World Wellbeing Week: Embrace your personal definition of wellbeing

Reflect on your own wellbeing this World Wellbeing Week with tips from Margareta Serfozo, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Functional Medicine Practitioner @The Endearing Project.

World Wellbeing Week is a global celebration focussing on the many different aspects of wellbeing. This week-long event encourages us to investigate the various facets of our lives that promote our health and happiness. Let’s explore the importance of discovering and embracing our personal definition of wellbeing.

World Wellbeing Week ferris wheel

What is wellbeing?

Wellbeing is a multifaceted concept that encompasses different dimensions. Traditionally, wellbeing has been associated more with physical health, such as maintaining a balanced diet, or exercising regularly. However, in recent years, the understanding of wellbeing has expanded to include mental and emotional health, social relationships, financial stability and a sense of purpose. Each of these elements contributes to overall wellbeing and neglecting any one aspect can lead to an imbalance in our lives.

Define your own wellbeing priorities

Each one of us have our own definition of wellbeing, areas in our life that we would like to focus on. For some, wellbeing might mean prioritising time with family and friends, while for others, it could involve focusing on career growth or personal hobbies. Regular personal reflection is important to help us identify areas of improvement and establish goals that align with our own definition. Understanding your our needs and preferences is key to creating a balanced and satisfying life.

One powerful instrument you can use is the "Wheel of Life exercise" which can serve as a great tool for improving overall life balance. You can easily find templates online or create your own. Start by drawing a circle, which will represent your personal wheel. Think about six to eight key areas of your life that are important to you, such as relationships, social life, career, mental health, family, finances, and physical activity. Write these categories on your wheel diagram. Next, rate how much attention you currently give to each area on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means very little attention and 10 means a lot. Mark these scores along the spokes of your wheel. Finally, connect the marks around the circle to visualise your life and wellbeing balance. This exercise helps you identify which areas may need more focus and attention.

Take action for your wellbeing

Now that you've identified the key areas of wellbeing in your life, take some time to review your results and consider what your ideal scores would be for each area. Some areas may require more attention than others, while you might find that you're investing too much time and effort in certain areas.

Mark your ideal scores on your life wheel and observe the difference between your current scores and your ideal targets. Identify any gaps that need your attention. Select 1-2 priorities to focus on over the next 12 weeks and create a brief action plan to address these gaps. For areas that have been neglected, think about what actions you can start implementing. Equally, consider what activities you can either stop doing or delegate to others. Review and adjust your action plan periodically over the coming months to ensure you're making progress towards achieving your ideal life balance.

World Wellbeing Week serves as an important reminder to focus on all aspects of our health and happiness. By embracing a holistic approach to wellbeing, we can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life. Understanding and defining our personal wellbeing is crucial on this journey. This week let’s take the time to reflect on our wellbeing and make conscious choices to support our overall health and wellbeing goals.

*Disclaimer: This article is intended for educational purposes. The information, or comments herein, does not amount to, or replace, professional advice and should not be relied upon as or substitute for professional or medical advice from a qualified professional. *

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Author Details

Margareta Serfozo

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Corporate Mental Health Facilitator

Specialising in women's health and fertility, Margareta created The Endearing Project to support, guide and enable her clients to follow their own path to wellbeing through lifestyle and behavioural guidance, and wellness, health and fertility coaching.

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