National Wellness month: Rediscovering life beyond screens

Remember the benefits of going screenfree this National Wellness Month with Margareta Serfozo, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Functional Medicine Practitioner.

August is National Wellness Month, a time to prioritise self-care and build healthier habits. This month encourages everyone to make healthier lifestyle choices and develop habits that enhance quality of life. In this first piece of the series, we will explore the impact of digital overload on our wellbeing and offer strategies to rediscover life beyond screens.

Reducing Screentime

Impacts of a digital society

Living in a digital society has a profound impact on various aspects of our health. Physically, spending long hours in front of screens can lead to eye strain, poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle, which in turn increases the risk of obesity and cardiovascular issues. The blue light emitted by screens often disrupts our sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and poor sleep quality. Socially, our reliance on digital communication can make us feel lonely and weaken our interpersonal relationships. While digital technology brings many conveniences, it's crucial to use it mindfully to avoid these negative health effects.

Screens and our mental health

Research shows, that changes in recreational screen time were linked to various mental health outcomes. Constant notifications and updates create a sense of urgency and anxiety, that could lead to stress and disrupted routines. Multitasking and information overload harm concentration and productivity. Screen exposure in the night can disrupt melatonin production, leading to poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation. Over-reliance on digital communication can result in loneliness and a lack of emotional connection. Continuous information processing can lead to mental fatigue, affecting decision-making and mood.

Tips to disconnect

To manage digital overload, set clear times for checking emails and social media, avoid screens during meals. Take regular breaks for offline activities like hiking, cooking, or family time. Keep phones out of the bedroom to avoid disrupting sleep. Research shows that making time for face-to-face interactions with friends and family can be beneficial and strengthen emotional connections. Use apps to track and limit screen time, enable do-not-disturb modes and create tech-free zones at home for a healthier balance with technology.

In conclusion, as we embrace National Wellness Month this August, it's essential to recognise the profound impact that digital overload has on our health. By mindfully managing our digital consumption, we can improve our overall wellbeing and develop healthier habits for a better quality of life.

*Disclaimer: This article is intended for educational purposes. The information, or comments herein, does not amount to, or replace, professional advice and should not be relied upon as or substitute for professional or medical advice from a qualified professional. *

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Author Details

Margareta Serfozo

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Corporate Mental Health Facilitator

Specialising in women's health and fertility, Margareta created The Endearing Project to support, guide and enable her clients to follow their own path to wellbeing through lifestyle and behavioural guidance, and wellness, health and fertility coaching.

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