For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s Privacy Policy.
6. General 6.1. By entering, all participants will be deemed to have read, accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions, any other requirements set out in the promotional material for the Promotion (in the event of a conflict, the requirements set out in the promotional material will take precedence), as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems. 6.2. In entering the Promotion, participants confirm that they are eligible to do so and are eligible to redeem The Website Discount Code and/or The Mobile App Discount Code. The Promoter may require participants to provide proof of such eligibility. By entering the Promotion, all participants warrant that all information submitted by them is true and accurate. 6.3. The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Promotion any individual it has reason to believe is tampering with the operation of the Promotion, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of these terms and conditions, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third party rights. 6.4. If the Promoter subsequently discovers any redeemer of the Promotion is ineligible, has breached these terms and conditions or is suspected of engaging in any other foul play or unethical conduct, then the Promoter reserves the right (at its absolute discretion) not to honour the Promotion to that participant. 6.5. The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 6.6. By entering the Promotion, the participant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the participant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the participant herein. The participant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry. 6.7. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Termini e condizioni di Charlotte Tilbury per Masterclasses
Partecipando a una qualsiasi Masterclass Charlotte Tilbury presente sul sito www.charlottetilbury.com (la "Pro-Artist Masterclass"), si considerano accettati i termini e le condizioni di seguito elencati.
1. Il PromotoreIslestarr Holdings Limited, una società registrata in Inghilterra e Galles con il numero 07712458 del registro delle imprese, il cui ufficio è ubicato al n. 8 di Surrey Street, Londra, Regno Unito, WC2R 2ND (il “Promotore” o “Noi”). E-mail: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
2. Ticket e partecipazione all'evento2.1 Per partecipare a una Pro-Artist Masterclass, è necessario prenotare gratuitamente un biglietto per l'evento tramite [il sito] Charlotte Tilbury (/content/live-beauty-events) usando la app Appointed. La prenotazione sarà limitata a un biglietto a cliente e a evento. Per ogni evento Pro-Artist Masterclass saranno disponibili 20,000 biglietti, assegnati secondo il principio "primo arrivato, primo servito".
2.2 Se decidi di usare la funzione chat durante la Pro-Artist Masterclass, sei responsabile dei contenuti pubblicati.
2.3 Qualsiasi contenuto postato durante la Pro-Artist Masterclass sarà soggetto ai requisiti dei CONTENUTI DELL'UTENTE definiti nei nostri Termini e condizioni su www.charlottetilbuty.com.
2.4 I seguenti gruppi sono esclusi dalla partecipazione alle Pro-Artist Masterclass:
(a) dipendenti del Promotore, delle sue aziende associate o delle società del gruppo;
(b) chiunque sia associato professionalmente alla Pro-Artist Masterclass; o
(c) familiari o conviventi delle categorie (a) e (b) di cui sopra.3
Codici sconto e idoneità3.1 Alcune Pro-Artist Masterclass offriranno un codice sconto da utilizzare sul sito www.charlottetilbury.com. I partecipanti che hanno prenotato un biglietto e hanno accettato di ricevere proposte di marketing diretto o che hanno indicato di ricevere il codice sconto per email al momento della prenotazione riceveranno sul loro indirizzo di posta un codice sconto dopo la Masterclass (il "Codice sconto"), da applicare sui prodotti acquistati sul sito www.charlottetilbury.com in conformità ai termini forniti al momento della prenotazione della Pro-Artist Masterclass e/o nella email. Il Codice sconto non sarà condiviso né incluso in nessun altro materiale promozionale. Oltre a quanto sopra, si applicano i seguenti criteri di idoneità e le seguenti restrizioni alla riscossione del Codice sconto.
3.2 Il Codice sconto:
(a) è disponibile esclusivamente per i clienti che acquistano dalle pagine del Regno Unito, degli Stati Uniti, del Canada, dell'Australia, di Hong Kong e dell'Unione Europea (che include Francia, Germania, Italia, Paesi Bassi e Spagna) del sito www.charlottetilbury.com.
(b) può essere usato una sola volta;
(c) non può essere utilizzato in combinazione con altri sconti, articoli in saldo, prodotti scontati, acquisti effettuati con carte regalo, kit, offerte che includono omaggi o di altro tipo;
(d) non può essere condiviso ed è disponibile solo per i clienti che hanno prenotato e frequentato la Pro-Artist Masterclass, chi non ha effettuato acquisti e non ha frequentato una Masterclass non potrà ricevere o usare il Codice sconto;
(e) sarà inviato solo ai clienti che hanno accettato di ricevere email di marketing diretto dal Promotore o che hanno indicato di ricevere il Codice sconto al momento della prenotazione del biglietto;
(f) potrà essere usato solo nel periodo di riscossione specificato nell'email generata con il Codice sconto; e
(g) è soggetto a disponibilità.
3.3 I seguenti gruppi sono esclusi dall'utilizzo del Codice sconto:
(a) dipendenti di Islestarr Holdings Limited, delle sue aziende associate o delle società del gruppo;
(b) chiunque sia professionalmente associato con Islestarr Holdings Limited; o
(c) familiari o conviventi delle categorie (a) e (b) di cui sopra.
4. Protezione dei dati e pubblicità4.1 Richiedendo un biglietto e partecipando a una Pro-Artist Masterclass, i partecipanti sono consapevoli del fatto che il Promotore (e il proprio gruppo di aziende per suo conto) può elaborare, archiviare, distribuire e/o usare le informazioni (inclusi i dati personali) da essi fornite all'atto dell'iscrizione e durante il processo di iscrizione per le finalità elencate di seguito, che rappresentano i legittimi interessi del Promotore in base alle leggi sulla protezione dei dati:
(a) per consentire l'amministrazione delle iscrizioni dei partecipanti, inclusa la loro conformità ai termini e condizioni;
(b) per condividere con organizzazioni o agenti che supportano nella conduzione della Pro-Artist Masterclass; o
(c) per ogni altra finalità promozionale ragionevole correlata.
4.2 Ai fini della Pro-Artist Masterclass, il Promotore comunicherà i dati personali dei partecipanti solo ai soggetti appartenenti alle società del gruppo e ai fornitori di servizi esterni che li richiedono per le finalità elencate nel paragrafo 4.1 di cui sopra.
4.3 Per ulteriori informazioni sull'utilizzo dei dati personali da parte del Promotore e sui diritti garantiti dalle leggi in materia di protezione dei dati, consultare l'[informativa sulla privacy] del Promotore (/help/security-privacy).
Limitazione di responsabilità5.1 Il Promotore non è responsabile per eventuali danni o perdite subiti da un partecipante, laddove il danno o la perdita non si siano verificati al momento dell'iscrizione alla Pro-Artist Masterclass e siano una conseguenza ragionevolmente prevedibile della violazione dei termini e condizioni oppure se la Pro-Artist Masterclass non si svolge come pianificato.
5.2 Il Promotore non potrà essere ritenuto responsabile del mancato adempimento agli obblighi di terze parti coinvolte nella Pro-Artist Masterclass, anche se il Promotore cercherà sempre di minimizzare gli effetti di tale mancato adempimento sui partecipanti.
5.3 Nessun elemento dei presenti termini e condizioni potrà essere usato per escludere la responsabilità del Promotore:
(a) in caso di decesso o danni fisici come conseguenza di negligenza;
(b) in caso di frode; o
(c) in casi che esulino da quanto consentito dalla legge.6
Generale6.1 Con l'atto della prenotazione di un biglietto e della partecipazione a una Pro-Artist Masterclass, si presuppone che tutti i partecipanti abbiano letto, accettato e si considerino vincolati ai termini e condizioni, ad altri requisiti stabiliti nel materiale della Pro-Artist Masterclass (laddove si verifichi un conflitto, i requisiti fissati nel materiale promozionale avranno la precedenza) e alle leggi e ai regolamenti applicabili, inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, quelli in materia di copyright, contenuti, calunnia, privacy, pubblicità e accesso o utilizzo di computer o sistemi di comunicazione altrui.
6.2 Prenotando un biglietto e partecipando a una Pro-Artist Masterclass, i partecipanti confermano la loro idoneità alla promozione e al riscatto del Codice sconto. Il Promotore può richiedere ai partecipanti una prova di tale idoneità. Accedendo alla Pro-Artist Masterclass, tutti i partecipanti garantiscono che le informazioni inviate sono veritiere e accurate.
6.3 Il Promotore si riserva il diritto di cancellare, modificare l'ora e/o la data o sostituire la Pro-Artist Masterclass, il suo contenuto e/o i suoi presentatori senza preavviso. Il Promotore si riserva il diritto di cancellare o modificare i presenti termini e condizioni in qualunque momento e senza preavviso.
6.4 Il Promotore si riserva il diritto, a sua esclusiva discrezione, di squalificare dall'ulteriore partecipazione alla Pro-Artist Masterclass chiunque ritiene stia alterando il funzionamento della Pro-Artist Masterclass o stia agendo secondo modalità che, sempre secondo il Promotore, violano i termini e condizioni, leggi e/o regolamenti pertinenti e/o diritti di terzi. Ciò può includere la revoca del diritto di partecipare alla Pro-Artist Masterclass e/o di utilizzare il Codice sconto.
6.5 Saranno applicati i termini e le condizioni per l'uso su www.live.charlottetilbury.com
6.6 Richiedendo un biglietto e partecipando a una Pro-Artist Masterclass, il partecipante accetta di manlevare il Promotore rispetto a ogni azione, reclamo, danno, spesa o responsabilità subita o affrontata da noi in maniera diretta o indiretta in conseguenza di violazioni o presunte violazioni, mancate prestazioni o mancata osservanza di accordi, condizioni, obblighi o garanzie da parte sua. Il partecipante rinuncia e manleva il Promotore e ciascuna delle sue entità e parti controllanti, affiliate, controllate e/o collegate da qualsiasi reclamo, azione o richiesta derivante da o in connessione con l'uso dell'iscrizione.
6.7 – Nel caso tu vinca una Consulenza Virtuale durante una Masterclass, valgono i T&C della Consulenza Virtuale Disponibile anche su www.charlottetilbury.com
6.8 I presenti termini e condizioni saranno governati dalle norme legali dell'Inghilterra e le parti si sottopongono alla giurisdizione non esclusiva dei tribunali di Inghilterra e Galles.
Termini e Condizioni per le Consulenze virtuali
Islestarr Holdings Limited, una società registrata in Inghilterra e Galles con il numero 07712458 del registro delle imprese, il cui ufficio registrato è ubicato al n. 8 di Surrey Street, Londra, Regno Unito WC2R 2ND, (il "Fornitore" o "noi" o "nostro"). E-mail: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
2. Il ServizioConsulenze virtuali con make-up artist online. Gli appuntamenti online per le consulenze di make-up con uno dei make-up artist (MUA) di Charlotte Tilbury potranno essere prenotati online utilizzando l'app Appointedd in base all'ordine di prenotazione (Appuntamento). Questi appuntamenti possono avere una durata di quindici minuti se gratuiti e prenotati tramite l'app Appointedd [qui](/content/virtual-consultation-with-team-tilbury) (Appuntamento Gratuito) oppure una durata di trenta minuti con la relativa quota di partecipazione pagata al momento della prenotazione tramite l'app Appointedd [qui](/content/virtual-consultation-with-team-tilbury) (Appuntamento a pagamento).
I clienti che acquistano un Appuntamento a pagamento riceveranno un codice sconto del valore corrispondente a quello pagato per l'Appuntamento a pagamento da riscattare a fronte dell'acquisto di articoli a prezzo pieno su https://www.charlottetilbury.com, nel rispetto di determinate condizioni indicate di seguito al paragrafo 4 (Codice sconto)
Per eventuali domande relative al Servizio, si prega di contattare: virtualteamtilbury@charlottetilbury.com
3. Prenotazione di un Appuntamento3.1 L'appuntamento deve essere prenotato tramite l'app Appointedd a cui si accede mediante una prenotazione sulla nostra pagina dedicata alle Consulenze Virtuali [qui](/content/virtual-consultation-with-team-tilbury)
3.2 Il Servizio si riferisce alla data e all'ora prenotate tramite l'app Appointedd, e come notificato via e-mail.
3.3 È possibile/non è possibile pagare per un servizio utilizzando una carta regalo; eventuali voucher, codici sconto o promozionali; o Klarna, Afterpay o altri metodi di pagamento dilazionato messi a disposizione di volta in volta.
3.3 Le prenotazioni per gli Appuntamenti Gratuiti possono essere effettuate da clienti con sede in tutto il mondo. Le prenotazioni per gli Appuntamenti a pagamento possono essere effettuate solo da clienti con sede nel Regno Unito.
3.4 È possibile prenotare e partecipare a un solo Appuntamento Gratuito a settimana.
3.5 Gli Appuntamenti a pagamento devono essere pagati in GBP dal Regno Unito.
4. Idoneità e restrizioni sui Codici sconto4.1 Quando si prenota un Appuntamento a pagamento, si riceverà un Codice sconto del valore corrispondente a quello pagato per l'Appuntamento a pagamento. Il Codice sconto verrà inviato per e-mail dopo l'Appuntamento.
4.2 I Codici sconto sono disponibili soltanto per gli Appuntamenti a pagamento. La prenotazione di un Appuntamento Gratuito non comporta la ricezione di un Codice sconto.
4.3 Il Codice sconto:
(i) verrà applicato a tutti i prodotti venduti su www.charlottetilbury.com/it ad eccezione di carte regalo, consulenze virtuali per carte regalo, kit, prodotti già scontati, articoli in promozione e spedizione;
(ii) può essere utilizzato una sola volta. Nel caso in cui non venga riscattato l'intero valore del Codice sconto in una sola transazione, l'eventuale "saldo residuo" non potrà essere riscattato in un secondo momento. Nel caso in cui la transazione superi il valore del Codice sconto, sarà necessario pagare l'importo aggiuntivo;
(iii) non può essere utilizzato insieme a qualsiasi altro codice promozionale o sconto, voucher o carta regalo (inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, sconti, riduzioni o omaggi);
(vi) potrà essere riscattato per un periodo di 6 mesi dalla data di emissione;
(v) è disponibile solo per i clienti che hanno acquistato un Appuntamento a pagamento; i non acquirenti e/o i clienti che prenotano un Appuntamento Gratuito non hanno diritto a ricevere o utilizzare un Codice sconto;
(iv) in caso di utilizzo del Codice sconto e successivo annullamento dell'Appuntamento a pagamento, non si avrà diritto ad alcun rimborso.
5. Annullamento e modifica dell'Appuntamento5.1 Charlotte Tilbury si riserva il diritto di annullare, modificare la data e l'ora dell'Appuntamento o di modificarlo in qualsiasi momento. Nel caso in cui Charlotte Tilbury annulli o modifichi un Appuntamento a pagamento, sarà possibile modificare o annullare l'Appuntamento a pagamento al momento della comunicazione e, in caso di annullamento dell'Appuntamento a pagamento, ricevere un rimborso completo. Nel caso in cui si decida di annullare l'Appuntamento e ricevere un rimborso completo, non sarà più possibile riscattare il Codice sconto. L'elaborazione del rimborso avverrà entro 21 giorni lavorativi.
5.2 È possibile annullare, modificare o spostare l'Appuntamento comunicandolo almeno due ore prima dell'orario dell'Appuntamento all'indirizzo virtualteamtilbury@charlottetilbury.com. Eventuali modifiche e/o spostamenti di Appuntamenti sono soggetti a disponibilità. Se l'Appuntamento non viene annullato, modificato o spostato secondo la clausola 5.2, noi non avremo alcun obbligo di prendere atto o elaborare tale richiesta. Se non ha ricevuto un rimborso secondo la clausola 5.4, è possibile utilizzare il Codice sconto nel caso di un Appuntamento a pagamento.
5.4 Possiamo rimborsare un Appuntamento a pagamento inutilizzato entro 30 giorni dall'acquisto, a condizione che il Codice sconto non sia stato utilizzato. Per richiedere un rimborso, si prega di inviare un'e-mail all'indirizzo virtualteamtilbury@charlottetilbury.com. L'elaborazione avverrà entro 21 giorni lavorativi.
5.5 In caso di richiesta di rimborso per un Appuntamento a pagamento, il Codice sconto sarà annullato immediatamente e non bisognerà tentare di utilizzarlo.
6. Il Suo Appuntamento6.1 Prima del Suo Appuntamento, dovrà compilare un Questionario pre-consulenza. La compilazione non è obbligatoria, ma aiuterà il MUA a garantire un servizio più personalizzato. Se sceglierà di fornire tali informazioni, i dati personali da Lei forniti saranno trattati in conformità con la nostra [informativa sulla privacy.](/help/security-privacy)
6.2 All'Appuntamento può partecipare una sola persona.
6.3 Qualora Lei non si presentasse entro i primi dieci minuti dell'Appuntamento, noi non avremo alcun obbligo di procedere con l'Appuntamento e potremo annullarlo a nostra discrezione, senza alcun obbligo di rimborsarLa o di fissare un nuovo Appuntamento. Se il MUA procede con l'Appuntamento, quest'ultimo non durerà più del tempo assegnato, anche se l'Appuntamento dovesse iniziare in ritardo.
6.4 In caso di mancata partecipazione all'appuntamento o di mancato rispetto dei requisiti previsti dai presenti Termini e Condizioni, non sarà possibile annullare o spostare l'Appuntamento.
6.5 Il tipo di Appuntamenti disponibili (ad es. cura della pelle, fondotinta, occhi, ecc.) sarà a nostra discrezione e sarà disponibile su https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/content/virtual-consultation-with-team-tilbury. Non possiamo garantire la disponibilità degli Appuntamenti e ci riserviamo il diritto di modificarli o annullarli in qualsiasi momento.
6.6 Durante un Appuntamento, il MUA si riserva il diritto di annullare o interrompere l'Appuntamento in qualsiasi momento, qualora lo ritenga opportuno.
6.7 Le informazioni e/o le raccomandazioni relative ai prodotti fornite da un MUA hanno unicamente valore informativo.
6.8 Tutti gli Appuntamenti saranno svolti in lingua inglese.
6.9 Non sarà possibile selezionare un MUA specifico per l'esecuzione dell'Appuntamento, e il MUA selezionato per il Suo Appuntamento sarà interamente a nostra discrezione e soggetto a modifiche in qualsiasi momento.
6.10 La trasmissione dell'Appuntamento avverrà attraverso reti di telecomunicazione pubbliche. Non rilasciamo alcuna dichiarazione o garanzia che il corretto funzionamento dell'Appuntamento sarà ininterrotto o privo di errori e decliniamo ogni responsabilità in merito.
6.11 Il Servizio sarà sempre soggetto ai Termini e condizioni d'uso del sito web e, laddove il Servizio fosse un Appuntamento a Pagamento, ai Termini e Condizioni di vendita. In caso di conflitto, prevarranno i presenti Termini e Condizioni per le Consulenze virtuali. Le Consulenze virtuali dedicate ai regali saranno inoltre soggette ai Termini e Condizioni per le Consulenze virtuali dedicate ai regali, che prevarranno in caso di conflitto.
7. Registrazione del Suo Appuntamento – Diritti di licenza e utilizzo7.1 È vietato registrare il Suo Appuntamento (video e/o audio). Questo serve a proteggere la Sua privacy e quella del nostro MUA. Possiamo registrare il Suo Appuntamento per motivi legati alla formazione e al controllo qualità.
7.2 In alcuni casi, Le sarà richiesto il consenso per la registrazione del Suo Appuntamento e l'utilizzo di una registrazione del Suo Appuntamento di Consulenza virtuale, che include video, audio, sequenza o immagine istantanea tratti dall'Appuntamento, per i nostri scopi promozionali e pubblicitari (Contenuti). Ciò include l'utilizzo sul/i sito/i web di Charlotte Tilbury, sui profili social, in pubblicità e/o promozioni televisive, su piattaforme di condivisone video e altri canali individuati di volta in volta. Troverà ulteriori dettagli sul trattamento dei dati personali nella nostra Informativa sulla privacy [qui] (/help/security-privacy).
7.3 Pertanto ci concede il diritto e la licenza di natura perenne, irrevocabile, trasferibile ed esente da diritti d'autore di utilizzare, copiare, modificare, cancellare interamente, adattare, pubblicare, tradurre, creare opere derivate e/o vendere e/o distribuire tali Contenuti e/o integrarli in qualsiasi forma, mezzo o tecnologia in tutto il mondo senza fornirle alcun compenso
7.4 Abbiamo il diritto di utilizzare i Contenuti a nostra esclusiva discrezione e ci riserviamo il diritto di modificare, condensare, rifiutare la pubblicazione, rimuovere o cancellare qualsiasi Contenuto a nostra discrezione. Non potrà in alcun modo modificare, rimuovere o impedire il nostro utilizzo dei Contenuti. I Contenuti non saranno soggetti ad alcun obbligo di riservatezza da parte di Islestarr Holdings Limited, dei suoi agenti, di ogni relativa società sussidiaria e consociata, nonché di partner o fornitori di servizi esterni e dei loro rispettivi dirigenti, funzionari e dipendenti.
8. Requisiti aggiuntivi per il Servizio8.1 Il Servizio è disponibile solo per i clienti che hanno prenotato un Appuntamento come sopra descritto.
8.2. Partecipando a un Appuntamento, si ritiene che Lei abbia letto, accettato e si consideri vincolato ai presenti Termini e condizioni, ai Termini e condizioni d'uso del sito web, ai Termini e condizioni di vendita, alla nostra Informativa sulla privacy e ad altri requisiti stabiliti nei materiali dell'Appuntamento (laddove si verifichi un conflitto, i requisiti fissati nei materiali dell'Appuntamento avranno la precedenza) e alle leggi e ai regolamenti applicabili, inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, quelli in materia di copyright, contenuti, calunnia, privacy, pubblicità e accesso o utilizzo di computer o sistemi di comunicazione altrui.
8.3. Prenotando un Appuntamento, i partecipanti confermano la loro idoneità alla partecipazione all'Appuntamento e all'utilizzo del Codice sconto. Il Fornitore può richiedere ai partecipanti una prova di tale idoneità. Prenotando e partecipando a un Appuntamento, Lei garantisce che tutte le informazioni da Lei fornite sono veritiere e accurate.
8.4. Il Fornitore si riserva il diritto, a sua esclusiva discrezione, di squalificare qualsiasi individuo da ulteriore partecipazione al Servizio e di impedire che prenoti qualsiasi Appuntamento o ulteriore Appuntamento se ritiene che stia agendo in qualsiasi modo che secondo il Fornitore violi i presenti termini e condizioni, leggi e/o regolamenti pertinenti e/o diritti di terzi. Ciò può includere la revoca del diritto di partecipare all'Appuntamento e/o di utilizzare il Codice sconto.
8.5. Se il Fornitore scopre in seguito che la persona che ha riscattato il Codice sconto non è idonea, ha violato i presenti termini e condizioni oppure è sospetta di condotta non corretta o non etica, si riserva il diritto (a propria assoluta discrezione) di non onorare il Codice sconto di tale partecipante.
9. Limitazione di responsabilità9.1 Si applicherà la Limitazione di responsabilità prevista dai Termini e condizioni del sito web, ma in aggiunta il Fornitore non è responsabile per eventuali danni o perdite subiti da qualsiasi partecipante, qualora tali danni o perdite non fossero, al momento dell'Appuntamento, una conseguenza ragionevolmente prevedibile di una violazione dei presenti termini e condizioni o qualora l'Appuntamento non si svolgesse come anticipato o previsto.
9.2 Il Fornitore non potrà essere ritenuto responsabile del mancato adempimento agli obblighi di terze parti coinvolte nella fornitura di questo Servizio, anche se il Fornitore cercherà sempre di minimizzare gli effetti di tale mancato adempimento sui partecipanti.
9.3 Nessun elemento dei presenti termini e condizioni potrà essere usato per escludere la responsabilità del Fornitore:
(a) in caso di decesso o danni fisici come conseguenza di negligenza;
(b) in caso di frode; o
(c) in casi che esulino da quanto consentito dalla legge.
10. Protezione dei dati e pubblicità10.1. Utilizzando il Servizio e prenotando e partecipando a un Appuntamento, i partecipanti sono consapevoli del fatto che il Fornitore (e il proprio gruppo di aziende per suo conto) può elaborare, archiviare, distribuire e/o usare le informazioni (inclusi i dati personali) fornite dai partecipanti all'atto dell'iscrizione e durante il processo di iscrizione per le finalità elencate di seguito, che rappresentano i legittimi interessi del Fornitore in base alle leggi sulla protezione dei dati:
(a) per consentire la prenotazione, l'amministrazione e lo svolgimento dell'Appuntamento, inclusa la conformità di tale appuntamento ai presenti termini e condizioni;
(b) per soddisfare il Codice sconto;
(c) per la condivisione con organizzazioni o agenti che forniscono assistenza nella conduzione dei Servizi e nell'applicazione del Codice sconto; oppure
(d) per ogni altra finalità ragionevole correlata.
10.2. Per le finalità dei Servizi, il Fornitore comunicherà i dati personali dei partecipanti solo ai soggetti appartenenti alle società del gruppo e ai fornitori di servizi esterni che li richiedono per le finalità elencate nel precedente paragrafo 6.1 e come stabilito nell'Informativa sulla privacy.
10.3 Per ulteriori informazioni sull'utilizzo dei dati personali da parte del Fornitore e sui diritti garantiti dalle leggi in materia di protezione dei dati, consultare l'informativa sulla privacy del Fornitore all'indirizzo https://www.charlottetilbury.com/it/help/security-privacy.
11. Generale11.1. Il Fornitore si riserva il diritto di abrogare, sospendere, annullare o modificare i Servizi e qualsiasi Appuntamento previsto dai Servizi laddove necessario e senza preavviso. Il Fornitore si riserva il diritto di cancellare, modificare l'ora e/o la data di un Appuntamento o di sostituire un Appuntamento, il suo contenuto e/o i suoi presentatori. Il Fornitore si riserva il diritto di cancellare o modificare i presenti termini e condizioni in qualunque momento e senza preavviso.
11.2. Utilizzando i Servizi, il partecipante accetta di manlevare il Fornitore rispetto a ogni azione, reclamo, danno, spesa o responsabilità subita o affrontata da noi in maniera diretta o indiretta in conseguenza di violazioni o presunte violazioni, mancate prestazioni o inosservanza di accordi, condizioni, obblighi o garanzie da parte Sua. Il partecipante dispensa il Fornitore e ogni relativa società madre, consociata, sussidiaria e/o entità e parte collegata da reclami, azioni legali o rivendicazioni derivanti da o in connessione con l'uso dell'iscrizione.
11.3. I presenti termini e condizioni saranno governati dalle norme legali dell'Inghilterra e le parti si sottopongono alla giurisdizione non esclusiva dei tribunali di Inghilterra e Galles.
E-Gift Virtual Consultations Card Terms and Conditions
Islestarr Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458, whose office is at 8 Surrey Street, London, United Kingdom WC2R 2ND, (the “Provider” or “we” or “our” or “us”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
2. The ServiceAn E-Gift Virtual Make Up Artist Consultation with a Charlotte Tilbury Make Up Artist (MUA) to include a discount code to the value of the consultation purchased to be spent on charlottetilbury.com/ (E-Gift Virtual Consultation). An E-Gift Virtual Consultation can be purchased by a customer (Purchaser) for the value advertised on charlottetilbury.com to gift to their chosen recipient (Recipient) by way of an E-Gift Virtual Consultation Card (E-Gift VC Card).
These Terms and Conditions for E-Gift Virtual Services are applicable to the Purchaser and the Recipient of the Service.
For any questions about the Service, contact: charlottetilburygiftexperiences@charlottetilbury.com
3. Purchasing an E-Gift Virtual Consultation3.1 Purchase must be made by the Purchaser by contacting us at charlottetilburygiftexperiences@charlottetilbury.com
3.2 A member of our team will be in contact to arrange the purchase, and you must make payment via a secured link sent to you via email.
3.3. The E-Gift VC Card will either be sent directly to the Recipient, or provided to you to share with the Recipient. This will contain a unique booking code that the Recipient must provide at the point of booking their specific appointment time.
3.4 No physical card is sent via post, electronic delivery only.
3.5 Only available to Purchasers and Recipients both in the UK.
4. Booking an E-Gift Virtual Consultation4.1. The Recipient must book their appointment for the E-Gift Virtual Consultation by contacting us at charlottetilburygiftexperiences@charlottetilbury.com (Appointment).
4.2 The Recipient will be notified of the date and time of the Appointment via email.
4.3 Appointments will be subject to availability. In the event that the specific service named on the E-Gift VC Card is not available, the Recipient may opt for an alternative Virtual Service of equal or less value.
4.4 An E-Gift VC Card will be valid for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase by the Purchaser. The Appointment must be booked for and taken by a date falling no later than 2 years from the date of purchase by the Purchaser.
4A. Discount Code Eligibility & Restrictions4A.1 When the Purchaser purchases an E-Gift Virtual Consultation, the Recipient will receive a Discount Code to the value you paid for the-Gift Virtual Consultation. This will be provided to the Recipient during their Appointment.
4A.2 The Discount Code:
(i) will apply to all products sold on the www.charlottetilbury.com/ site local to where the E-Gift VC Card was purchased, except it cannot be used for purchases of E-Gift Cards, E-Gift Virtual Consultations, Virtual Consultations, Kits, already discounted products, sale items and delivery;
(ii) may only be used once. In the event that the full value of the Discount Code is not redeemed in the one transaction, any ‘outstanding balance’ will not be subsequently redeemable. In the event that the transaction exceeds the value of the Discount Code, you will be required to pay the additional amount;
(iii) cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional or discount code, voucher or e-gift card (including but not limited to money-off, discount deduction or free gift);
(iv) will be valid for redemption for a period of two years from the date that the E-Gift Virtual Consultation was purchased by the Purchaser.
5. Cancelling and Amending Your Appointment5.1 Charlotte Tilbury retains the right to cancel, change the date and time of or amend a Recipient’s Appointment at any time. In the event that Charlotte Tilbury cancels or changes your Paid For Appointment (except where the Purchaser has triggered the cancellation) the Recipient will have the option to either change or cancel at the time of notification, and in the event of cancellation Charlotte Tilbury can authorise a full refund to the Purchaser, or issue the Recipient with an E-Gift Card in the same value as the E-Gift VC Card. If the Recipient opts to cancel and refund or E-Gift Card, their Discount Code will no longer be redeemable. Please allow up to 21 business days for processing the refund.
5.2 The Recipient can cancel, amend or reschedule their Appointment by notifying us at least two hours prior to the Appointment time via virtualteamtilbury@charlottetilbury.com. Any amendments and/or rescheduled Appointments are subject to availability. If you do not cancel, amend or reschedule your Appointment in accordance with this clause 5.2, we are under no obligation to acknowledge or process such request, and you will not be entitled to another Appointment. You will still be entitled to use your Discount Code.
5.4 We can make a refund to a Purchaser for an unused Paid For Appointments within 30 days of purchase, provided that you have not used your Discount Code. To request a refund please email charlottetilburygiftexperiences@charlottetilbury.com Please allow up to 21 business days for processing.
5.5 In the event of requesting a refund, the E-Gift VC Card Discount Code will be immediately cancelled and no attempt must be made to use it. If the Recipient has already booked an Appointment at the point of a refund being processed, that Appointment and corresponding Discount Code will be cancelled.
5.6 A refund cannot be processed for a Recipient, only for a Purchaser as described above. Other remedies are available, as described above, and please email charlottetilburygiftexperiences@charlottetilbury.com for more detail.
6. Your Appointment6.1 Only one person may attend the Appointment
6.2 If you do not join within the first ten minutes of the Appointment then we are under no obligation to go ahead with the Appointment and may cancel it at our discretion, without any obligation to provide you a refund or rescheduled Appointment. If the MUA does go ahead with the Appointment, it will not run over the allotted time, even if the Appointment starts late.
6.3 If you do not attend your appointment or you fail to comply with the requirements under these T&C’s you will not be entitled to cancel or reschedule the Appointment.
6.4 Re-gifting of the E-Gift VC Card or your Appointment is not allowed.
6.5 You must not record your Appointment (video and/or audio). We may record the audio portion of your Appointment for training and quality purposes. You can find out more about how we treat personal data in our privacy policy [here.](/help/security-privacy)
6.6 The type of Appointments available (e.g. skincare, foundation, eye etc.) will be at our discretion, and made available on https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/content/virtual-consultation-with-team-tilbury. We cannot guarantee availability of Appointments, and reserve the right to change or cancel them at any time.
6.7 During an Appointment a MUA reserves the right to cancel or abort the Appointment at any time, should they feel it appropriate to do so.
6.8 Any information and/or product recommendations made by a MUA are for informational purposes only.
6.9 All Appointments will be carried out in the English language.
6.10 You will not be able to select a specific MUA to carry out your Appointment, and the MUA selected for your Appointment will be entirely at our discretion and subject to change at any time.
6.11 The Appointment transmission will pass over public telecommunications networks. We make no representation or warranty that the operation of the Appointment will be uninterrupted or error free and disclaim all liability in respect thereof.
6.12 The Service will at all times be subject to these terms, the Website Terms and Conditions of Use,the Terms & Conditions of Sale. and the Virtual Consultation Terms and Conditions. In the event of conflict, these E-Gift Virtual Consultations Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
7. Additional Service Requirements7.1. The Service is only available to eligible customers that have booked as outlined above.
7.2. By attending an Appointment, you will be deemed to have read, accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions, the Website Terms and Conditions of Use, the Terms & Conditions of Sale, our Privacy Policy and any other requirements set out in the materials for the Appointment (in the event of a conflict, the requirements set out in the materials for the Appointment will take precedence), as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems.
7.3. In booking an Appointment, participants confirm that they are eligible to do so and are eligible to redeem the Discount Code. The Provider may require participants to provide proof of such eligibility. By booking and an attending an Appointment, you warrant that all information submitted by you is true and accurate.
7.4. The Provider reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Service and prevent from making any Appointment or further Appointment any individual it has reason to believe is acting in any manner deemed by the Provider to be in violation of these terms and conditions, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third party rights. This may include revoking the right to attend the Appointment and/or use the Discount Code.
7.5. If the Provider subsequently discovers any redeemer of the Discount Code is ineligible, has breached these terms and conditions or is suspected of engaging in any other foul play or unethical conduct, then the Provider reserves the right (at its absolute discretion) not to honour the Discount Code to that individual.
8. Limitation of Liability8.1 The Limitation of Liability under the Website Terms and Conditions shall apply, but in addition The Provider is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any participant where such damage or loss was not at the time the Appointment was made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these terms and conditions or if the Appointment does not run as anticipated or planned.
8.2 The Provider will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in the provision of this Service, although the Provider will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the participants of any such failure.
8.3 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to exclude the Provider’s liability:
(a) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence;
(b) for fraud; or
(c) further than is permitted by law.
9. Data Protection and Publicity9.1. By using the Service and booking and attending an Appointment, participants acknowledge that the Provider (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) participants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Provider’s legitimate interests under data protection laws:
(a) to enable it to book, administer and fulfil your Appointment including deciding whether such Appointment it accords with these terms and conditions;
(b) to provide the E-Gift VC Card to the Recipient and assist the Recipient in booking their Appointment
(c) to fulfil the Discount Code;
(d) to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Services and fulfilment of the Discount Code; or
(e) for any other reasonable and related purposes.
9.2. For the purposes of the Services, the Provider will only disclose participants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph 9.1 above and as set out in the privacy policy.
9.3 For further information about how the Provider uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Provider’s [privacy policy](/help/security-privacy)
10. General10.1. The Provider reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Services and any Appointment under the Services where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Provider reserves the right to cancel, amend the time and/or date of or replace an Appointment, its content and/or its presenters. The Provider reserves the right to cancel or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
10.2. By using the Services, the participant indemnifies the Provider against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the participant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the participant herein. The participant hereby waives and releases the Provider and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry.
10.3. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Per ricevere i vantaggi sotto elencati, devi essere un professionista accreditato o uno studente nel settore del make-up di età superiore ai 16 anni, Socio del Programma Charlotte Tilbury Pro (Socio Charlotte Tilbury Pro). Per diventare un Socio Charlotte Tilbury Pro, devi soddisfare i requisiti professionali sotto elencati e aver completato con successo il modulo di candidatura online che si trova alla pagina https://www.charlottetilbury.com/it/content/pro-program
Diventare Socio del Programma Charlotte Tilbury Pro è attualmente gratuito, ma tale condizione potrebbe cambiare in futuro. Soltanto tu potrai usufruire di questo sconto per professionisti. Gli sconti per professionisti non possono essere condivisi con terzi in nessun caso. Islestarr Holdings Limited (operante come “Charlotte Tilbury”) si riserva il diritto di verificare la tua continua idoneità o di revocare la tua iscrizione ed è autorizzata a modificare i requisiti Pro in qualsiasi momento. Diventare Socio del Programma Charlotte Tilbury Pro non ti rende automaticamente socio di Charlotte’s Magic Make Up Stars.
Nel caso in cui le circostanze cambino e non soddisfi più gli attuali criteri di idoneità al Programma Charlotte Tilbury Pro (ad esempio, qualora tu non sia più un make-up artist professionista o uno studente), è necessario informare immediatamente Charlotte Tilbury all'indirizzo customercare@charlottetilbury.com e ci riserviamo il diritto di revocare l'iscrizione al Programma Charlotte Tilbury Pro.
Al momento della compilazione del modulo online da parte dei make-up artist professionisti, è necessario fornire UNO tra i seguenti (una foto o un documento scansionato):
- passaporto in corso di validità
- patente di guida in corso di validità
- carta d'identità in corso di validità
I make-up artist professionisti devono inoltre fornire DUE tra i seguenti documenti (fotografati o scansionati):
- diploma di una scuola di make-up accreditata o licenza professionale valida
- pagina editoriale o articolo su una rivista commerciale che riporti nome e cognome
- biglietto da visita professionale con informazioni di contatto aggiornate
- documento che attesti la partecipazione a un evento comprendente l'elenco dei partecipanti su carta intestata
- lettera di referenze di un marchio professionale del settore cosmetico in cui viene specificata la posizione di make-up artist
Al momento della compilazione del modulo online da parte degli studenti di make-up, è necessario fornire UNO tra i seguenti documenti con foto (fotografato o scansionato):
- passaporto in corso di validità
- patente di guida in corso di validità
- carta d'identità in corso di validità
Gli studenti di make-up Pro devono inoltre fornire UNO tra i seguenti documenti (fotografato o scansionato):
- lettera di accettazione da parte di una scuola di make-up accreditata (con data non antecedente a 12 mesi)
- dimostrazione dell'attuale iscrizione a una scuola di make-up accreditata
- diploma di fine corso con data non antecedente a 6 mesi
- conferma del pagamento della lezione o del programma
- lettera su carta intestata della scuola che riporti il nome del candidato
In quanto Socio Charlotte Tilbury Pro, potrai accedere a (i) Sconti; (ii) comunicazioni sui Prodotti, inclusi consigli utili e tecniche, e (iii) inviti a master class ed eventi Pro (gli Eventi) che terremo. Non possiamo garantire che verranno effettuati Eventi durante la tua iscrizione in qualità di Socio CT Pro. L'invito all'Evento non garantisce l'ingresso, in quanto (i) lo spazio potrebbe essere limitato e (ii) potrebbe essere necessario acquistare un biglietto.
Lo Sconto si applica a tutti i prodotti disponibili all'acquisto sul Sito Web del Regno Unito, fatti salvi i seguenti casi: a) kit e pacchetti; b) prodotti già scontati o in offerta; c) eventuali eccezioni che potrebbero talvolta applicarsi (i Prodotti).
Lo sconto dà diritto al 30% di sconto sui Prodotti (lo Sconto) acquistati online tramite il Sito Web del Regno Unito. Lo Sconto può essere applicato agli Eventi. Lo Sconto ha inizio nella data di notifica dell'iscrizione come Socio Charlotte Tilbury Pro e dura almeno ventiquattro (24) mesi a partire da quella data o fino alla cessazione dei requisiti di idoneità, ed è soggetto a modifiche o interruzione del Programma da parte di Charlotte Tilbury.
Limite dello Sconto
Lo Sconto può essere utilizzato fino a un limite annuale massimo di 5.000 £ (cinquemila GBP). Questo è il valore dopo lo sconto. Nel caso si ecceda tale limite, lo Sconto non si applicherà ai Prodotti.
I Prodotti acquistati utilizzando lo Sconto sono esclusivamente a uso personale o professionale, mentre quelli riscattati tramite Codice promozionale sono per uso personale. In nessun caso i suddetti prodotti possono essere rivenduti o scambiati. Lo sconto applicato verrà tenuto in considerazione per eventuali resi. Qualora venissimo a conoscenza del fatto che tu o uno dei tuoi clienti rivendiate i prodotti, ci riserviamo il diritto di revocare lo Sconto con effetto immediato. Desideriamo altresì rispettosamente sottolineare che ciò potrebbe danneggiare le nostre relazioni future.
Spedizioni e resi
Lo Sconto non si applica ai costi di spedizione. Tutte le condizioni d'acquisto e i termini e le condizioni di utilizzo sono disponibili sul nostro Sito Web.
Un vantaggio fondamentale dello stato di Socio Charlotte Tilbury Pro è che, se lo desideri, puoi ottenere informazioni su nuovi prodotti, offerte speciali, eventi Pro e consigli e tecniche utili. Per poterti inviare tali e-mail promozionali, abbiamo bisogno del tuo consenso, che ci hai già concesso se hai acconsentito a ricevere e-mail di marketing quando ti sei registrato a Charlotte Tilbury. Se non hai dato il tuo consenso e desideri ricevere queste e-mail, ti preghiamo di contattarci all'indirizzo customercare@charlottetilbury.com
Qualora non desiderassi più ricevere e-mail promozionali, contattaci all'indirizzo customercare@charlottetilbury.com o utilizza la funzione di cancellazione dell'iscrizione disponibile in tutte le e-mail promozionali.
Per informazioni sulle modalità di trattamento dei dati personali, consulta la sezione "Come utilizziamo i tuoi dati" e la nostra Informativa sulla privacy.
Le informazioni fornite dai partner, tramite i quali è possibile la loro identificazione, saranno utilizzate in conformità con l'Informativa sulla privacy di Charlotte Tilbury.
Charlotte Tilbury si riserva il diritto di modificare i termini del Programma Charlotte Tilbury Pro in qualunque momento e senza preavviso, ed eventuali significative modifiche saranno comunicate via e-mail.
Durante la partecipazione a questo Programma, non potrai utilizzare slogan politici o dichiarazioni omofobe, immagini di natura oscena o esplicitamente sessuale, immagini contenenti loghi di concorrenti e palesi sponsorizzazioni di marchi o qualsiasi altra tecnica di marketing da imboscata o contenuti diffamatori, osceni, illegali, volgari, offensivi o in ogni caso inadatti oppure che violino i diritti di terzi (inclusi i diritti di proprietà intellettuale).
Il programma per Soci Charlotte Tilbury Pro è offerto a nostra discrezione e Charlotte Tilbury si riserva il diritto di considerare nullo, sospendere, cancellare o modificare lo Sconto in qualunque momento e senza preavviso.
I presenti Termini saranno governati dalle norme legali dell'Inghilterra e le parti si sottopongono alla giurisdizione non esclusiva dei tribunali di Inghilterra e Galles.
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited sarà responsabile del trattamento dei dati personali forniti durante la richiesta di iscrizione a Charlotte Tilbury Pro e di tutte le informazioni personali da te fornite in qualità di socio. Le nostre informazioni di contatto sono:
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Ltd
8 Surrey Street
WC2R 2ND, Londra
I dati personali forniti durante la richiesta di iscrizione a Charlotte Tilbury Pro sono necessari per consentirci di valutare l'idoneità del candidato.
Qualora il candidato risulti idoneo, i dati personali sono necessari per stipulare un accordo e procedere alla registrazione come Socio Charlotte Tilbury Pro e al fine di completare la registrazione e amministrare il Programma Pro in conformità con i nostri Termini e condizioni. Ciò include l'uso dell'indirizzo e-mail del candidato per informarlo che la sua richiesta di iscrizione a Charlotte Tilbury Pro è andata a buon fine e, se necessario, per fornirgli ulteriori informazioni sul Programma Pro.
Per ulteriori informazioni sulle modalità di trattamento dei dati personali raccolti tramite il Programma Charlotte Tilbury Pro in aggiunta a quanto sopra descritto, visita la nostra Informativa sulla privacy e la nostra Informativa sui cookie.
Termini e condizioni dei concorsi guidati da influencer
Periodicamente Charlotte Tilbury Beauty regala prodotti ufficiali Charlotte Tilbury a influencer e account di fiducia affinché li utilizzino come premi in concorsi/promozioni a premi sui profili social degli influencer.
In tali circostanze, il promotore è l'influencer che lancia il concorso/la promozione a premi e non Charlotte Tilbury Beauty.
Anche se Charlotte Tilbury Beauty fa quanto in suo potere per collaborare soltanto con influencer e affiliati affidabili che agiscono in conformità alle leggi e alle normative locali, l'influencer/affiliato è l'unico responsabile dell'operazione e/o dei termini e condizioni applicati in tali concorsi/promozioni a premi.
Tutte le comunicazioni riguardanti i concorsi/le promozioni a premi guidati da influencer devono essere indirizzate all'influencer e non a Charlotte Tilbury Beauty.
Student Discount Terms and Conditions
Islestarr Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458, whose office is at 8 Surrey Street, London, United Kingdom WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”).Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
2. The Promotion & EntryThe discount code can only be obtained by having a registered Unidays or Student Beans account.
3. Eligibility & Restrictions3.1. The Discount Code:
(i) Discount is only valid for UNiDAYS or Student Beans verified members who have logged in to obtain the code, and is non-transferable.
(ii) Discount can only be used once and is not valid in conjunction with other offers and discounts
(iii) Excludes gift cards, bundles, kits or products that are already discounted
(vi) Valid only on www.charlottetilbury.com
4. General4.1 The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
4.2 By entering the Promotion, the participant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the participant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the participant herein. The participant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry.
4.3 These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
5. Limitation of Liability5.1. The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any participant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Promotion made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these terms and conditions or if the Promotion does not run as planned.
5.2. The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Promotion, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the participants of any such failure.
5.3. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability
(a) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence
(b) for fraud; or
(c) further than is permitted by law.
6. Data Protection and Publicity6.1. By entering the Promotion, participants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) participants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws:
a. to enable it to administer a participant’s entry including deciding whether it accords with these terms and conditions;
b. to fulfil the Discount Code;
c. to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Promotion and fulfilment of the Discount Code; or
e. for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes.
6.2. For the purposes of the Promotion, the Promoter will only disclose participants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph 6.1 above.
6.3. For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s privacy policy at https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/security-privacy.
NHS & Emergency Workers Discount Terms and Conditions
Islestarr Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458, whose office is at 8 Surrey Street, London, United Kingdom WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
2. The PromotionThis offer is exclusive to registered members of;
• Blue Light Card (https://www.bluelightcard.co.uk)
• Health Service Discounts (https://healthservicediscounts.com)
• NHS Staff Benefits (https://www.nhsstaffbenefits.co.uk).
3. Eligibility & RestrictionsRegistered members must login to one of the following employee portals to obtain the discount code which can be redeemed on www.charlottetilbury.com (“Discount Code”).
• Blue Light Card
• Health Service Discounts
• NHS Staff Benefits
The Discount Code:
(i) Discount is only valid for Blue Light Card, Health Service Discounts and NHS Staff Benefits verified members, and is non-transferable.
(ii) Discount is not valid in conjunction with other offers and discounts
(iii) Excludes gift cards, bundles, kits, Immediate Skin Revival Routine Skincare Discovery Set, , or products that are already discounted
(vi) Valid only on www.charlottetilbury.com
(vii) Discount is exclusive to specific affiliates listed above
(viii) Discount is only available for UK residents
4. General4.1 The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
4.2 By entering the Promotion, the participant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the participant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the participant herein. The participant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry.
4.3 These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
5. Limitation of Liability5.1. The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any participant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Promotion made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these terms and conditions or if the Promotion does not run as planned.
5.2. The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Promotion, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the participants of any such failure.
5.3. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability
(a) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence
(b) for fraud; or
(c) further than is permitted by law.
6. Data Protection and Publicity6.1. By entering the Promotion, participants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) participants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws:
a. to enable it to administer a participant’s entry including deciding whether it accords with these terms and conditions;
b. to fulfil the Discount Code;
c. to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Promotion and fulfilment of the Discount Code; or
e. for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes.
6.2. For the purposes of the Promotion, the Promoter will only disclose participants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph 6.1 above.
6.3. For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s privacy policy at https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/security-privacy.
'Refer a Friend' Promotion Terms and Conditions
1. The Promoter
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 08037372, whose office is at 8 Surrey Street, London, United Kingdom WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
The Promoter will use the services of Mention Me Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales, with company number 08382730, whose office is at 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU to deliver the Refer a Friend platform to customers. Their terms & conditions can be found at https://mention-me.com/help/tnc_f/site.
2. The Promotion
Have the chance for you (“Referrer”) and a friend who makes their first online purchase on www.charlottetilbury.com (“Friend”) to benefit from the Refer a Friend offer advertised on www.charlottetilbury.com at the time of the referral (“Offer”) by way of a promotional code (“Promo Code”).
3. Qualifying Conditions
To participate in the Refer A Friend Promotion, simply enter your name and email address in the “Refer a Friend” offer box. and click “Continue”. You will then have the opportunity to share a Promo Code with a friend via email, Facebook, SMS or via a Link. The Promo Code can be shared for 3 months from the date of acceptance by the Referrer.
Promo Codes will be cumulative, so if multiple qualifying referrals are made, multiple Promo Codes will be delivered to the Referrer, subject to the following limit: a Referrer may not redeem more than (i) 1 Promo Code within any 24 hour period; (ii) 3 within 1 month; or (iii) 1080 EUR of Promo Code value within the last 12 months.
In order for the Friend to qualify for the Promo Code and receive the Refer a Friend Promotion that person must:
- Be a new customer (e.g. they cannot have an existing https://charlottetilbury.com account under an alternate email address);
- Open the message or link sent to them by the Referrer to obtain the Promo Code;
- Make a purchase on the Website for any products available on the Charlotte Tilbury website excluding (i) any bundle products/gifts or (ii) any products that are already discounted (“Qualifying Products”) or (iii) Immediate Skin Revival Routine Skincare Discovery Set; and
- Meet the minimum spend as specified in the Offer advertised on www.charlottetilbury.com at the time (“Qualifying Amount”) on the Qualifying Products before the Promo Code expires (within 14 days of receipt).
Once the Friend has spent the Qualifying Amount, the Referrer will receive their own Promo Code by email for the Refer A Friend Promotion. In order for the Referrer to use the Promo Code they must also redeem the Promo Code before it expires (within 90 days of receipt).
Referrers will be provided with a unique and personal sharing dashboard page to view their referrals and any offers to which they are entitled.
4. Eligibility
You must be aged 18 or over to enter the Promotion.
The Promotion is open to residents of: the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Canada and Europe.
There is no requirement for the Referrer to be an existing Charlotte Tilbury customer.
The following groups are excluded from participating:
(a) employees of the Promoter and its associated companies or group companies;
(b) anyone professionally associated with the Promotion, including employees of Charlotte Tilbury stockists and retailers in the Participating Countries.
In entering the Promotion, participants confirm that they are eligible to do so. The Promoter may require entrants to provide proof of such eligibility. By entering the Promotion, all participants warrant that all information submitted by them is true and accurate.
5. Further Referral Terms
The Refer A Friend Promotion is not valid in conjunction with (i) other offers or promo codes (ii) bundle products/gifts that already have a discount applied (iii) products that are already discounted or on offer. Referring customers may only earn one Promo Code per referred person. In the event a Friend returns a purchased item and their order value decreases below the Qualifying Amount, the Promo Code awarded to the Referrer will become invalid, provided that the Friend has not already used it. The Friend’s reward cannot be claimed by the same person making the referral.
Any misuse of this offer, as determined by us in our sole discretion, may result in the invalidation of the Referrer’s Promo Code and the Friend’s Promo Code, as well as both parties being disqualified from participating in this or future promotions. Promo Codes cannot be applied to previous purchases, and are not redeemable for cash. This Refer A Friend Promotion is subject to modification or termination at any time without notice in our sole discretion.
Bulk email distribution, distribution to strangers, or any other promotion of a personal link in a manner that would constitute or appear to constitute unsolicited commercial email or \"spam\" in Promoter’s sole discretion is expressly prohibited and may be grounds for immediate termination of the Referrer's account and deactivation of the personal link.
By entering, all participants will be deemed to have read, accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions, any other requirements set out in the promotional material for the Promotion (in the event of a conflict, the requirements set out in the promotional material will take precedence), as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems.
The Promoter will not accept responsibility for entries that are incomplete or lost, regardless of cause.
The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Promotion any individual it has reason to believe is tampering with the operation of the Promotion, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of these terms and conditions, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third party rights.
6. Limitation of Liability
The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any entrant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Promotion was made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these terms and conditions or if the Promotion does not run as planned.
The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Promotion, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the participants of any such failure.
Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability:
(a) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence;
(b) for fraud; or
(c) further than is permitted by law.
7. Data Protection and Publicity
By entering the Promotion, entrants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) entrants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws:
a. to enable it to administer entrants’ entry including deciding whether it accords with these terms and conditions;
b. to notify entrants if they are the winning entrant (if applicable);
c. to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Promotion and fulfilment of any offer;
d. to announce the winner of the Promotion in any media or press and to respond to others’ enquiries as to who the winner is (if applicable); or
e. for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes.
For the purposes of the Promotion, the Promotor will only disclose entrants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third party service providers who need it for the purposes listed above.
You also acknowledge that as a condition of entry to the Promotion, you have subscribed to the Promoter’s mailing list and have agreed to the terms of the Promoter’s Privacy Policy in respect of that mailing list. For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s privacy policy at: https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/security-privacy. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us at customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
The winners agree to participate in all reasonable promotional activity (such as publicity and photography) surrounding the winning of the Prize (if any) and their redemption, free of charge, and they consent to the Promoter using their name and image in promotional material including on social media.
8. General
The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
By entering the Promotion, the entrant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the entrant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the entrant herein.
The entrant hereby waives and releases the Promotor and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry.
Where the Promotion is hosted by a social networking site, the Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with that social networking site.
The Promotor shall be entitled to assign the benefit of these terms either in whole or in part to any of its subsidiary or associated bodies or successors in title and/or any third party.
These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
In the event of an obvious and genuine mistake in the price of a product, including promotional pricing, we will not be obliged to supply the products to you at the incorrect price. Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to amend pricing errors at any time.We will use reasonable endeavours to contact anyone who has participated in the promotion as soon as possible to inform you of the pricing error and reconfirm the correct price, or offer you the chance to cancel your order. If you choose to cancel your order you will receive a full refund of any amounts already paid.
These are the Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) which apply to the Twitch competitions which the Promoter may run, on its official Twitch channel. These Terms prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials. By participating all entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Terms.
Islestarr Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458, whose office is at 8 Surrey St, London, England, WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
COMPETITION • Twitch Competition where users will have the opportunity to win either 1x Charlotte Tilbury beauty product, or 1 x Limited Edition Disney100 x Charlotte Tilbury Pin by being the first to: (i) answer a skills-based question; or (ii) be the first to comment on the chat function when prompted to do so by the Promoter on its official Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/charlottetilbury (“Website”)
• Promotor will be giving away up to 150 Prizes in total consisting of either: (i) one of the Promoter’s beauty products (up to a maximum value of £150); or (ii) one Limited Edition Disney100 x Charlotte Tilbury Pin; across the Competition Period (one Prize awarded at any one time). Shade selection shall be at the sole discretion of the Promoter. • Prizes are subject to availability. There is no cash alternative for the Prize and the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Prize with a prize of equal or greater value. • The Promoter is not responsible for any additional costs and/or expenses in relation to the Prize (without limitation) including travel costs, other than any specifically listed as part of the Prize and for the specified periods of time (where applicable).
• The overall Competition will run from 9:00am BST on 17th July 2023 to 11:59pm GMT on 31st December 2023. • Entries made before or after these dates and times shall not be eligible. Users can enter the Competition during the various times during the Competition Period when prompted to do so by the Promoter.
By visiting the Promotor’s Website, users will be prompted to either: (i) answer a skills-based question; or (ii) be the first to comment on the chat function of the Website, at various times during the Competition Period. Users must then comment in the chat function of the Website with either the correct answer, or be the first to comment in general when prompted to do so by the Promoter, in order to be entered into the Competition. The entrant who correctly answers the skills-based question first, or is the first to comment when prompted to do so by the Promoter, will be eligible to win the Prize. The Promoter will make it clear on the day which entry mechanic is required to enter the Competition. Entrants must accept the terms and conditions of the Competition. You must be entering from the Participating Country as set out below. By entering the Competition, entrants confirm that they have read and agree to be bound by these Terms and all rules and guidelines applicable to the use of the Platform including the rules located at: https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-service/ . Previous successful entrants will not be eligible to enter where they have already won 3 x Prizes during the Competition Period.
• The Promotor will identify the user who has either: (i) correctly answered the skills-based question when prompted to do so and is the first to comment on the chat function of the Website; or (ii) commented first on the chat function of the Website when prompted to do so by the Promoter. • The winners will be announced live on the Website chat function by the Promotor during the Competition.(the “Announcement Date”) • The winners will be contacted by direct message on the Website following their successful entry into the Competition. • The Promoter will send the name and county of the winners to anyone who writes within one month after the Announcement Date of the Competition requesting details of the winners and who encloses a self-addressed envelope to the Promoter's address set out at the beginning of these Terms.
• You must be aged 18 or over to enter the Competition. • In entering the Competition, entrants confirm that they are eligible to do so and eligible to claim the Prize. By entering the Competition, all entrants warrant that all information submitted by them is true and accurate. • This is a is global Competition except where Canadian residents are excluded from entering the Competition if prompted to be the first to comment on the chat function of the Website, instead of being prompted to answer the skills-based question (the Participating Country”). • It will be the Promoter’s sole decision as to whether any eligibility requirement has or has not been met and the Promoter may require evidence or confirmation from entrants before awarding prizes. • Where legally required to do so, the Promoter can provide translations of these Terms in the languages of the Participating Countries upon request.
The following groups are excluded from participating: • Employees of the Promoter and its associated companies or group companies; • Anyone professionally associated with the Competition, including employees of Charlotte Tilbury Beauty stockists and retailers in the Participating Countries; and • Members of the immediate families or households of (a) to (b) above.
• The Promoter will make all reasonable efforts to contact the winners. If the winners cannot be contacted within 7 days of the Announcement Date, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the Prize to the next eligible entrant selected from the correct entries that were received.. • The Prize may not be claimed by a third party on the entrant’s behalf. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility if the entrant is not able to take up the Prize. • The Prize will be dispatched to the postal address supplied by the winning entrants via recorded delivery within 28 days of the Announcement Date. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for the prize being lost or delayed in the post.
• By entering the Competition, entrants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) entrants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws: (i) to enable it to administer entrants’ entry including deciding whether it accords with these Terms; (ii) to notify entrants if they are the winning entrant; (iii) to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Competition and fulfilment of the prize; (iv) to announce the winner of the Competition in any media or press and to respond to others’ enquiries as to who the winner is; or (v) for any other reasonable and related Competition purposes. • For the purposes of the Competition, the Promoter will only disclose entrants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third-party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph a) above. • For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s privacy policy here: http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/security-privacy
• The Competition is free to enter, no purchase is necessary. • If the Prize involves fixed dates, it is the responsibility of the winning entrant to ensure that they and any nominated guest (if applicable) are available. • The winning entrant and his/her guest (if applicable) shall not, while using the Prize, display or publicize any political slogans or homophobic language, images of a lewd or explicitly sexual nature, images containing logos of competitors and overt brand sponsorship or anything else deemed to be ambush marketing, or content which is defamatory, obscene, illegal, vulgar, offensive or otherwise unsuitable or infringes others’ rights (including intellectual property rights). • The Promoter will not accept responsibility for entries that are incomplete, lost, damaged or delayed in transit (if applicable), regardless of cause, including, for example as a result of any postal failure, equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind. • The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Competition any individual it has reason to believe is tampering with the operation of the Competition, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of these Terms, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third-party rights. • If the Promoter subsequently discovers the winning entrant is ineligible, has breached these Terms or is suspected of engaging in any other foul play or unethical conduct, then the Promoter reserves the right (at its absolute discretion) not to award the prize to that entrant and award the prize to another entrant who will be selected by the Promoter. In that event the original winning entrant agrees to return the prize (at his/her expense) immediately to the Promoter no alternative prize will be awarded to the original winning entrant. • The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any entrant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Competition made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these Terms or if the Competition does not run as planned. • The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Competition, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the entrants of any such failure. • Nothing in these Terms shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability: (i) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence; (ii) for fraud; or (iii) further than is permitted by law. • The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Competition where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these Terms at any time without prior notice. • By entering the Competition, the entrant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the entrant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the entrant herein. The entrant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry. • Where the Competition is hosted by a social networking site, the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with that social networking site and the entrant indemnifies the social networking site against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by the social networking site in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the entrant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the entrant. • The Promoter shall be entitled to assign the benefit of these terms either in whole or in part to any of its subsidiary or associated bodies or successors in title and/or any third party. • These Terms shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Les présentes Conditions générales (les « Conditions ») s’appliquent au concours Club Magic de Charlotte que l'Organisateur organise sur son site web, sur ses plateformes de réseaux sociaux ou autre. Les présentes Conditions prévalent en cas de conflit ou d’incohérence avec toute autre communication, y compris les supports publicitaires ou promotionnels. En s'inscrivant, il sera considéré que tous les participants ont accepté les présentes Conditions et y sont liés.
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited, société enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles sous le numéro 08037372, dont le siège social est situé au 8 Surrey St, Londres, Angleterre, WC2R 2ND (l'« Organisateur » ou « Nous »). Adresse e-mail : customercare@charlottetilbury.com. |
· Découvrez une expérience immersive signée Charlotte Tilbury Beauty à l'hôtel Le Molière, 40 Rue De Richelieu, 75001 Paris. · Cumulez des étoiles sur votre carte d'étoiles tout en parcourant le Club Magic de Charlotte et en participant aux jeux, services et expériences diverses. Si vous récupérez assez d'étoiles à la fin de votre visite du Club Magic de Charlotte, vous remporterez un prix : plus vous aurez d'étoiles, plus la valeur du prix sera importante. |
· Le Concours se déroulera aux dates et heures suivantes :
Jeudi 5 octobre 2023 de 11h00 à 20h00 Vendredi 6 octobre 2023 de 11h00 à 20h00 Samedi 7 octobre 2023 de 11h00 à 20h00 Dimanche 8 octobre 2023 de 11h00 à 19h00 Lundi 9 octobre 2023 de 11h00 à 20h00
· Les participations effectuées avant et après ces dates et heures ne seront pas prises en compte. |
1. Les participants doivent entrer dans le Club Magic de Charlotte sur invitation et sous la supervision de l'Organisateur. Aucune réservation n'est nécessaire pour participer au Club Magic de Charlotte et l'entrée est gratuite. 2. En entrant dans le Club Magic de Charlotte et en s'inscrivant au Concours, les participants confirment qu'ils ont lu et qu'ils acceptent d'être liés aux présentes Conditions. 3. Les participants doivent récupérer une Carte d'étoiles à l'entrée du Club Magic de Charlotte pour enregistrer le nombre d'étoiles reçues en participant aux jeux et services. 4. Les participants peuvent choisir parmi les jeux, services et interactions listés dans le tableau ci-dessous pour gagner des étoiles sur leur carte. Le prix à remporter dépend du nombre total d'étoiles collectées. 5. Si les participants collectent entre 0 et 2 étoiles, ils ne remporteront aucun prix. 6. Pour remporter un prix, les participants doivent participer à au moins 2 des jeux, services et interactions ci-dessous (c'est-à-dire récupérer au moins 3 étoiles). Pour en savoir plus sur les prix, consultez la section Prix ci-dessous. 7. Une seule participation par personne et par jeu/service/interaction sera comptabilisée par jour pendant la Durée du Concours ; les participations/tentatives multiples ne seront pas autorisées ni comptabilisées pour remporter des étoiles sur votre carte.
· Le prix à remporter dépend du nombre total d'étoiles collectées par le participant, tel qu'indiqué ci-dessous : o Si vous collectez entre 0 et 2 étoiles sur votre carte, vous ne remporterez aucun prix. o Si vous collectez entre 3 et 5 étoiles sur votre carte, vous remporterez 1 Charlotte’s Magic Lip Oil en Rose Lust (8 ml). o Si vous collectez entre 6 et 8 étoiles sur votre carte, vous remporterez 1 Beauty Light Wand en Pillow Talk (12 ml). o Si vous collectez entre 9 et 10 étoiles sur votre carte, vous remporterez 1 Charlotte’s Magic Cream (30 ml).
· La valeur totale du Prix (PVC) est la suivante : o Charlotte’s Magic Lip Oil en Rose Lust (8 ml) : 35,00 EUR o Beauty Light Wand en Pillow Talk (12 ml) : 38,00 EUR o Charlotte’s Magic Cream (30 ml) : 66,00 EUR
· Les Prix sont sous réserve de disponibilité et disponibles uniquement jusqu'à épuisement des stocks. · Il n'y a pas d'alternative en espèces pour le Prix et l'Organisateur se réserve le droit de le remplacer par un prix d'une valeur égale ou supérieure en fonction des disponibilités. · L’Organisateur ne pourra être tenu responsable des coûts et/ou dépenses supplémentaires en lien avec le Prix (sans limitation), y compris les frais de transport, autres que ceux spécifiquement mentionnés dans le cadre du Prix et pour les périodes spécifiées (le cas échéant). |
· Vous devez être âgé d’au moins 18 ans pour participer au Concours. · En participant au Concours, les candidats confirment qu’ils y sont admissibles et en droit de réclamer le Prix. En prenant part au Concours, tous les participants garantissent que chaque renseignement qu'ils fournissent est avéré et exact. · Les participants sous emprise de l'alcool/drogues se verront refuser l'accès. · L'Organisateur se réserve le droit de refuser l'accès à toute personne dont la participation est jugée dangereuse. · L'Organisateur se réserve le droit de refuser l'accès à toute personne causant des nuisances publiques de façon intentionnelle ou non. · Le Concours est ouvert à toutes les personnes interagissant avec l'activation du site du Club Magic de Charlotte. Les participants doivent être présents lors de l'activation et les participations ne peuvent être effectuées au nom de quelqu'un d'autre. · Le Concours n'est pas ouvert aux personnes non présentes et n'interagissant pas avec l'activation du site du Club Magic de Charlotte. Les participants ne peuvent pas participer par téléphone ou autre plateforme de communication. · Il appartient à l'Organisateur uniquement de décider si une condition d'admissibilité a été ou non remplie et l'Organisateur peut exiger des preuves ou une confirmation des participants avant d’attribuer les prix. |
Les groupes suivants ne peuvent pas participer : · Les employés de l'Organisateur, de ses Sociétés affiliées et des entreprises du Groupe ; · Toute personne professionnellement associée au Concours, y compris les employés des distributeurs et des détaillants de Charlotte Tilbury Beauty dans les Pays participants ; ou · Les membres de la famille proche ou issus du foyer de (a) et (b) cités ci-dessus. |
· Le Prix ne pourra pas être réclamé par un tiers au nom du participant. L’Organisateur décline toute responsabilité si le participant n’est pas en mesure d’accepter le Prix. |
· Tout le contenu soumis à l'Organisateur lors de la candidature devient la propriété de l'Organisateur à la réception et ne sera pas retourné. · En envoyant votre candidature et le contenu qui l'accompagne, vous acceptez de : (i) céder à l'Organisateur tous vos droits de propriété intellectuelle avec pleine garantie de titre ; et (ii) renoncer à tous vos droits moraux découlant de votre participation, ainsi qu'à tous les autres droits résultant de votre inscription que vous pourriez faire valoir, à ce jour ou à l'avenir, en vertu de la loi britannique Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, avec ses modifications successives et par le pouvoir des législations similaires en vigueur dans le monde entier. · Tous les participants acceptent que l’Organisateur utilise, affiche, publie, transmette, copie, modifie, altère, stocke ou change le format des candidatures et les rende accessibles sur son site web ou tout autre média, connu à ce jour ou à venir, et en lien avec le Concours, dans la mesure permise par la loi. · En envoyant leur candidature, les participants confirment les éléments suivants : a) les images et autres articles présentés sont des œuvres originales, ne sont pas diffamatoires et ne portent pas atteinte aux droits des tiers ; b) il n’existe pas d’accords contradictoires en place qui limitent l’utilisation de ces images ou d’autres présentations ; c) ils sont autorisés à utiliser une image de tiers lors de la participation et les droits ont été annulés pour cet usage. Si l'image d'un tiers est celle d'une personne âgée de moins de 18 ans, le consentement des parents ou du tuteur doit être donné ; d) ils fourniront la preuve de tous les consentements requis à la demande de l’Organisateur, sous peine de risquer d’être disqualifiés du Concours ; et e) Si le Concours exige des participants qu'ils soumettent des photographies, qu'ils sont la personne sur la photographie ou qu'ils ont préalablement obtenu l'approbation de la personne sur la photographie qu'ils peuvent la soumettre dans le cadre de leur participation.
· a) En prenant part au Concours, les participants reconnaissent que l’Organisateur (et les sociétés de son groupe en son nom) peut traiter, stocker, distribuer et/ou utiliser les informations (y compris les données personnelles) fournies par les participants lors de leur inscription aux fins suivantes, conformes à l’intérêt légitime de l’Organisateur en vertu des lois sur la protection des données : (i) pour lui permettre de gérer l'inscription des participants, y compris de décider si elle est conforme aux présentes Conditions ; (ii) pour notifier aux participants s'ils sont les gagnants ; (iii) pour partager avec des organisations ou agents aidant au déroulement du Concours et à la remise du prix ; (iv) pour annoncer le gagnant du Concours dans tout média ou presse et pour répondre à toute autre demande de renseignements concernant l'identité du gagnant ; ou (v) pour toute autre fin raisonnable et en lien avec le Concours. · Pour les fins du Concours, l’Organisateur ne divulguera les données personnelles des participants qu’aux sociétés de son groupe et prestataires de service tiers qui en auraient l’utilité pour les raisons citées dans le paragraphe a) ci-dessus. · Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont l'Organisateur utilise les données personnelles et sur les droits applicables en vertu des lois sur la protection des données, veuillez consulter la politique de confidentialité de l'Organisateur ici : https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/us/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/ca/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/de/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/es/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/fr/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/ie/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/it/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/nl/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/au/help/security-privacy · Les gagnants acceptent de participer à toute activité promotionnelle raisonnable (comme la publicité et la photographie) concernant le gagnant du Prix et l’attribution des Prix, sans contrepartie financière. Ils acceptent également que l’Organisateur utilise leur nom et leur image dans son matériel promotionnel, y compris sur les réseaux sociaux. |
· Si le Prix implique des dates fixes, il est de la responsabilité du gagnant de s'assurer que lui-même et tout invité désigné (le cas échéant) sont disponibles. · Lors de l’utilisation du Prix, le participant gagnant et son invité(e) (le cas échéant) ne seront pas autorisés à présenter ou faire la publicité de slogans politiques ou de discours homophobes, d’images de nature obscène ou explicitement sexuelle, d’images contenant des logos de concurrents ou de commandite ouverte de marque ou de tout autre contenu de type de guérilla de marketing ou de nature diffamatoire, obscène, illégale, vulgaire, offensante ou inadéquate de quelque manière que ce soit, ou qui entre en violation avec les droits d’autrui (y compris les droits de propriété intellectuelle). · L'Organisateur décline toute responsabilité en ce qui concerne les participations incomplètes, égarées, endommagées ou retardées en raison des moyens de transport (le cas échéant), quelle que soit la cause, y compris notamment à la suite d’une défaillance de la poste, d'une panne d’équipements, d’un dysfonctionnement technique, d’une panne des systèmes, du satellite, du réseau, du serveur, du matériel informatique ou du logiciel de quelque nature que ce soit. · L’Organisateur se réserve le droit, à sa seule discrétion, de refuser la participation au Concours à tout individu qui serait suspecté d’entraver le bon déroulement de l’opération ou qui agirait selon l’Organisateur en violation avec les présentes Conditions, les lois et/ou réglementations applicables et/ou droits des tiers. · Si l'Organisateur découvre par la suite que le gagnant est inéligible, a enfreint les présentes Conditions ou est soupçonné de se livrer à tout autre acte criminel ou comportement contraire à l'éthique, il se réserve le droit (à son entière discrétion) de ne pas attribuer le Prix à ce participant et de le remettre à un autre participant qui sera sélectionné par l'Organisateur. Dans ce cas, le gagnant initial accepte de retourner le Prix (à ses frais) immédiatement à l'Organisateur. Aucun Prix alternatif ne sera accordé au gagnant initial. · L’Organisateur ne saurait être tenu responsable de tout dommage ou de toute perte subis par tout participant, lorsque lesdits dommages ou pertes, au moment de l’inscription au Concours, n’étaient pas une conséquence raisonnablement prévisible d’une violation des présentes Conditions, ou si le Concours ne se déroule pas comme prévu. · L’Organisateur ne sera pas tenu responsable en cas d’impossibilité de remplir les obligations de tiers impliqués dans ce Concours, même si l’Organisateur fera toujours son possible pour minimiser l’impact d’un tel manquement sur les participants. · Rien dans les présentes Conditions ne limite la responsabilité de l'Organisateur en cas de : (i) blessures corporelles ou décès résultant de sa négligence ; (ii) fraude ; ou (iii) situations qui ne seraient pas autorisées par la loi. · L’Organisateur se réserve le droit d’invalider, de suspendre, d’annuler ou de modifier le Concours lorsque cela s’avère nécessaire, et ce, sans avis préalable. L'Organisateur se réserve le droit d’annuler ou de modifier les présentes Conditions générales sans avis préalable. · En prenant part au Concours, le participant indemnise l'Organisateur contre chaque action, réclamation, dommage, dépense ou responsabilité encourus ou subis directement ou indirectement par nous-mêmes en conséquence d'un manquement ou présumé manquement, d'une inexécution ou non-observation du participant, de tout accord, toute condition, toute obligation ou toute garantie de la part du participant. Le participant décharge par la présente l'Organisateur, la société mère, les filiales et/ou sociétés et parties affiliées de toute réclamation, action ou demande découlant ou en lien avec la participation. · Lorsque le Concours est hébergé par un site de réseau social, le Concours n'est en aucun cas parrainé, approuvé, administré par ou associé à ce site de réseau social et les participants indemnisent le site de réseau social contre chaque action, réclamation, dommage, dépense ou responsabilité encourus ou subis directement ou indirectement par le site de réseau social en conséquence d’un manquement ou présumé manquement, d’une inexécution ou non-observation des participants, de tout accord, toute condition, toute obligation ou toute garantie de la part des participants. · L'Organisateur sera autorisé à attribuer le bénéfice des présentes Conditions, dans leur intégralité ou en partie, à toute filiale, entité ou tout successeur associé en titre et/ou à toute tierce partie. · Les présentes Conditions sont régies par la loi anglaise, et les parties sont soumises à la juridiction non exclusive des tribunaux d’Angleterre et du pays de Galles. |
Loyalty Terms and Conditions – UK, Part 1
Islestarr Holdings Limited and Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited together with its subsidiaries (“Charlotte Tilbury”, “we”, “us” or “our”) has launched a loyalty programme called Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme (the “Program” or “Loyalty Programme”). Customers that participate in the Program may be referred to as “Loyalty Members” or “Members”.
Your participation in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme is governed by this set of Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”). These Terms should be read alongside, and in addition to, our Website Terms and Conditions of Use and also our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, to understand how we collect and process your personal data. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the Website Terms and Conditions of Use, these Terms will control.
Please read these Terms carefully and print a copy for your future reference. By participating in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, you agree to these Terms, the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy (each as amended from time to time). If you do not agree to these Terms, you are not permitted to participate in the Program.
Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme is operated by Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited, company number 08037372, with its registered office at 8 Surrey Street, London, United Kingdom, WC2R 2ND.
Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to change the Terms including the eligibility, Rewards, Benefits and Levels under the Program; and to terminate or withdraw the Program including revoking all earned Rewards, Benefits and Levels; or close further participation in the Program, at any time in its discretion, subject to the terms of the “Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Term Period, Program modification and termination” section below. Where permitted by applicable law, unless we notify you otherwise, any amended Terms will be effective immediately and your continued participation in the Program after the amended Terms are posted will confirm your acceptance of the changes, therefore you should review these Terms regularly to understand the terms and conditions that apply to Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. If you do not agree to the amended Terms, you must contact us immediately by email at customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
What is Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme?
Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme is the loyalty programme launched across www.charlottetilbury.com.
Shop to access the different loyalty Levels. The more you spend, the more Rewards and Benefits you’ll unlock, including gifts, free shipping (when available) and access to Charlotte’s Member Only shop. Customers can sign up to Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme via the following link: https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/loyalty. When customers create an Account on www.charlottetilbury.com, customers have joined Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. Only orders made while logged in to your account will qualify towards your loyalty status. Should you not wish to participate in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, you must close your account with all future orders being placed through guest checkout.
Global Restrictions to Charlotte’s Loyalty Programmme
Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme is available for customers to join via www.charlottetilbury.com globally, with the exception of the below exclusion list: Argentina, Brazil, Cayman Islands, China, Chile, Mexico, South Africa, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand, Republic of Korea (each an “Excluded Jurisdiction”).
Guest Checkout
Loyalty Members can choose to checkout as guest at any time but will not receive any Benefits of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. For the avoidance of doubt, spend on www.charlottetilbury.com or in Charlotte’s Beauty Wonderlands (unless your email address is given at the point of transaction, subject to the conditions described in the “Global Restrictions to Charlotte’s Loyalty Programmme” section above) will also not be counted towards a customers loyalty status when a transaction is not linked to a customer account. If you are using a guest checkout, your purchase will only count if we can verify your email address used to purchase against a valid Charlotte Tilbury account.
To create a subscription to any product or service on www.charlottetilbury.com, customers are required to create an account which will automatically sign them up to Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme.
When a customer creates an order via a Subscription, the value of the first delivery of the subscription purchased will be added to the customer’s loyalty status. Future purchases of items delivered via the customer’s subscription will be added to the customer’s loyalty account when the transaction has been confirmed.
If your account is removed for any reason, any subscriptions you have through our Subscription Service will be cancelled, as you must have an account on the Site to set up any Subscription Service. For full Subscription Terms and Conditions, please see here.
Gift Cards
When purchasing Gift Cards, customers who are signed into Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme will have this purchase count towards their loyalty status. Customers purchasing on www.charlottetilbury.com or in any of Charlotte’s Beauty Wonderlands using a Gift Card will not have their spend added to their loyalty status.
Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Term Period, Program modification and termination
Once you have joined Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, your membership tier will continue for 365 days from the date of joining (Initial Membership Period), unless you spend to reach a higher tier during your Initial Membership Period, in which case you will advance to that higher tier and your next 365 day membership period will start. However, if a higher tier is not reached during your Initial Membership Period, a new tier will be assigned reflective of your spend during your Initial Membership Period and and your next 365 day membership period will begin in this new tier. This same process will continue for each consecutive 365 day membership period, provided we decide to continue with Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme.
Subject to applicable law, we are entitled to end Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme and/or to amend any portion of the Program at any time, including but not limited to: (a) eligibility requirements; (b) the processes for enrolment; (c) Levels, Rewards and Benefits, and the features or advantages associated with each; and (d) offers.
Should we make any such change, where required by law or at out discretion, you will be provided with written notice of any changes to these Terms between 60 and 90 days before it takes effect if the change pertains to an essential element of the Program, and at least 30 days before it takes effect in the case of any other change.
The Rewards and Benefits are for members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme during their Membership Period only, and must not be shared with or used by any third party. By using the Rewards and Benefits you are deemed to have read, accepted and to have agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, any other requirements set out in the promotional material for the specific Reward or Benefit (in the event of a conflict, the requirements set out in the promotional material will take precedence), as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems. By using the Rewards or Benefits, customers confirm their eligibility and accept the applicable Charlotte Tilbury Terms and Conditions of the promotion in question. Charlotte Tilbury may require the customer to provide proof of such eligibility. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to disqualify from further (or any) use of any of the Rewards and/or the Benefits if we have reason to believe you are tampering with the operation of the Program, or to be acting in any manner deemed by Charlotte Tilbury to be in violation of these Terms, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third party rights.
How do I Join Charlotte's Loyalty Programme?
You will automatically be enrolled into Charlotte's Loyalty Programme when you create a Charlotte Tilbury account or log in to your existing account.
Your purchases made in the last 365 days prior to account creation will count towards your loyalty status if we can verify your purchases to the same email address used to create an account.
If you do not want to be enrolled into Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, you will have the opportunity to close your account by visiting your account dashboard.
Eligibility and Joining Charlotte's Loyalty Programme
Charlotte Tilbury customers who have reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside are eligible to join Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. PRO Members or Charlotte’s Magic Stars are not eligible to join Charlotte's Loyalty Programme.
The Program is for personal use only. Membership is not open to companies, businesses, charitable organizations, corporations or any entity other than an eligible individual. Customers using the Program to benefit from commercial use by purchasing items for resale, are not eligible to participate in the Program. At Charlotte Tilbury’s discretion, current Charlotte Tilbury employees, PRO’s, Charlotte’s Magic Stars, contractors, and immediate family members of such employees and contractors, may not be eligible to participate in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme.
What are the Levels within Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme?
“Levels” indicate where you are within Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. Make eligible spends to move through the Levels to unlock Rewards and Benefits. Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to change the spend thresholds, Levels, Rewards or Benefits at any time, subject to the terms of the “Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Term Period, Program modification and termination” section above.
Darling, spend £100/$150/€150/$200AUD/$200CA within the Membership Period to unlock the magic of Level 1!
- A MAGICAL £10/$20/ €15/$20AUD/$20CA VOUCHER
- FREE STANDARD SHIPPING ON ALL YOUR ORDERS (NOT AVAILABLE IN AUS. In regions where Free Standard Shipping is available, this Benefit is subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders)
Darling, spend £300/$400/€400/AUD$600/CA$600 within the Membership Period to unlock the magic of Level 2!
- A MAGICAL £10/$20/ €15/$20AUD/$20CA VOUCHER
- FREE STANDARD SHIPPING ON ALL YOUR ORDERS (NOT AVAILABLE IN AUS. In regions where Free Standard Shipping is available, this Benefit is subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders)
Darling, spend £500/$700/€600/AUD$900/CA$900 within the Membership Period to unlock the magic of Level 3!
- A MAGICAL £10/$20/ €15/$20AUD/$20CA VOUCHER
- FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING ON ALL YOUR ORDERS (NOT AVAILABLE IN AUS. In regions where Free Express Shipping is available, this Benefit is subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders)
Darling, spend £1500/$2000/€2000/AUD$3000/CA$3000 within the Membership Period to unlock the magic of Level 4!
- A MAGICAL £20/$30/ €25/$30AUD/$30CA VOUCHER
- FREE EXPRESS DELIVERY ON ALL YOUR ORDERS (NOT AVAILABLE IN AUS. In regions where Free Express Shipping is available, this Benefit is subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders)
Darling, spend £5000/$7000/€6000/AUD$9000/CA$9000 within the Membership Period to unlock SUPERSTAR ACCESS!
Do all my purchases count towards Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme?
All Valid Orders, excluding those made with Gift Cards, help you move through Levels to unlock Rewards and Benefits - the total basket value after discount, including shipping and applicable taxes will be counted. Free gifts with purchase, samples, Rewards and Benefits or services will not be added to your loyalty Level.
You must be logged into a valid Charlotte Tilbury account to earn. If you are using a guest checkout, your purchase will only count if we can verify your email address used to purchase against a valid Charlotte Tilbury account.
If you shop across multiple territories, you will activate multiple loyalty accounts and Charlotte Tilbury is unable to consolidate. For example: if a customer shops on www.charlottetilbury.com and then on www.charlottetilbury.nl, they will activate two loyalty accounts which can not be consolidated.
For the purpose of the Program a “Valid Order” shall mean that you have placed an online order for products via www.charlottetilbury.com, but excluding any such order that is: (a) subsequently returned; (b) for purchase of or include an e-gift card; e-gift Virtual Consultation or Virtual Consultation.
Do my loyalty Levels expire?
When you enter a specific loyalty Levels, you will have 365 days to access that Level's Rewards and Benefits, before your annual spend total refreshes. Once you have been in a Level for 365 days and not moved into the next Level, you will move to the Level reflective of your last 365 days spend history. If you do shop to the value of the next Level's spend threshold, congratulations! Your Account section of www.charlottetilbury.com will be updated and you will receive a welcome email. Your spend history will be reviewed again 365 days after joining your new Level.
What are Rewards?
Your “Rewards” are code based offers and each Reward can only be used once within a 365 day period, within your loyalty Level. Once redeemed, your Reward will no longer be visible within your loyalty account. Rewards can be added to your basket and redeemed at checkout when your basket reaches the individual Reward qualifiers. Only one promotional code per basket. Multiple auto-applied Benefits can however still be added to a customer’s transaction, with one Reward.
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- During your period of membership, you will be able to access Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme offers and promotions that aren’t offered to non-members.
- You will need to use your Charlotte Tilbury login details to access Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme.
- Once logged in, your available Rewards, and details of how to redeem, along with specific terms and conditions related to these will be accessible within the loyalty tab on your Account page https://www.charlottetilbury.com/account
- Rewards may include, but are not limited to % off promotions, gift-with-purchase, early access to a product or content, invitation to an event, prize draws and exclusive member only products or services.
- Stock behind Rewards will be on rotation and Charlotte Tilbury cannot guarantee the same product will be available every time a customer returns to their Rewards on site, before redemption.
- Unless specified, Rewards can only be accessed/redeemed on www.CharlotteTilbury.com.
- Rewards have no cash value, may not be sold/transferred, and you are not able to return reward items for a refund.
- For the purpose of the Program a “Qualifying Amount” shall mean the basket value on a single order, after any discount is applied and exclusive of shipping and applicable tax. Customers must spend the Qualifying Amount as detailed in the Reward promotion on any Charlotte Tilbury products and merchandise on the relevant Website to redeem the chosen Reward.
- The Reward is as detailed in the promotional advertising.
- There is no cash alternative for the Reward.
- Customers joining Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme at any Level will not be eligible to access Rewards and Benefits from earlier Levels.
- The Reward cannot be exchanged. For example, the Reward cannot be exchanged in the event the wrong shade is selected for the Reward.
- In the event that any Product(s) purchased as part of qualifying transaction are returned and the qualifying transaction would therefore fall below the Qualifying Amount, the customer will be required to return the Reward.
- The Qualifying Amount is the amount after any discounts have been applied.
- From time-to-time, Charlotte Tilbury may choose to offer ‘email exclusive loyalty offers’ or additional automatically added to basket site-wide offers will be available to Loyalty Members only and will be communicated via email or SMS, with a unique-code to be added at checkout. These Rewards will not be valid for use with any other offer and can only be used on www.charlottetilbury.com. We reserve the right to make substitutions in our sole discretion and the Rewards have no cash value, may not be sold/transferred, and you are not able to return items for a refund.
- The participant shall not, while using the Reward, display or publicize any political slogans or homophobic language, images of a lewd or explicitly sexual nature, images containing logos of competitors and overt brand sponsorship or anything else deemed to be ambush marketing, or content which is defamatory, obscene, illegal, vulgar, offensive or otherwise unsuitable or infringes others’ rights (including intellectual property rights).
- Should Charlotte Tilbury terminate or suspend the current Program, Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, all Program Rewards, promotional codes and qualifying annual spend total shall cease to be valid.
- Will apply to all products sold on www.charlottetilbury.com except: New or Limited Edition Products, e-Gift Cards, Kits, Virtual Consultations, already discounted products and delivery and other products as advised from time to time.
- Rewards may only be used once;
- Rewards cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or offers.
- Rewards can only be used by a Loyalty Member purchasing on www.charlottetilbury.com within the loyalty Level it was rewarded in. for example, a customer cannot use a Level 2 reward in the future when they are in Level 3.
- Rewards must not be shared with anyone else.
What are Benefits?
“Benefits” are additional rewards which are available on certain purchases made within the Program, depending on your Level, as below. Your Benefits will be automatically applied at checkout, every time you shop, when you add qualifying items to your basket. Benefits are available for Loyalty Members in Level 1 and above.
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*The Benefits of Free Standard Shipping and Free Express Shipping are subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders.
Once logged in, your available Benefits, and details of how to redeem, along with specific terms and conditions related to it will be accessible within the loyalty tab on your Account page https://www.charlottetilbury.com/account
Unless specified, Benefits can only be accessed/redeemed on www.CharlotteTilbury.com.
Free Standard Shipping and Free Express Shipping are not available to customers shopping in Australia or purchasing items for delivery to Australia. In regions where Free Standard Shipping and Free Express Shipping are available, these Benefits are subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders.
Benefits are subject to availability. We reserve the right to make substitutions, change Benefits or switch off Benefits at our sole discretion.
Customers joining Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme at any Level will not be eligible to access Rewards and Benefits from earlier Levels.
Benefits have no cash value, may not be sold/transferred, and you are not able to return items for a refund.
Benefits can only be used by a Loyalty Member purchasing on www.charlottetilbury.com within the loyalty Level it was rewarded in. For example, a customer cannot use a Level 2 Benefit in the future when they are in Level 3.
From time-to-time, Charlotte Tilbury may choose to offer ‘email exclusive loyalty offers’ or additional automatically added to basket site-wide offers will be available to Loyalty Members only and will be communicated via email or SMS, with a unique-code to be added at checkout. These Benefits will not be valid for use with any other offer and can only be used on www.charlottetilbury.com. We reserve the right to make substitutions in our sole discretion and the Benefits have no cash value, may not be sold/transferred, and you are not able to return items for a refund.
Should Charlotte Tilbury terminate or suspend the current Program, Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, all Program Benefits shall cease to be valid.
How do I earn Rewards and Benefits?
By shopping on www.charlottetilbury.com, and in Charlotte's Beauty Wonderlands (in a country in which you’re also enrolled in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme), country exclusions include: Argentina, Brazil, Cayman Islands, China, Chile, Mexico, South Africa, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, New Zealand, Republic of Korea.
Your qualifying purchases will help you move through Levels - the more you spend, the more Benefits and Rewards you will unlock! If Charlotte Tilbury is unable to fulfil an order, or ship an order to you, your purchase will be refunded and your order will not contribute towards your loyalty Level.
How do I redeem my Rewards and Benefits?
You will be able to redeem your Rewards and Benefits online at www.charlottetilbury.com, exclusions apply. To access your Rewards and Benefits, simply login to your Charlotte Tilbury account and visit the loyalty section within My Account.
What happens to my Rewards and Benefits when I move up or down a Level?
Rewards and Benefits do not transfer when you move through loyalty Levels and these cannot be retrospectively added to your loyalty account. When you enter a new loyalty Level, your Rewards and Benefits will automatically refresh and be added to your new loyalty Level.
Free Standard Shipping
Members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme in Levels 1 and above will be entitled to free standard shipping on orders made on www.CharlotteTilbury.com during the Membership Period, subject to these Terms. Such orders must be placed by the customer only, and the delivery address must be the same as the customer’s billing address. Please note shipping to a third party and/or overseas shipping is not allowed. To redeem free standard shipping, customers must be logged into their Charlotte Tilbury account at the point of purchase. Free standard shipping will apply at the checkout automatically. In the event that a customer forgets to log in, shipping costs will not be reimbursed retrospectively. Customers redeeming the free standard shipping promotion will not be eligible for gift-wrapping.
Free Standard Shipping is not available on orders placed by Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme customers in, or being shipped to Australia. In regions where Free Standard Shipping is available, this benefit is subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders.
Should Charlotte Tilbury terminate the Program, Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme customers will no longer be eligible for Free Standard Shipping and this benefit will terminate with immediate effect.
Free Engraving
Free Engraving is available to all members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme in Levels 1 and above and on eligible products. To access this Benefit, customers must create and add a personalised engravable product to their basket via the below link and the value of the engraving service only will automatically be deducted at checkout.
Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to withdraw this benefit at any time and may not be available to customers in all markets.
Early Access to NEW! Product Launches
Members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme in Levels 1 and above will receive early access to some of Charlotte’s newest product launches. To access new product launches first, customers must either visit their Rewards section within their loyalty account or click through via email newsletter. Early access to new product launches does not guarantee availability and is only available whilst stocks last.
Complimentary Virtual Services
As a Level 2 and above member of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, customers will be entitled to book and attend 30 minute or 45 minute Virtual Consultations (subject to availability) free of charge, during the Membership Period. These will be classed as “Free of Charge Appointments” as per the Virtual Consultation Terms and Conditions, and customers promotional codes cannot be applied.
The Virtual Consultation must be booked and attended by the Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Member only, and cannot be booked or attended by anyone other than the account holder.
Virtual Consultations must be booked via the customer’s account here and the customer must be logged in to redeem. By booking and/or attending a Virtual Consultation, the customer is agreeing to the Virtual Consultations Terms and Conditions which can be found at https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/terms-and-conditions
Dedicate Virtual Services PRO Artist
As a Level 2 or above member of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, customers will be communicated with via email to let them know who their Dedicated PRO Artist is, who will host 1 on 1 virtual consultations with. The customers Dedicated PRO Artist will be assigned to them and available each time they book a virtual consultation via the Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Virtual Services Microsite https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/virtual-consultations-with-team-tilbury .
This benefit is only offered in English and PROs may be reassigned as and when there are changes within the artistry team. Full Virtual Services T&C’s at https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/terms-and-conditions
Free Express Shipping
As a Level 3, Level 4, or Vault customer, customers will be entitled to free express shipping on orders made on www.CharlotteTilbury.com during the Membership Period, subject to these Terms. Such orders must be placed by the customer only, and the delivery address must be the same as the customer’s billing address. Please note shipping to a third party and/or overseas shipping is not allowed. To redeem free express standard shipping, customers must be logged into their Charlotte Tilbury account at the point of purchase. Free express shipping will apply at the checkout automatically. In the event that a customer forgets to log in, shipping costs will not be reimbursed retrospectively. Customers redeeming the free express shipping promotion will not be eligible for gift-wrapping.
Free Express Shipping is not available on orders placed by Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme customers in, or being shipped to Australia. In regions where Free Express Shipping is available, this benefit is subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders.
Should Charlotte Tilbury terminate the Program, Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme customers will no longer be eligible for Free Express Shipping and this benefit will terminate with immediate effect.
Vault Level
Loyalty Members who are in the top Level of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme have access to the Vault. This Level receives all the Rewards and Benefits as seen in Level 4, plus additional bespoke offers and Rewards sent directly via email and other communication channels as determined by Promoter.
For Vault customers to receive these additional Benefits beyond the Level 4 Rewards and Benefits, customers must be signed up to newsletter to be contacted via email or other channels.
At Charlotte Tilbury’s discretion, if a customer reaches the Vault Level through means which violate these Terms (including but not limited to making purchases not for personal use or for resale), Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to not communicate to customers in the Vault and instead continue to receive the Benefits of Level 4 only.
- Only Charlotte Tilbury customers who have reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which they reside and who receive an email invitation directly from Charlotte Tilbury are eligible to receive Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Vault Rewards and Benefits. The Program is intended for personal use only and commercial use by commercial customers and others purchasing items for resale are not eligible to participate in the Program. At Charlotte Tilbury’s discretion, current Charlotte Tilbury employees and contractors and immediate family members of such employees and contractors, may not be eligible to participate in the Program.
- Participation in the Vault is solely at Charlotte Tilbury’s discretion.
- In the event that Charlotte Tilbury invites you to participate in the Vault you may be contacted via email and given specific instructions on what else you need to do in order to access these additional Rewards and Benefits.
- Vault Rewards and Benefits may be revoked at any time and Charlotte Tilbury reserves this right.
Website team to link subscription T&Cs
Loyalty Terns and Conditions – Part 2
What Are Loyalty Coins?
In addition to the Offers, Rewards, and Benefits that Charlotte’s Loyalty Members can receive, there is also the opportunity to earn Loyalty Coins when signed into your account on CharlotteTilbury.com or the Charlotte Tilbury app. Charlotte’s Loyalty Members can visit the Loyalty page and click the Loyalty Coin tab where you will find the ‘Earn Coins’ section. From here, you can pick an activity to complete to earn your Loyalty Coins (“Interactions”). Only Interactions completed while logged in will count towards your Loyalty Coin Balance.Charlotte’s Loyalty Members can also earn Loyalty Coins corresponding to the value of your basket (“Transactions”). The total value of your basket for a Valid Order, after any discounts have been applied, will be added to your Loyalty Coin balance. The total value of your basket will include any tax, shipping costs, bundles, hampers and virtual services. Please see the Loyalty page for more information on what number of Loyalty Coins will be collected on each Transaction.
Loyalty Coin Rewards
Loyalty Coins earned can be exchanged for Loyalty Coin Rewards on CharlotteTilbury.com or on the Charlotte Tilbury app. The Loyalty Coin Rewards can be accessed via the ‘Coin Shop’ within the Loyalty tab on CharlotteTilbury.com.
Loyalty Coin Rewards are a discount towards the normal price of the specific Loyalty Coin Reward you select. Loyalty Coin Rewards can be used once per customer and are subject to availability and change. Where Loyalty Coin Rewards are duplicated in your rewards wallet due to being already offered as part of the Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Level Rewards, the duplicate Loyalty Coin Reward will not be available as part of your Loyalty Coin Rewards suite. No alternatives will be offered.
Loyalty Coins Required
One-Off Free Express Shipping* on your Next Qualifying Purchase of Any Amount
Free Gift Box on your Next Qualifying Purchase of Any Amount
15 Euros Off on your Next Purchase When You Spend 90 Euros
Gift With Purchase When You Spend 15 Euros - Three Loyalty Coin Gift With Purchase Rewards are available per customer
Australia Loyalty Coin Rewards |
Loyalty Coin Rewards |
Loyalty Coins Required |
Free Gift Box on your Next Qualifying Purchase of Any Amount |
400 |
$20AUD Off on your Next Purchase When You Spend $125AUD |
2000 |
Gift With Purchase When You Spend $20AUD - Three Loyalty Coin Gift With Purchase Rewards are available per customer lifetime |
2000 |
Canada Loyalty Coin Rewards |
Loyalty Coin Rewards |
Loyalty Coins Required |
One-Off Free Express Shipping* on your Next Qualifying Purchase of Any Amount |
400 |
$20CAD Off on your Next Purchase When You Spend $125CAD |
2000 |
Gift With Purchase When You Spend $20CAD - Three Loyalty Coin Gift With Purchase Rewards are available per customer lifetime |
2000 |
*In regions where Free Express Shipping is available, this Loyalty Coin Reward is subject to availability and may be switched off when our warehouses or shipping partners are experiencing a high volume of orders.
IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR CANADIAN CUSTOMERS: In no event will a Loyalty Coin Reward that you may be eligible to receive have a value (including a retail value) of more than $50 CAD, excluding applicable taxes. For greater clarity, in no event will: (i) a single product, a single service or a single set of products and/or services that you may be eligible to receive in exchange for Loyalty Coins have a value of more than $50 CAD (excluding applicable taxes); and (ii) the retail value of each product or service that you may be eligible to receive in exchange for Loyalty Coins exceed $50 CAD (excluding applicable taxes).
Additional Terms for Loyalty Coin Rewards in all Markets
Loyalty Coin Reward |
Description |
One-Off Free Express Shipping Loyalty Coin Reward |
Members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme who are in Member Level, Level 1 or Level 2 will be able to convert their Loyalty Coin Balance into a One-Off Free Express Shipping Loyalty Coin Reward. This reward is not available to customers redeeming Loyalty Coins in Australia, or placing orders being shipped to Australia. There is no minimum spend attached to One-Off Free Express Shipping i.e. a purchase of any value can have the One-Off Free Express Shipping Loyalty Coin Reward added to it for a successful checkout, as long as no other Rewards or promotional codes are used on the same purchase. Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to remove the Free Express Shipping Loyalty Coin Reward offering with no prior notice. If you are redeeming a One-Off Free Shipping Loyalty Coin Reward and your basket total auto-qualifies for Free Express shipping, you must remove your Loyalty Coin Reward from your basket should you wish to use this Loyalty Coin Reward on a separate future purchase. This Loyalty Coin Reward is code-based and one-time use. No other code based promotions will be able to be added to checkout when completing the purchase. |
Free Gift Box |
A free gift box will be offered as a Loyalty Coin Reward to customers in all Loyalty Levels in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. The Gift Box RRP value will automatically be deducted at checkout. Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to withdraw this Loyalty Coin Reward at any time and it may not be available to customers in all markets at all times. This Loyalty Coin Reward is code-based and one-time use. No other code based promotions will be able to be added to checkout when completing the purchase. |
£10/$20/15euro/20AUD/20CAD Off Loyalty Coin Reward |
Members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme who are in Member Level, Level 1 or Level 2 will be able to convert their Loyalty Coin Balance into a £10/$20/15Euro/$20AUD/$20CAD Off Loyalty Coin Reward if you have enough Loyalty Coins available within your Loyalty Coin Balance. Once Loyalty Coins are converted into a Loyalty Coin Reward, the Loyalty Coin Reward will then be available within your Rewards Wallet, to be used on your next purchase When You Spend £75/$100/90Euros/$125AUD/$125CAD Only one promotional code per transaction. Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Loyalty Benefits can however still be added to a customer’s transaction, with one Loyalty Coin Reward.i.e. As a member of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme in Level 3 in the UK, will have Free Express Delivery auto-applied at checkout. As this Loyalty Benefit does not need a promotional code to be applied at checkout, Loyalty Coin Rewards can be added if the terms of the Loyalty Coin Reward are met. |
Loyalty Coin Product Rewards |
There will be three Loyalty Coin Product Rewards available to Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme customers. Loyalty Coin Product Rewards are Gift with Purchases which are available to add to basket once converted from your Loyalty Coin Balance into a Loyalty Coin Reward in your Rewards Wallet. To redeem your Loyalty Coin Product Reward at checkout, customers must checkout within 60 days of converting their Loyalty Coins into a Loyalty Coin Product Reward, and reach the minimum spend threshold defined on the Loyalty Coin Product Reward itself within the Rewards Wallet. Once redeemed, your Loyalty Coin Product Reward will no longer be visible within your Loyalty Account. Only one promotional code per basket. Multiple auto-applied Loyalty Benefits can however still be added to a customer’s transaction, with one Loyalty Coin Reward. |
Redeeming Your Loyalty Coin Rewards
To use your Loyalty Coins, you must transfer them into the Reward Wallet by following these instructions:
- Create an Account on CharlotteTIlbury.com or on the Charlotte Tilbury App
- Visit your Loyalty account here https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/account?tab=loyalty
- When on ‘Coin Shop’ tab within your Loyalty Account, you will see your Loyalty Coin Balance - if you have enough Loyalty Coins available to transfer into a Loyalty Coin Reward, you will see unlocked Loyalty Coin Rewards visible, and a button visible to ‘Add to Rewards’
- Once Redeem Reward is selected, a pop-up will be visible to ‘Confirm your Reward’. Once confirmed, this action cannot be undone and your Loyalty Coin Reward will be available within your Rewards Wallet, and Loyalty Coins will be deducted from your Loyalty Coin Balance
- To redeem your Loyalty Coin Reward, you must visit your Rewards Wallet and click ‘Redeem Reward’ within 60 days of converting your Loyalty Coins into a Loyalty Coin Reward. Your expiration countdown will be shown in day / month / year format across all markets
- The expiration date for each individual Loyalty Coin Reward once transferred to your Rewards Wallet will be available to view within your Rewards Wallet
- Your remaining Loyalty Coin Balance will now be updated, and available to view within ‘Coin Activity’ in your account, within the Loyalty tab.
Loyalty Coin Rewards can be added to purchases on CharlotteTilbury.com or on the Charlotte Tilbury app. To successfully checkout your Loyalty Coin Reward, if there is a spend threshold as part of the terms of the Loyalty Coin Reward, the spend threshold must be met.
Loyalty Coin Rewards cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional code. Only one promotional code can be used at any time across CharlotteTilbury.com and the Charlotte Tilbury app.
Only one Loyalty Coin Reward can be added to basket at any one time.
Will My Loyalty Coins Expire?
Yes, your Loyalty Coins will expire 300 days from the date your Loyalty Coins were earned. If you do not transfer your Loyalty Coins into the Rewards Wallet within 300 days of earning, your Loyalty Coins will no longer be available and will expire. Once your Loyalty Coin balance has been transferred to the Rewards Wallet and converted into a Loyalty Coin Reward, the Loyalty Coin Reward will be available to add to your next purchase within 60 days. Loyalty Coin Rewards are available to add to future purchases on CharlotteTilbury.com and on the Charlotte Tilbury App.
Loyalty Coins and Loyalty Coin Rewards will also expire in the event that: 1.) your participation in the Program is terminated (either voluntarily by you, or by us due to your breach of these Terms); or 2.) Charlotte Tilbury terminates the Program.
What if I refund my order?
If you return an order, you will not be refunded the value of any applicable Loyalty Coins spent. Should a Product Loyalty Coin Reward be added to your transaction, Charlotte Tilbury reserves the right to require the Product Loyalty Coin Reward to be is returned with the returned order.
What if I have accounts in multiple markets?
For example, if you have a CharlotteTilbury.com account in both the UK and US, Loyalty Coins will only be added to the account on which the Loyalty Coins were collected and cannot be transferred between accounts.
What happens to my Loyalty Levels?
Earning and redeeming Loyalty Coins has no impact on your Loyalty Levels (except where Loyalty Coin Rewards are duplicated in the Rewards Wallet due to being already offered as part of the Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme Level Rewards, the duplicate Loyalty Coin Reward will not be available as part of your Loyalty Coin Rewards suite and no alternatives will be offered) within Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme or its associated Offers, Rewards, and Benefits. You will still have Offers, Rewards and Benefits attached to your Loyalty Level, and your Loyalty Coin Rewards will be attributed to your Loyalty Coin balance only.
Birthday Reward with Purchase From Charlotte
Loyalty Members will have the opportunity to add in their date-of-birth to their online account. Should a customer complete this action 2 weeks prior to their birthday, a communication will be sent to the email address connected to their loyalty account to offer a Birthday Reward with Purchase. The Birthday Reward with Purchase will be offered annually and available to be redeemed on www.charlottetilbury.com only for 2 weeks prior to the customer’s birthday, and the 2 weeks following. After this time, the Birthday Reward with Purchase will no longer be valid.
You will need to use your Charlotte Tilbury login details to redeem your Birthday Reward with Purchase.
Unless specified, your Birthday Rewards with Purchase can only be accessed/redeemed on www.CharlotteTilbury.com. Your Birthday Reward with Purchase has no cash value, may not be sold/transferred, and you are not able to return items for a refund.
Customers must spend a Qualifying Amount of at least £25/USD$45/30€/AUD45/CAD45 in order to use theirBirthday Reward with Purchase. The Birthday Reward with Purchase is exclusive of delivery costs. There is no cash alternative for the Birthday Reward with Purchase and we reserve the right to substitute the Birthday Reward with Purchase with a substitution. The Birthday Reward with Purchase cannot be exchanged. For example, the Birthday Reward with Purchase cannot be exchanged in the event the wrong shade is selected.
In the event that any Product(s) purchased as part of qualifying transaction are returned and the qualifying transaction would therefore fall below the Qualifying Amount, the customer will be refunded minus the value of the Birthday Reward with Purchase. The Qualifying Amount is the amount after any discounts have been applied. Your Birthday Reward with Purchase will apply to all products sold on www.charlottetilbury.com except:
- New or Limited Edition Products, e-Gift Cards, Kits, Virtual Consultations, already discounted products and delivery and other products as advised from time to time.
Birthday Rewards with Purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or offers. Birthday Rewards with Purchase are only available to Loyalty Members in Levels 1 and above. Your Birthday Reward with Purchase may only be used once annually.
Member Only Shop
All Members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme will have access to shop in Charlotte’s Members Only Shop. To access this benefit, customers must be logged in to their loyalty account.
Charlotte’s Beauty Secrets Quiz
All Members of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme will have access to play “Charlotte’s Beauty Secrets Quiz”. Customers will be asked to complete a number of questions about Charlotte Tilbury to be eligible to access an additional “Quiz Reward”. Charlotte’s Beauty Secrets Quiz can only be played once and a purchase with a set threshold will be necessary to redeem the Quiz Reward.
You will need to use your Charlotte Tilbury login details to redeem your Quiz Reward. Your Quiz Reward will only be communicated to you via email. Unless specified, your Quiz Rewards can only be accessed/redeemed on www.CharlotteTilbury.com. Your Quiz Reward has no cash value, may not be sold/transferred, and you are not able to return items for a refund.
Customers must spend the Qualifying Amount as detailed in the Quiz Reward promotion on any Charlotte Tilbury products and merchandise on the relevant Website to redeem their Quiz Reward. The Quiz Reward is as detailed in the promotional advertising. The Quiz Reward is exclusive of delivery costs. There is no cash alternative for the Reward and the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Reward with a substitution. The Reward cannot be exchanged. For example, the Reward cannot be exchanged in the event the wrong shade is selected for the free Reward. Quiz Rewards cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or offers. Your Quiz Reward may only be used once.
Loyalty Masterclasses
As a Member of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, Members in all loyalty Levels will be able to sign-up to attend loyalty exclusive masterclasses. To attend a loyalty masterclass, Loyalty Members will need to book a ticket to the loyalty masterclass for free via the loyalty account area. Ticket bookings will be limited to one ticket per customer and per booking. Tickets to each loyalty masterclass event are limited and spaces are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Being a member of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme does not guarantee a space in the chosen masterclass.
From time to time, there may be loyalty masterclasses available to certain Levels only and customers in the chosen Levels will be notified of the upcoming event.
Full masterclass T&C’s [LINK HERE].
Price Match program
If you are a Charlotte Tilbury Loyalty Programme Member and find a Charlotte Tilbury item for a lower price on one of our verified partner’s websites, we will meet that price at the time of purchase on www.charlottetilbury.com within 14 days of the lower price being live. To allow Charlotte Tilbury Loyalty Members to access the lower price, matched on www.charlottetilbury.com, their account will be manually credited with the difference in price of the products.
Our ability to offer a price match is based on the following exclusions: • The item must be identical in shade and size and must not be part of a set, bundle or any other type of value saving offer, inclusive of 3 for 2 savings and buy one get one free offers. • The Charlotte Tilbury item must be in stock at the verified partner site, and available on www.charlottetilbury.com at time of claim • Retailer must be offering the lower price for 24 hours or longer and evidence of offer live must be provided to Charlotte Tilbury customer service team within 14 days of the price being found before being verified and a credit being applied to the Charlotte Tilbury Loyalty Member’s account. • Customers will be limited to one price-match per quarter and discounts offered will not be over -40% of the original price offered on www.charlottetilbury.com • We are unable to match order-level discounts, gift card promotions or shipping offers • We do not offer price matches on items from anauthorized third-party sellers, or non-official retailers. • Price adjustments do not apply to items offered at promotional prices, clearance or liquidation prices, or other discounted or special prices on partner’s websites. • We do not process automated price matching or price adjustment requests generated by third-party services inclusive of but not limited to affiliate partner offers. • We will only make one price adjustment per item • Price matching will not be offered on items found at a lower price in physical retailer’s stores. • Lower price will only be matched when the item in question is in the same country as the shipping location and will not be honoured based on currency conversions. • Price matching will not be offered throughout the Black Friday trading period, defined as offers found between 1st November and 7th December. • Charlotte Tilbury has the right to reject any price matching claim based on the exclusions listed in these Terms.
Separately, should an item on www.charlottetilbury.com be purchased by a Charlotte Tilbury Loyalty Member, and subsequently is reduced in price within 14 days of purchase on www.charlottetilbury.com, the customer will be entitled to claim a credit to their account for the difference in value. Our ability to offer a price match on www.charlottetlbury.com is based on the following exclusions: • The item must be identical in shade and size and must not be part of a set, bundle or any other type of value saving offer, inclusive of 3 for 2 savings and buy one get one free offers. • Evidence of a Charlotte Tilbury product being reduced on www.charlottetilbury.com must be provided to Charlotte Tilbury customer service team within 14 days of purchase of the product before being verified and a credit being applied to the Charlotte Tilbury Loyalty Member’s account. • Customers will be limited to one price-match per quarter and discounts offered will not be over -40% of the original price offered on www.charlottetilbury.com • We are unable to match order-level discounts, gift card promotions or shipping offers • Price adjustments do not apply to items included in Limited-Time Sale, Extra Savings, Anniversary Sale, Daily Deals or Beauty Daily Deals promotions on www.charlottetilbury.com. • We do not process automated price matching or price adjustment requests generated by third-party services inclusive of but not limited to affiliate partner offers. • We will only make one price adjustment per item • Price matching will not be offered on items found at a lower price in Charlotte Tilbury boutiques or purchases made in authorised retailer partners stores or online. • We do not offer price matches on items from third-party sellers, non-official retailers. • Lower price will only be matched when the item in question is in the same territory as the shipping location and will not be honoured based on currency conversions. • Price matching will not be offered throughout the Black Friday trading period, defined as offers found between 1st November and 7th December. • Charlotte Tilbury has the right to reject any price matching claim based on the exclusions listed in these Terms.
Data Protection
The personal information collected, used, and stored in administering the Program is described in our Privacy Policy. By creating an account and participating in the Program, you are confirming that you have read and understood the description of ourcollection, use, and disclosure of your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy.
General Program terms and conditions:
- Each person can only have one account in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme in each region online. We reserve the right to carry out any checks to verify the validity of your participation in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme. If we find that the same person is enrolled in Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme more than once in the same region (including under different names or addresses), your data and Benefits will only be counted once, and unnecessary accounts will be deactivated.
- Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme is offered at our sole discretion. Subject to applicable law and these Terms, we reserve the right to cancel or amend Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme at any time. Where possible or where required by applicable law, we will provide you with notice of any significant changes to these Terms but would encourage you to come back and review them from time to time. To the extent permitted by applicable law, if you continue to interact with Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme, you will be deemed to have accepted any changes.
- Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme is for personal use by the account holder only.
- Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme is not intended for or open to customers that are re-sellers.
- Any products and/or samples that you receive as Rewards may not be sold on.
- We reserve the right to suspend or to terminate your membership of Charlotte’s Loyalty Programme if, in our sole discretion, we consider that you have breached these Terms, supplied false or misleading information or acted improperly or in an abusive, defamatory, criminal, or offensive way to any other member or to our staff. If we do so, any Rewards, Benefits or other offers you may have become entitled to by participating in the Program are void.
These Terms are governed by English law (i.e. the law of England). In the event of any matter or dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, you and we shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts (i.e. the courts in England).
Website team to link Masterclass T&Cs
Website team to link relevant, country specific privacy policy.
These are the Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) which apply to “HOW TO UNLOCK YOUR PERFECT LIP LOOK!” masterclass competition, prize draw or promotion which the Promoter may run, whether on its website, social media platforms or otherwise. These Terms prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials. By participating all entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Terms.
Islestarr Holdings Limited a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458 whose office is at 8 Surrey St, London, England, WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com. |
Promotor will be running a prize draw following the “HOW TO UNLOCK YOUR PERFECT LIP LOOK!” masterclass (the “Masterclass”), where participants shall have a chance to win the below Prize as follows: The Masterclass will take place on 29th July 2024 between 6pm BST to 7pm BST. To enter the Masterclass competition you will need to visit the Masterclass sign up link available on http://www.charlottetilbury.com (the Website)and the Charlotte Tilbury Beauty app (the Mobile App). Participants must sign up to attend the Masterclass by providing your name and email address and accepting the Promoter’s Masterclass terms found here https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/competition-terms-and-conditions. You must then answer the multiple-choice question correctly. By signing up to attend the Masterclass and answering the presented question correctly, you will be entered into the competition for a chance to win the Prize. |
The Prize to be awarded to 1 winner of the Masterclass competition is as follows. 1x Pillow Talk Lip Wardrobe which contains: - Full Size Hyaluronic Happikiss in shade Pillow Talk 2.4g - Travel Matte Revolution in shade Pillow Talk 2 Medium - Travel Size Jewel Lips in shade Pillow Talk - Travel Size Lip Cheat in shade Pillow Talk 2 Medium
a) There will be 1 winner of the Prize. b) Prizes are subject to availability. There is no cash alternative for the Prize and the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Prize with a prize of equal or greater value. c) The Promoter is not responsible for any additional costs and/or expenses in relation to the Prize (without limitation) including travel costs, other than any specifically listed as part of the Prize and for the specified periods of time (where applicable). |
The Masterclass Competition will open at 10am BST on Monday 15th July 2024 and close at 6pm BST on 29th July 2024. Entries made before or after these dates and times shall not be eligible. |
a) To enter the Masterclass competition you will need to visit the Masterclass sign up link on the Website and or the Mobile App and must sign up to attend Masterclass via the Appointed app by providing your name and email address and accepting the Promoter’s Masterclass terms found here https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/competition-terms-and-conditions. You must then answer the presented multiple-choice question correctly. b) By entering the Competition, entrants confirm that they have read and agree to be bound by these Terms and all rules and guidelines applicable to the Appointed app platform. |
a) Prize draw winner(s) will be randomly selected by a computerised random generator from all eligible entries. b) The winner of the Masterclass Competition will be contacted via email on or before 5th August 2024 (the “Announcement Date”) c) The Promoter will send the name and county of the winner to anyone who writes within one month after the Announcement Date requesting details of the winner and who encloses a self-addressed envelope to the Promoter's address set out at the beginning of these Terms. |
a) You must be aged 18 or over to enter the Competition. b) In entering the Competition, entrants confirm that they are eligible to do so and eligible to claim the Prize. By entering the Competition, all entrants warrant that all information submitted by them is true and accurate. c) The Competition is open to all person resident in the following countries at the date of their entry if eligible to enter: The United Kingdom, Australia (excluding New South Wales, South Australia, and Australian Capital Territory), USA, Canada (excluding Quebec) and Europe (see list below) (together the “Participating Countries”). For this Competition “Europe” includes the following countries: Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, France and Germany. It will be the Promoter’s sole decision as to whether any eligibility requirement has or has not been met and the Promoter may require evidence or confirmation from entrants before awarding prizes. d) Where legally required to do so, the Promoter can provide translations of these Terms in the languages of the Participating Countries upon request. e) Participates shall be limited to one (x1) entry. |
The following groups are excluded from participating: a) Employees of the Promoter and its associated companies or group companies. b) Anyone professionally associated with the Competition, including employees of Charlotte Tilbury Beauty stockists and retailers in the Participating Countries; and c) Members of the immediate families or households of (a) to (b) above. |
a) The Promoter will make all reasonable efforts to contact the winner. If the winner cannot be contacted or is not available or has not claimed their prize within 7 days of the relevant Announcement Date, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the Prize to the next eligible entrant. b) The Prize may not be claimed by a third party on the entrant’s behalf. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility if the entrant is not able to take up the Prize. c) The Prize will be dispatched to the postal address supplied by the winning entrant via courier within 28 days of the relevant Announcement Date. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for the prize being lost or delayed in the post. |
a) All entries and any accompanying material submitted to the Promoter will become the property of the Promoter on receipt and will not be returned. b) By submitting your entry and any accompanying material, you agree to: (i) assign to the Promoter all your intellectual property rights with full title guarantee; and (ii) waive all moral rights in and to your entry and otherwise arising in connection with your entry to which you may now or at any time in the future be entitled to under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended from time to time and under all similar legislation from time to time in force anywhere in the world. c) All entrants agree for the Promoter to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store or re-format entries and make entries available on its website and any other media, whether now known or invented in the future, and in connection with any publicity of the Competition to the extent permitted by applicable law. d) By submitting their entry, entrants confirm that: (ii) images and other submissions are original works, are not defamatory and do not infringe third-party rights; (iii) there are no conflicting agreements in place that restrict usage of these images or other submissions; (iv) they have consent to use any third-party image in the entry and rights have been waived for that use (if a third-party image is of a person under 18, parental or guardian consent must be given); (v) they will produce evidence of any required consents at the Promoter’s request, or risk being disqualified from entering the Competition; and (vi) If the Competition require entrants to submit any photographs that they are the person in the photograph or have prior approval from the person in the Photograph that it may be submitted as part of their entry. |
a) By entering the Competition, entrants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) entrants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws: (i) to enable it to administer entrants’ entry including deciding whether it accords with these Terms; (ii) to notify entrants if they are the winning entrant; (iii) to share with organizations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Competition and fulfilment of the prize; (iv) to announce the winner of the Competition in any media or press and to respond to others’ enquiries as to who the winner is; or (v) for any other reasonable and related Competition purposes. b) For the purposes of the Competition, the Promoter will only disclose entrants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third-party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph a) above. c) For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s privacy policy at: http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/us/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/ca/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/de/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/es/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/fr/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/ie/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/it/help/security-privacy |
a) By booking a ticket and attending a masterclass, all participants will be deemed to have read, accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems. b) The Promoter reserves the right to cancel, amend the time and/or date of or replace a masterclass, its content and/or its presenters without prior notice. c) The Competition is free to enter, no purchase is necessary. d) If the Prize involves fixed dates, it is the responsibility of the winning entrant to ensure that they and any nominated guest (if applicable) are available. e) The winning entrant and his/her guest (if applicable) shall not, while using the Prize, display or publicize any political slogans or homophobic language, images of a lewd or explicitly sexual nature, images containing logos of competitors and overt brand sponsorship or anything else deemed to be ambush marketing, or content which is defamatory, obscene, illegal, vulgar, offensive or otherwise unsuitable or infringes others’ rights (including intellectual property rights). f) The Promoter will not accept responsibility for entries that are incomplete, lost, damaged or delayed in transit (if applicable), regardless of cause, including, for example as a result of any postal failure, equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind. g) The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Competition any individual it has reason to believe is tampering with the operation of the Competition, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of these Terms, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third-party rights. h) If the Promoter subsequently discovers the winning entrant is ineligible, has breached these Terms or is suspected of engaging in any other foul play or unethical conduct, then the Promoter reserves the right (at its absolute discretion) not to award the prize to that entrant and award the prize to another entrant who will be selected by the Promoter. In that event the original winning entrant agrees to return the prize (at his/her expense) immediately to the Promoter no alternative prize will be awarded to the original winning entrant. i) The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any entrant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Competition made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these Terms or if the Competition does not run as planned. j) The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Competition, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the entrants of any such failure. k) Nothing in these Terms shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability: (i) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence; (ii) for fraud; or (iii) further than is permitted by law. l) The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Competition where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these Terms at any time without prior notice. m) By entering the Competition, the entrant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the entrant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the entrant herein. The entrant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of their parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry. n) Where the Competition is hosted by a social networking site, the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with that social networking site and the entrant indemnifies the social networking site against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by the social networking site in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the entrant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the entrant. o) Any questions comments or complaints regarding the promotion should be directed to customercare@charlottetilbury.com p) By entering the Masterclass Competition, each entrant accepts that they have no expectation of receiving compensation above that which may be awarded as a prize if they are a winner of the Masterclass Competition. q) The Promoter shall be entitled to assign the benefit of these terms either in whole or in part to any of its subsidiary or associated bodies or successors in title and/or any third party. r) These Terms shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. |
These are the Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) which apply to “MAGIC MASTERCLASS WITH CHARLOTTE TILBURY!” masterclass competition, prize draw or promotion which the Promoter may run, whether on its website, social media platforms or otherwise. These Terms prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials. By participating all entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Terms.
Islestarr Holdings Limited a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458 whose office is at 8 Surrey St, London, England, WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com. |
Promotor will be running a prize draw following the “MAGIC MASTERCLASS WITH CHARLOTTE TILBURY!” masterclass (the “Masterclass”), where participants shall have a chance to win the below Prize as follows: The Masterclass will take place on 5th September 2024 between 6pm BST to 7pm BST. To enter the Masterclass competition you will need to visit the Masterclass sign up link on CharlotteTilbury.com and must sign up to attend the Masterclass by providing your name and email address and accepting the Promoter’s Masterclass terms found here. https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/competition-terms-and-conditions. You must then answer the multiple-choice question correctly. By signing up to attend the Masterclass and answering the presented question correctly, you will be entered into the competition for a chance to win the Prize. |
The Prize to be awarded to 1 winner of the Masterclass competition is as follows. 1x Exaggereyes Volume Mascara 10ml 1x Charlotte’s Hollywood Skin Secrets Immediate Eye Revival Patches 90g 1x Bigger Brighter Eyes, Exaggereyes 5.2g 1x Hollywood Exaggereyes Liner Duo 1g
a) There will be 1 winner of the Prize. b) Prizes are subject to availability. There is no cash alternative for the Prize and the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the Prize with a prize of equal or greater value. c) The Promoter is not responsible for any additional costs and/or expenses in relation to the Prize (without limitation) including travel costs, other than any specifically listed as part of the Prize and for the specified periods of time (where applicable). |
The Masterclass Competition will open at 10am BST on Wednesday 28th August 2024 and close at 6pm BST on 5th September 2024. Entries made before or after these dates and times shall not be eligible. |
a) To enter the Masterclass competition you will need to visit the Masterclass sign up link on CharlotteTilbury.com and must sign up to attend the Masterclass by providing your name and email address and accepting the Promoter’s Masterclass terms found here https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/competition-terms-and-conditions. You must then answer the presented multiple-choice question correctly. b) By entering the Competition, entrants confirm that they have read and agree to be bound by these Terms and all rules and guidelines applicable to the Appointed app platform. |
a) Prize draw winner(s) will be randomly selected by a computerised random generator from all eligible entries. b) The winner of the Masterclass Competition will be contacted via email on or before 12th September 2024 (the “Announcement Date”) c) The Promoter will send the name and county of the winner to anyone who writes within one month after the Announcement Date requesting details of the winner and who encloses a self-addressed envelope to the Promoter's address set out at the beginning of these Terms. |
a) You must be aged 18 or over to enter the Competition. b) In entering the Competition, entrants confirm that they are eligible to do so and eligible to claim the Prize. By entering the Competition, all entrants warrant that all information submitted by them is true and accurate. c) The Competition is open to all person resident in the following countries at the date of their entry if eligible to enter: The United Kingdom, Australia (excluding New South Wales, South Australia, and Australian Capital Territory), USA, Canada (excluding Quebec) and Europe (see list below) (together the “Participating Countries”). For this Competition “Europe” includes the following countries: Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, France and Germany. It will be the Promoter’s sole decision as to whether any eligibility requirement has or has not been met and the Promoter may require evidence or confirmation from entrants before awarding prizes. d) Where legally required to do so, the Promoter can provide translations of these Terms in the languages of the Participating Countries upon request. e) Participates shall be limited to one (x1) entry. |
The following groups are excluded from participating: a) Employees of the Promoter and its associated companies or group companies. b) Anyone professionally associated with the Competition, including employees of Charlotte Tilbury Beauty stockists and retailers in the Participating Countries; and c) Members of the immediate families or households of (a) to (b) above. |
a) The Promoter will make all reasonable efforts to contact the winner. If the winner cannot be contacted or is not available or has not claimed their prize within 7 days of the relevant Announcement Date, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the Prize to the next eligible entrant. b) The Prize may not be claimed by a third party on the entrant’s behalf. The Promoter does not accept any responsibility if the entrant is not able to take up the Prize. c) The Prize will be dispatched to the postal address supplied by the winning entrant via courier within 28 days of the relevant Announcement Date. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for the prize being lost or delayed in the post. |
a) All entries and any accompanying material submitted to the Promoter will become the property of the Promoter on receipt and will not be returned. b) By submitting your entry and any accompanying material, you agree to: (i) assign to the Promoter all your intellectual property rights with full title guarantee; and (ii) waive all moral rights in and to your entry and otherwise arising in connection with your entry to which you may now or at any time in the future be entitled to under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended from time to time and under all similar legislation from time to time in force anywhere in the world. c) All entrants agree for the Promoter to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store or re-format entries and make entries available on its website and any other media, whether now known or invented in the future, and in connection with any publicity of the Competition to the extent permitted by applicable law. d) By submitting their entry, entrants confirm that: (ii) images and other submissions are original works, are not defamatory and do not infringe third-party rights; (iii) there are no conflicting agreements in place that restrict usage of these images or other submissions; (iv) they have consent to use any third-party image in the entry and rights have been waived for that use (if a third-party image is of a person under 18, parental or guardian consent must be given); (v) they will produce evidence of any required consents at the Promoter’s request, or risk being disqualified from entering the Competition; and (vi) If the Competition require entrants to submit any photographs that they are the person in the photograph or have prior approval from the person in the Photograph that it may be submitted as part of their entry. |
a) By entering the Competition, entrants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) entrants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws: (i) to enable it to administer entrants’ entry including deciding whether it accords with these Terms; (ii) to notify entrants if they are the winning entrant; (iii) to share with organizations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Competition and fulfilment of the prize; (iv) to announce the winner of the Competition in any media or press and to respond to others’ enquiries as to who the winner is; or (v) for any other reasonable and related Competition purposes. b) For the purposes of the Competition, the Promoter will only disclose entrants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third-party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph a) above. c) For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s privacy policy at: http://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/us/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/ca/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/de/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/es/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/fr/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/ie/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/it/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/nl/help/security-privacy http://www.charlottetilbury.com/au/help/security-privacy |
a) By booking a ticket and attending a masterclass, all participants will be deemed to have read, accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems. b) The Promoter reserves the right to cancel, amend the time and/or date of or replace a masterclass, its content and/or its presenters without prior notice. c) The Competition is free to enter, no purchase is necessary. d) If the Prize involves fixed dates, it is the responsibility of the winning entrant to ensure that they and any nominated guest (if applicable) are available. e) The winning entrant and his/her guest (if applicable) shall not, while using the Prize, display or publicize any political slogans or homophobic language, images of a lewd or explicitly sexual nature, images containing logos of competitors and overt brand sponsorship or anything else deemed to be ambush marketing, or content which is defamatory, obscene, illegal, vulgar, offensive or otherwise unsuitable or infringes others’ rights (including intellectual property rights). f) The Promoter will not accept responsibility for entries that are incomplete, lost, damaged or delayed in transit (if applicable), regardless of cause, including, for example as a result of any postal failure, equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind. g) The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Competition any individual it has reason to believe is tampering with the operation of the Competition, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of these Terms, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third-party rights. h) If the Promoter subsequently discovers the winning entrant is ineligible, has breached these Terms or is suspected of engaging in any other foul play or unethical conduct, then the Promoter reserves the right (at its absolute discretion) not to award the prize to that entrant and award the prize to another entrant who will be selected by the Promoter. In that event the original winning entrant agrees to return the prize (at his/her expense) immediately to the Promoter no alternative prize will be awarded to the original winning entrant. i) The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any entrant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Competition made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these Terms or if the Competition does not run as planned. j) The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Competition, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the entrants of any such failure. k) Nothing in these Terms shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability: (i) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence; (ii) for fraud; or (iii) further than is permitted by law. l) The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Competition where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these Terms at any time without prior notice. m) By entering the Competition, the entrant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the entrant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the entrant herein. The entrant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of their parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry. n) Where the Competition is hosted by a social networking site, the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with that social networking site and the entrant indemnifies the social networking site against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by the social networking site in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the entrant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the entrant. o) Any questions comments or complaints regarding the promotion should be directed to customercare@charlottetilbury.com p) By entering the Masterclass Competition, each entrant accepts that they have no expectation of receiving compensation above that which may be awarded as a prize if they are a winner of the Masterclass Competition. q) The Promoter shall be entitled to assign the benefit of these terms either in whole or in part to any of its subsidiary or associated bodies or successors in title and/or any third party. r) These Terms shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. |
Devi essere maggiorenne e avere minimo 1000 follower sui social media sui canali social preferiti (tra cui, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, Instagram, TikTok e Twitch) per poter partecipare al Programma.
Puoi ricevere un invito di partecipazione al nostro Programma oppure puoi candidarti a tua discrezione. In caso di invito, per poter partecipare dovrai iscriverti e creare un account con il nostro fornitore di terze parti, Duel Limited. Segui le istruzioni per l'iscrizione ricevute dopo aver cliccato sulla "Call to Action" in fondo a questa pagina: https://www.charlottetilbury.com/it/content/charlottes-magic-makeup-stars
Dopo l'iscrizione al Programma Charlotte's Magic Beauty Stars (il "Programma"), dovrai creare un account PayPal se non hai già un account. Ti informeremo in merito alle commissioni applicabili mediante un link PayPal che scade 30 giorni dopo l'invio in ogni occasione.
Dopo l'approvazione e il completamento della tua domanda di partecipazione al Programma, riceverai:
- un codice unico promozionale che offre uno sconto iniziale del 15% ai tuoi clienti e follower sui social media ("Clienti e Follower sui social media") che non sono clienti di Charlotte Tilbury Beauty o che non hanno già un account, da utilizzare per il loro primo ordine sul sito web o sull'app Charlotte Tilbury Beauty ("Codice promozionale"); e
- un link unico di affiliazione da utilizzare nei tuoi contenuti che indirizza verso il sito web o l'app Charlotte Tilbury Beauty ("Link affiliato"). Il Link affiliato può essere utilizzato su più acquisti effettuati dai tuoi Clienti e Follower sui social media.
(Il Codice promozionale e il Link affiliato sono collettivamente denominati "Il Codice promozionale o il Link")
Il Codice promozionale o il Link può essere condiviso soltanto con i tuoi Clienti e Follower sui social media. Il Codice promozionale o il Link non può essere condiviso su siti web con codici sconto, né venduto né scambiato in cambio di denaro o altro. Charlotte Tilbury Beauty si riserva il diritto di rescindere questa offerta in qualsiasi momento qualora riteniamo che il Codice promozionale o il Link sia utilizzato impropriamente o qualora interrompiamo, limitiamo o modifichiamo i termini del Programma.
La commissione sarà corrisposta soltanto se i tuoi Clienti e Follower sui social media hanno utilizzato il tuo Codice promozionale o il Link.
Qualsiasi vendita effettuata dai tuoi Clienti e Follower sui social media utilizzando il tuo Codice promozionale o il Link mediante qualsivoglia sito web con codice sconto o sconti non sarà conteggiata ai fini della commissione e tu non riceverai commissioni per tali vendite. La commissione sarà corrisposta soltanto per le transazioni effettuate sul sito web o sull'app Charlotte Tilbury Beauty dai tuoi Clienti e Follower sui social media, solo se hai creato contenuti che indirizzino al sito web o all'app Charlotte Tilbury Beauty.
Per comunicare il Codice promozionale o il Link ai tuoi Clienti e Follower sui social media su qualsiasi piattaforma social, devi contrassegnare il post in modo visibile con #AD.
Affinché i tuoi Clienti o Follower sui social media possano riscattare un Codice promozionale o il Link, tali soggetti devono:
- effettuare un acquisto sul sito web o sull'app Charlotte Tilbury Beauty riguardante qualsiasi prodotto eccetto: (i) pacchetti e kit ai quali è già applicato uno sconto; (ii) prodotti già scontati; (iii) confezione regalo o consulenze virtuali; o (iv) in combinazione con altri codici promozionali; e
- riscattare il Codice promozionale o il Link prima della data di scadenza riportata.
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited sarà responsabile del trattamento dei dati personali forniti durante la richiesta di iscrizione al Programma e di tutte le informazioni personali da te fornite in qualità di socio. Le nostre informazioni di contatto sono:
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Ltd
8 Surrey Street
WC2R 2ND, Londra
I dati personali forniti durante la richiesta di iscrizione al Programma sono necessari per consentirci di valutare l'idoneità all'iscrizione al Programma.
Qualora il candidato risulti idoneo, i dati personali sono necessari per stipulare un accordo e procedere alla registrazione come socio del Programma e al fine di completare la registrazione e amministrare il Programma in conformità con i nostri Termini e condizioni. Ciò include l'uso dell'indirizzo e-mail del candidato per informarlo che la sua richiesta di iscrizione è andata a buon fine e, se necessario, per fornirgli ulteriori informazioni sul Programma.
Per ulteriori informazioni sulle modalità di trattamento dei dati personali raccolti tramite il Programma in aggiunta a quanto sopra descritto, visita la nostra Informativa sulla privacy e la nostra Informativa sui cookie.
Durante la partecipazione a questo Programma, non potrai utilizzare slogan politici o dichiarazioni omofobe, immagini di natura oscena o esplicitamente sessuale, immagini contenenti loghi di concorrenti e palesi sponsorizzazioni di marchi o qualsiasi altra tecnica di marketing da imboscata o contenuti diffamatori, osceni, illegali, volgari, offensivi o in ogni caso inadatti oppure che violino i diritti di terzi (inclusi i diritti di proprietà intellettuale).
Charlotte Tilbury Beauty Limited si riserva il diritto di cancellare o modificare i presenti termini in qualunque momento e senza preavviso.
I presenti Termini saranno governati dalle norme legali dell'Inghilterra e le parti si sottopongono alla giurisdizione non esclusiva dei tribunali di Inghilterra e Galles.
Terms and Conditions for 10% Discount for SMS Subscribers – December 2024
Terms and Conditions for 10% Discount for SMS Subscribers – December 2024
- The Promoter
Islestarr Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458, whose office is at 8 Surrey Street, London, England, WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”). Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
- The Promotion & Entry
You may avail of this Promotion if you are aged 18 or over and opted into Charlotte Tilbury’s SMS messages. You must be signed up with your phone number, including the area code to receive 10% off your next purchase of eligible Charlotte Tilbury products (see Eligibility section below) by way of a one-time discount code sent by SMS to you on your registered mobile number as per your Charlotte Tilbury account. The discount may be redeemed on www.charlottetilbury.com or on the Charlotte Tilbury App.
You are entitled to unsubscribe from Charlotte Tilbury’s SMS updates at any time by either: (1) responding STOP to any SMS received from us; (2) or contacting us here; or (3) updating your marketing preferences within your account.
- Eligibility & Restrictions
3.1. The Discount Code [ENTER DISCOUNT CODE]:
(i) will apply to all products sold on the Charlotte Tilbury website www.charlottetilbury.com or the Charlotte Tilbury App except for gift cards, bundles and already discounted products;
(ii) may only be used once;
(iii) cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or offers or codes;
(iv) is only available to existing subscribers to SMS marketing; new subscribers will not be eligible to receive the Discount Code;
(v) To avail of the Promotion, participants must place an order on the Website or App from Friday 20th December 2024 to Sunday 22nd December 2024 (Promotion Period) and enter the Discount Code at checkout;
(vi) can only be used by the recipient of the Discount Code; and
(vii) the Promotion is only open to residents of the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Portugal, France, Italy and Spain.
3.2. The following groups are excluded from participating:
(a) employees of the Promoter and its associated companies or group companies;
(b) anyone professionally associated with the Promotion; or
(c) members of the immediate families or households of (a) to (b) above.
- General
4.1. No payment or purchase is necessary to receive the Discount Code.
4.2. By entering, all participants will be deemed to have read, accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions, any other requirements set out in the promotional material for the Promotion (in the event of a conflict, the requirements set out in the promotional material will take precedence), as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems.
4.3. In entering the Promotion, participants confirm that they are eligible to do so and are eligible to redeem the Discount Code. The Promoter may require participants to provide proof of such eligibility. By entering the Promotion, all participants warrant that all information submitted by them is true and accurate.
4.4. The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Promotion any individual it has reason to believe is tampering with the operation of the Promotion, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of these terms and conditions, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third party rights.
4.5. If the Promoter subsequently discovers any redeemer of the Discount Code is ineligible, has breached these terms and conditions or is suspected of engaging in any other foul play or unethical conduct, then the Promoter reserves the right (at its absolute discretion) not to honour the Discount Code to that participant.
- Limitation of Liability
5.1. The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any participant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Promotion made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these terms and conditions or if the Promotion does not run as planned.
5.2. The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Promotion, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the participants of any such failure.
5.3. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability:
(a) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence;
(b) for fraud; or
(c) further than is permitted by law.
- Data Protection and Publicity
6.1. By entering the Promotion, participants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) participants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws:
- to enable it to administer a participant’s entry including deciding whether it accords with these terms and conditions;
- to fulfil the Discount Code;
- to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct of the Promotion and fulfilment of the Discount Code; or
- for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes.
6.2. For the purposes of the Promotion, the Promoter will only disclose participants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph 6.1 above.
6.3. For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s privacy policy at http://www.charlottetilbury.com/help/security-privacy.
- General
7.1. The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
7.2. By entering the Promotion, the participant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the participant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the participant herein. The participant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry.
7.3. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
- The Promoter
Islestarr Holdings Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 07712458, whose office is at 8 Surrey Street, London, United Kingdom WC2R 2ND, (the “Promoter” or “We”).
Contact email: customercare@charlottetilbury.com.
- The Promotion & Entry
All new customers directed from the podcast adverts below that create an account on the Charlotte Tilbury Beauty website or app (the “CT Platform”) will receive 15% off eligible Charlotte Tilbury products by way of a one-time use per customer discount code – see Discount Codes below.
In order to avail of the Promotion, customers must remain logged in to their account on the CT Platform when making their first-time purchase on each.
- Eligibility & Restrictions
3.1. The Discount Codes and expiry dates for these offers are as follows:
- Podcast: RON Podcasts. Discount Code: CTPODCAST15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- Podcast: Office Ladies. Discount Code: OFFICE15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- Podcast: Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin. Discount Code: MONEYREHAB15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- Podcast: The Toast. Discount Code: TOAST15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- Podcast: With Whit. Discount Code: WHIT15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- Podcast: Therapy for Black Girls. Discount Code: JOY15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- Podcast: It’s Me, Tinx. Discount Code: TINX15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- Podcast: Disrespectfully. Discount Code: DISRESPECTFULLY15. Expiry date: 2nd March 2025;
- The following restrictions will apply to the Discount Codes:
- hampers, bundles, virtual services, subscription, packaging, samples, eGift cards, and other products as advised from time to time, will not be part of the Promotion;
- each code may only be used once;
- cannot use the codes in conjunction with other discounts or offers;
- each code can only be used by a new customer that is making their first purchase on the CT Platform and is logged into their created account before the applicable expiry date for that Discount Code;
- each code should not be shared with anyone else;
- each code cannot be redeemed via the ‘Guest Checkout’ option; and
- the codes cannot be redeemed by customers outside of the USA and Canada.
- Limitation of Liability
4.1. The Promoter is not responsible for any damage or loss suffered by any participant where such damage or loss was not at the time the entry into the Promotion made a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach of these terms and conditions or if the Promotion does not run as planned.
4.2. The Promoter will not be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of third parties involved in this Promotion, although the Promoter will always endeavour to minimise the effect to the participants of any such failure.
4.3. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to exclude the Promoter’s liability:
(a) for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence;
(b) for fraud; or
(c) further than is permitted by law.
- Data Protection and Publicity
5.1. By entering the Promotion, participants acknowledge that the Promoter (and its group companies on its behalf), may process, store, distribute and/or use the information (including personal data) participants provide in their entry and in the process of entering for the following purposes which are in the Promoter’s legitimate interests under data protection laws:
- to enable it to administer a participant’s entry including deciding whether it accords with these terms and conditions;
- to fulfil the Promotion;
- to share with organisations or agents assisting with the conduct and fulfilment of the Promotion; or
- for any other reasonable and related promotional purposes.
5.2. For the purposes of the Promotion, the Promoter will only disclose participants’ personal data to those of its group companies and third party service providers who need it for the purposes listed in paragraph 5.1 above.
5.3. For further information about how the Promoter uses personal data and the rights available under data protection laws, please read the Promoter’s Privacy Policy.
- General
6.1. By entering, all participants will be deemed to have read, accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions, any other requirements set out in the promotional material for the Promotion (in the event of a conflict, the requirements set out in the promotional material will take precedence), as well as all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems.
6.2. In entering the Promotion, participants confirm that they are eligible to do so and are eligible to redeem the Discount Code. The Promoter may require participants to provide proof of such eligibility. By entering the Promotion, all participants warrant that all information submitted by them is true and accurate.
6.3. The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify from further participation in the Promotion any individual it has reason to believe is tampering with the operation of the Promotion, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of these terms and conditions, relevant laws and/or regulations and/or third party rights.
6.4. If the Promoter subsequently discovers any redeemer of the Promotion is ineligible, has breached these terms and conditions or is suspected of engaging in any other foul play or unethical conduct, then the Promoter reserves the right (at its absolute discretion) not to honour the Promotion to that participant.
6.5. The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the Promotion where it becomes necessary to do so without prior notice. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
6.6. By entering the Promotion, the participant indemnifies the Promoter against any and all actions, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by us in consequence of any breach or alleged breach, non-performance or non-observation by the participant of any agreement, conditions, obligation or warranty on the part of the participant herein. The participant hereby waives and releases the Promoter and each of its parent, affiliated, subsidiary and/or related entities and parties from any claim, action or demand arising out of or in connection with the use of the entry.
6.7. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.